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6 votes

Why did a moderator decline a bunch of flags on link only answers?

I'm so sorry about this. In my view most of the flags were raised rightfully. I had a look at a few of them before any were declined and I was really grateful for the flags on these old posts as we ...
Zanna's user avatar
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4 votes

{Bug Report} Launchpad SSO no longer functions with Ask ubuntu

I think I've found a solution to this, and I am now able to login using Launchpad myself. Turns out one of our requests to the Launchpad API had been missing a / in the URL, which must've worked ...
Connell's user avatar
  • 101
3 votes

Why did a moderator decline a bunch of flags on link only answers?

👋 It was me. I tried to explain in my decline messages, and I was on the cusp of writing a Meta post targeted at people bulk-flagging single issue. I don't think I'm dissenting against my fellow mod, ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k

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