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15 votes

What is required to become a moderator?

I think you're talking about these two recent posts: 2 year old user is a new contributor? Is it correct that search on AskUbuntu ignores code blocks and inline codes? These were edited by Shog9 and ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
10 votes

How do I earn the student badge?

I just upvoted your question. Now you should have a question with "a score of 1 or more". While you are on this site, you will begin learning about how it works and things you can do. When you ask ...
Buck's user avatar
  • 730
9 votes

Reputation points and badges not incremented

status-bydesign on both the badge and reputation counts. The Badge Keep in mind that the requirements for the Copy Editor Badge are as follows (bold emphasis mine): Edit 500 posts (excluding own ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 76.3k
8 votes

Why is sportsmanship considered under the moderation badges in election statistics?

Sportsmanship is also listed as a moderation badge in the list of badges, perhaps because voting up is considered 'moderation' on Stack Exchange, and an important one (it's even mentioned in the tour)....
Glorfindel's user avatar
8 votes

Why do repcap badges exist on Meta? How did people get them?

No reputation is earned on meta but the system still keeps track of it in the backend with vote counts.
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.6k
5 votes

Track pundit progress

Someone's made an SE Data Query for tracking the pundit badge progress. That link is for AU, but you can switch the ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
  • 19.4k
5 votes

What do you consider a well received question?

I believe for the badges (Curious, Inquisitive and Socratic), a "well-received question" means that the question itself has a positive score, i.e. 1 or more. This can be 2 positives and 1 ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
5 votes

Why is sportsmanship considered under the moderation badges in election statistics?

I have always felt that Sportsmanship is the single most important badge for elections. Posting 100 answers isn't much, really. Not if you're an active user of an active site like this one. All of our ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
4 votes

The annual Stack Overflow survey

You just missed it this year, here are the results. The only thing I can do to help you here is to point you to the SO email settings and advise you to check the box for research. This way you should ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.7k
4 votes

What is required to become a moderator?

What you're referring to is probably editors and it takes 2000 rep to become an editor. On the main site, if the user is a few 100 rep, he's just a user that has to go through a review process ...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.4k
3 votes

The annual Stack Overflow survey

Stack Overflow's Developer survey is generally conducted every year in the month of January-February and results are announced somewhere between April and May. As Mark Kirby stated, you just missed it ...
Kulfy's user avatar
  • 17.9k
3 votes

How exactly is the electorate badge earned?

To add to Kos' answer, if you select the Electorate badge as your next tracked badge and then click on it you will get the following dropdown which makes it a lot clearer that you have two conditions ...
Jeff's user avatar
  • 1,704
3 votes

How do I earn the student badge?

Here is my approach to earning badges: I just keep using the site, ask questions, answer questions, vote on stuff I like, edit, flag, ... and much much more. Over time badges came in, one after the ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 143k
1 vote

What is required to become a moderator?

If you ask who can do direct edits, everyone with more than 2000 reputation. Remember: AskUbuntu and any other Stackexchange site is moderated by its users mostly. When it comes to be a moderator ...
Videonauth's user avatar
  • 33.5k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible