Do we want heavily-downvoted questions to appear on the Meta AU homepage?
Apologies for the delay. This has now been enabled for the Ask Ubuntu Meta.
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
discussion × 3911tags × 354
scope × 246
support × 244
feature-request × 203
answers × 168
duplicates × 159
editing × 137
tag-synonyms × 126
close-reasons × 118
asking-questions × 112
status-completed × 109
flagging × 109
comments × 96
review × 90
closed-questions × 86
suggested-edits × 61
reputation × 59
downvoting × 52
community × 50
voting × 48
election × 48
vote-to-close × 47
moderation × 44
new-users × 42