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17 votes

How to edit my question to add clarification

Any user who posts a question or answer on Ask Ubuntu or Ask Ubuntu Meta has the privilege of editing his/her own post. Click the small gray edit button under the post to start editing it. The edit ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k
13 votes

Do we want heavily-downvoted questions to appear on the Meta AU homepage?

For a counter-argument to this: please check out muru's answer I support showing everything on Meta. The OP of the original MSE post makes a compelling point in my opinion, which is that important ...
kos's user avatar
  • 40.9k
12 votes

Do good quality answers on duplicate questions deserve reputation?

The answer to the original question deserves a better treatment, as it gets seemingly less attention than the answer for the duplicate. I agree. That answer seems to me to have more value than any of ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
11 votes

What is considered a community consensus on Meta?

To answer both questions with one blithe statement: I don't think we do. Now, that might not be the most useful answer to your question, but I'm speaking as one of the people tasked with attempting ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
10 votes

Meta-Meta: Reopening discussions

Just post a new question and explain in the question that while there is a duplicate it is different and why you think it needs to be discussed again in a separate discussion. We aren't as strict ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
10 votes

What makes a "Hot meta post"?

From How are the contents of the Community Bulletin determined? If there are still under 4 items, the rest of the space is filled with hot discussion questions not marked status-completed, ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
10 votes

How is the Meta participation calculated?

There's a tooltip on the "Participation" button at the top, which you can see if you hover over it: Users most active on this site in the last 60 days (combined number of posts, votes, ...
gparyani's user avatar
  • 221
8 votes

Do we want heavily-downvoted questions to appear on the Meta AU homepage?

Keep in mind that even though the question is downvoted, there may be a great (perhaps even canonical) answer in there that should be (a) at least seen by folks so that they can reference it in the ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 20.6k
8 votes

What is considered a community consensus on Meta?

Good question A few thoughts & observations I made over the years: Voting on Meta questions and answers is often not done on strictly rational grounds. Two posts, in fact saying the same, can ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
8 votes

Why do repcap badges exist on Meta? How did people get them?

No reputation is earned on meta but the system still keeps track of it in the backend with vote counts.
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
7 votes

Do good quality answers on duplicate questions deserve reputation?

Questions addressing similar issues, but with slightly different symptoms may often seem like obvious duplicates to the specialists, while the tech-unsavvy (I'm one of them) may not be able to find ...
Shnacky Schnackowitz's user avatar
7 votes

Should we unpin the accepted answer from the top of the list on meta?

Accepts can have a different function on meta, highlighting a definitive statement from SE staff or indicating what line of action was actually taken at the conclusion of a discussion. I talked about ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
6 votes

I need some [help] getting rid of this tag from Ask Ubuntu Meta!

As always I have been to the Moderator Cheat Sheet for this one and it says in part: A bad tag's sprung up. Can I destroy and/or block it myself? No: moderators don't have the ability to outright ...
andrew.46's user avatar
  • 38.8k
6 votes

Why posting meta requires only 5 reputation?

I think you may have a bit of a misunderstanding about what Meta is for, it is not a special place for advanced users to discuss but a help site (just like main) for Ask Ubuntu. "new users can ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
6 votes

Do good quality answers on duplicate questions deserve reputation?

I'm a fair newbie on Stack, and the whole duplicate question thing has always left me a bit confused, as like @Mukesh Sai Kumar I've consistently found better answers on the duplicates than on the ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 338
5 votes

Do we actually close no-repro bugs reported on meta as no-repro?

Firstly, separate the closure from the tag. They aren't the same thing, they didn't happen at the same time. Again, tagging something as status-norepro does not close it. The closure came from other ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
3 votes

Do we actually close no-repro bugs reported on meta as no-repro?

Normally, we don't close status-norepro items, because they're typically on topic. However, that given case you've linked to was an "issue with Imgur" not the SE infrastructure, so it was offtopic - ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
3 votes

Please block the [help] tag on AU Meta

As noted in my comment above, the tag hasn't actually been recreated since it was blocked, so there doesn't appear to be a need to block the tag at this time. If it does end up getting inappropriately ...
V2Blast's user avatar
  • 101
3 votes

Are accepted answers pinned to the top in Ask Ubuntu Meta?

As muru indirectly pointed out, this is because karel accepted their own answer. When a person accepts their own answer it is not pinned to the top. This behaviour is longstanding (it has been that ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
2 votes

Do we want heavily-downvoted questions to appear on the Meta AU homepage?

Apologies for the delay. This has now been enabled for the Ask Ubuntu Meta.
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 101
1 vote

Should we unpin the accepted answer from the top of the list on meta?

I don't think that the person who create the question post should be the only person with the ability to pin an answer, just because they happened to be the first person to ask the question. It would ...
Flimm's user avatar
  • 42.5k
1 vote

Do good quality answers on duplicate questions deserve reputation?

In my personal opinion as a newer forum user, the question should be thoroughly be read before marking as duplicate in the first place. In the stated situation, the question was NOT the same as the ...
Gavin Morton's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible