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14 votes

remove one question every 20 minutes limit

If you earn 125 reputation the limit will be removed. The reason for this limit is to reduce spam questions, there is no chance it will be removed permanently. It is not disrespecting anyone, in fact ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.7k
14 votes

Automatic flagging of "keto" users with Reputation == 1?

I'm a room owner of SOCVR and a regular in Charcoal-HQ and those rooms are involved in fighting spam posts across the SE network. Thank you for noticing these spam posts and offering ideas to put a ...
rene's user avatar
  • 113
12 votes

Extra reputation option

There is. It's called a bounty and is explained in the Help Center: If you’ve asked a good question, edited it with status and progress updates, and still are not receiving answers, you can draw ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes

Dark Theme for Ask Ubuntu

Dark theme has been live on Stack Overflow since a while now. Dark theme for askUbuntu when??? this is amateur hour.
tatsu's user avatar
  • 3,267
12 votes

Is it me or should a new feature be implanted to counter the spambots, or a new ToS?

Sure we should. As soon as you come up with a surefire way of getting rid of spam, I'm sure SE will implement it (and you'll be set for life). In the meantime, they're doing what they can. There are ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes

Does Ask Ubuntu have voice chat, and if not are there any plans for it?

Ask Ubuntu is not tech support Many sites have a live chat option where users can get instant support, from someone paid to provide this service. This isn't always voice chat; it's often text-based (...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
11 votes

Acceptable Questions?

I don't think I quite agree with Jacob, but I think that's mostly because the question you're asking can be viewed in a few separate ways. You're actually asking three separate things: Third party ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 296k
11 votes

How can one retract or undo a flag on a post?

Following this longstanding request on Meta Stack Exchange you can now retract flags you have cast. Simply click the "flag" button again on the post you flagged and the "Flag Answer" (or "Flag ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.6k
11 votes

Migration Paths?

I definitely agree that more migration targets should be provided. There is only one path to Ask Ubuntu Meta currently and we can only ask for migration to different sites by raising a moderation flag ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
11 votes

Documentation on Ask Ubuntu

I take a dissenting view to the previously accepted answer. Just because documentation exists somewhere else doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to use SE's documentation feature. In order to do ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.5k
11 votes

Set a Watch for an interesting question

If you click on that symbol seen in the screen-shot marked by that arrow this will mark a question as favorite, which you can then see in your profile under favorites, and it even shows you by a blue ...
Videonauth's user avatar
  • 33.5k
10 votes

Dark Theme for Ask Ubuntu

I've used several of these tools in the past, and it was never great. Now I've encountered Dark Reader (for Chrome), and it works surprisingly well. It's exactly tunable enough, and does a very good ...
Gauthier's user avatar
  • 2,737
10 votes

Should edits get some rep for upvotes?

I think you get the wrong idea of what actually is the function of an edit. An edit should contribute to the clarity of a post. A good edit may also clarify that the question is a bad one. Sharing ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.4k
10 votes

Automatic Question closing after a set time

No. One of the most important things about the SE model is that we don't answer for the OP. The OP is almost irrelevant. You answer for every user who might have the same question and comes across the ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
10 votes

Make it possible to retract flags on comments

This is a status-deferred request on Meta SE.
muru's user avatar
  • 202k
10 votes

Can chat get a redesign? Please?

Chat has never been a priority for SE but if that changes and they decide they want to put some work into it, then I would say that the absolute least important thing to do would be this kind of ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
9 votes

Flags shouldn't be "declined" as if they were always invalid if they were valid when they were cast

So you have a situation where someone (you don't specify if it's the original author or some passing editor) takes the time to follow the link, suss out whatever is relevant on the other side, and ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes

Add icon to the composing editor to format keyboard shortcuts

There's an app for that! And an extension, too: And here's ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
9 votes

"Weighted" reputation gains

This feature request has been brought up multiple times on Meta Stack Exchange, and as far as I know it has always been poorly received by the community. I think the main objection is that making ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
9 votes

Show how complicated an answer is

Ask Ubuntu and Stack Exchange is not a school, and there is no valid, usable mechanism to actually control the level of knowledge necessary to understand an answer or post. Attempting to build such a ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 76.3k
9 votes

Should Elementary OS be added to the flag text "This is not about an official Ubuntu flavor."?

status-declined We have a very limited amount of space for statements in close reasons - if we could fit other OSes there we probably would but we are out of space in that reason's length to do that ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 76.3k
9 votes

Can we warn new users that questions about Kali Linux, Pop OS and so on are off topic when they attempt to ask a new question?

The "Step 1: Draft your question" box on the right sidebar has been updated and now looks like this:
JNat's user avatar
  • 101
8 votes

Device fingerprinting and user privacy

Moderators can redact sensitive information to permanently remove something from the site. If you see something you think is a serious issue, flag it up. We can't stop archiving services (eg Wayback) ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 296k
8 votes

Flags shouldn't be "declined" as if they were always invalid if they were valid when they were cast

Yes, this is essentially what Shog9 said, with added emphasis, catering more to the string of now-deleted comments than the question as it stands. High-quality answers are the most important thing ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 296k
8 votes

ordered list format feature request -- subtopic numbering

Two points: I can see the merits to the style you are proposing. But we're not going to change our Markdown implementation to support them. For one thing, most posts don't need (or benefit from) ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
8 votes

Can there be an icewm tag?

I created a new tag for icewm and tagged all of the questions about IceWM that needed to be tagged with it.
karel's user avatar
  • 118k
8 votes

Suggested edits queue "Reject and Edit" reason

I agree it would be helpful if we could give a reason when choosing Reject and Edit. That said, the interface provides only a frustratingly limited feedback-giving mechanism even for Reject, so I ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
8 votes

Broken links starting with http://%20https://

I reckon this happens sometimes while adding a link using the "insert hyperlink" tool (either by clicking the button or pressing Ctrl+L) instead of using Markdown. The input box contains https:// (...
pomsky's user avatar
  • 69.4k
8 votes

Would it be possible to add a search to our comments that we have left for people?

+1 to the FR Related on Meta Stack Exchange Two workarounds in the meantime: Use an SEDE query. This only finds comments posted before the most recent data update (they update the data more or less ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
8 votes

Can the audit system not use fake edits?

This is by design. Audits are not to make sure you know how to fix a post. They are there to deter "robo-reviewers" who click approve without bothering to check posts to hunt for badges. ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.3k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible