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15 votes

Should the keys be written in uppercase?

I propose to look at the archetype: Although there seem to be keyboards with lower-case ctrl, I think it’s save to say that most keyboards have Ctrl with initial capital letter. I never saw a key ...
dessert's user avatar
  • 40.7k
12 votes

Please don't use underscores for formatting

Disagree. If it is supported somewhere, it should be supported everywhere. (Or nowhere but I think no one is going to convert all existing posts.) So I would rather ask for adding the support to “SE ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
11 votes

How do you handle questions that include Ubuntu pastebin links?

In my opinion you have three options: If the pastebins aren't huge just embed them in the post. Ask the OP to reupload the pastebins without expiration. Reupload the pastebins yourself without ...
BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar
11 votes

Standards for editing

I want to focus first on one of your questions that I consider very important: Links: should they be shown like "I followed this link" or like "I followed https://foo". It is true that ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
10 votes

Can't format question properly because of character limit

This is indeed an annoying problem. I think your edit removing some parts of the output which were unnecessary was fine. It was also a good idea to leave a note of what you had removed, because ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
9 votes

Can someone elaborate for me the rule on using the back tick for emphasis?

No, backticks should not be used for emphasis. There are various reasons for this: Consider blind users using screen reading software. Such context tags (<code>) help them know what they're ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
9 votes

Automatically wrapping lines in Ask Ubuntu

Click the gray circle with a question mark inside it in the upper right corner of the Ask Ubuntu markdown editor to show the link for advanced help (in red letters) which tells all the rules for ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k
9 votes

Why does the little help box call them "backticks" when they're graves?

Both names, "grave (accent)" and "backtick" apply to the same character. "grave" is more common in the linguistic field and when it's actually combined with a letter (like "è"). "backtick" is the ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
8 votes

How do you handle questions that include Ubuntu pastebin links?

I agree with BeastOfCaerbannog, wholly. The system can handle large-ish pastes and will tell you when it can't. Just remember that you don't have to indent you can use ~~~ fences before and after code ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
8 votes

What should I do when a user persistently insists on poor formatting and resists formatting improvements?

In this case I would suggest doing nothing, because the post is readable as it is. It would look prettier if its two list items were in an actual ordered list, but the 1), 2) formatting is readable ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
7 votes

Transcribing syslog and preserving the line breaks

You need to apply code formatting to the copy/pasted code. This can be done by first copy/pasting in the content from the logs, then selecting the copied-in text completely, and hitting the button ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
7 votes

How to properly add code in comment

In comments you are limited to just test test which is generated by the code: `test test` There is no way to get the larger code bar like in your example or in the line above this in a comment. ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
7 votes

Should abbreviations and acronyms be discouraged?

You haven't given an example, so I'm not sure which acronyms and abbreviations you've seen that could cause problems. As Fabby pointed out, many tech-related things are better known by their acronyms ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
7 votes

How should I paste from my terminal?

✅ Please use code fences. Here's how to do it: Copy/Paste directly from your terminal into the editing box on Ask Ubuntu. Do not make any alterations to the text you just pasted. Add a new line ...
Nmath's user avatar
  • 12.5k
6 votes

Standards for editing

Walls of text should be separated into paragraphs to make posts more readable. Paths should be formatted as code. Example: /path/to/file Errors should usually be formatted the same as code inside a ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k
6 votes

How do I add files to posts?

You cannot attach a file, like you would in email. That isn’t supported. You have a few options: Use a pastebin - there are many if you search, Ubuntu also has one. Do read the note about pastebins ...
cocomac's user avatar
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6 votes

List of "languages" to be used in "preformatted" code blocks for "Syntax Highlighting"

The answer is here: What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? Note that lang-plaintext or lang-none explicitly disables syntax highlighting. Quote from post edited 30 Aug, 2022. Language ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
5 votes

How do I put scrollable preformatted / code blocks in my question?

Originally you asked about "Embedded Frames", which implies HTML iframe tags. Those don't work and are disabled for a reason - you can embed almost anything inside those from external sites, and that ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
5 votes

Presentation of code should include explanation in a separate comment section

My two cents to just those two points you raised: users may mistakenly take in code comments as part of the provided solution The syntax highlighting prevents that very well, for example: #!/bin/...
dessert's user avatar
  • 40.7k
4 votes

Should abbreviations and acronyms be discouraged?

One of the Universal Serial Bus ports on my Universal Serial Bus hub is not recognised. Is this due to the Peripheral Component Interconnect or the Central Processing Unit or the Universal Extensible ...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.5k
4 votes

Is the <blockquote> tag working correctly on Ask Ubuntu?

You don't need HTML. Instead, to make a blockquote, use the > character. Remember to have a blank line after the end of the blockquote. Here's an example: > Ask Ubuntu is amazing! Here's how ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 3,702
4 votes

How do I use the grey formatting in a comment?

I was using the wrong character. I thought the directions said to use the apostrophe character ( ' ) but they said to use the backtick character ( ` ) which was a subtle difference that I wasn't ...
XqRG's user avatar
  • 1
4 votes

Use ISO 8601 or some localized format to display question, answer, edit, and comment dates instead of the "customary" M/D/Y

I'd prefer a more common date format too, though none in particular as long as it lists day, month, and year in either this or the reverse order. The display of hierarchical data tuples in an order ...
David Foerster's user avatar
4 votes

How do I add images to posts?

Have some image data in the clipboard and press ctrl+v while in the editor, click "Add Picture" and immediately, the image is in place. For super-fast copy-pasting a screenshot with Ubuntu, copy-...
pLumo's user avatar
  • 27.5k
4 votes

How do I add images to posts?

At the Top bar of this image, there is a picture of a canvas (end of the second row of options). click on that and it will bring up another box (see bottom image). From that it should be quite simple ...
Barney Woodrow's user avatar
3 votes

How to find posts with html tags like <code>

Instead of searching for posts with HTML code formatting just so you can make them use the (usually) nicer Markdown style, I recommend that you instead search for posts with HTML code formatting as a ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
3 votes

How to find posts with html tags like <code>

I am not sure this is the best use of your time, but, it's your time... However, since you have < 2k as yet, it's also reviewers' time, so feedback on this is needed from others. Personally, I ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
3 votes

Suggested improvements to "Markdown help" and formatting help

Workaround for the info on fenced code blocks being hidden behind the jump: Go to (linking directly to section in question). All section links in that page ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
2 votes

Is the <blockquote> tag working correctly on Ask Ubuntu?

Blockquote formatting does not preserve line breaks, which is why it should not be used to format output from a command - long output becomes horribly unreadable, and since blockquoted text, unlike ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k

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