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28 votes

Moderators are *not* the Software Police! (Read for details!)

I'm concerned that, at a glance, I infer moderators aren't worried about piracy here. That's not the case and, thankfully, also not what you say, but it gets a bit bogged down by reiterating the same ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 296k
15 votes

Why has my upvoted answer about xz been silently deleted?

I strongly disagree both with the mod's decision to delete the post and with the way the post was handled. In my opinion your suggestion of running the xz --version command is not problematic, since ...
BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar
12 votes

Why has my upvoted answer about xz been silently deleted?

It is true that mods are not required to leave comments explaining deletions. It is still a good idea to do so though, to avoid precisely the confusion you describe in your question. So as a general ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes

Why am I able to flag my own questions?

Because flagging is better than deleting most of the time¹... A duplicate is a placeholder for the next person googling an answer. An off-topic question points to StackOverflow, Unix & Linux, ... ...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.4k
9 votes

Why has my upvoted answer about xz been silently deleted?

While certainly Thomas lacked leaving a (due in my opinion) comment, I second deleting the answer in the state it was when it was deleted (and in which apparently still is, which is: lacking a GIANT ...
kos's user avatar
  • 38.8k
9 votes

Answers that aren't about Ubuntu (explicitly about another distro)

TL;DR As Ravexina says, I think this is about that answer, which appears intended to work on Ubuntu, but which discloses that it was tested on Fedora. Considering that it would not be considered a ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
8 votes

Why is sportsmanship considered under the moderation badges in election statistics?

Sportsmanship is also listed as a moderation badge in the list of badges, perhaps because voting up is considered 'moderation' on Stack Exchange, and an important one (it's even mentioned in the tour)....
Glorfindel's user avatar
7 votes

Duplicate vs Linked vs Related. Best practice for site navigation

If you do not want to close the question as a duplicate, then do not use the duplicate flag. Simply leave a comment with the link to the related question instead, then it would appear under the '...
pomsky's user avatar
  • 69.4k
6 votes

Working solution deleted by moderator

I'll try to explain why I think your answer was deleted. I voted to delete your answer when it was flagged as low quality, so I am explaining my own reasoning for doing that. Here's your deleted ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
5 votes

Does "convert to edit" let moderators move comments?

No, the "Convert to Edit" button does not let us do anything with comments.
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 76.4k
5 votes

My time is as a moderator drawing to a close

I fully understand you buddy. 100%. Same reason I stepped down and let someone else help out. Between life changes, family, work and more, it has become VERY hard to maintain the same level of ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
5 votes

2019: a year in moderation

Conclusion: moderators suck at reviewing :D :D :D All the best wishes to all.
Rinzwind's user avatar
  • 304k
5 votes

Why is sportsmanship considered under the moderation badges in election statistics?

I have always felt that Sportsmanship is the single most important badge for elections. Posting 100 answers isn't much, really. Not if you're an active user of an active site like this one. All of our ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
4 votes

What does the site look like to a moderator? (2.0)

To quote my last answer, it's not drastically different. 95%+ of moderator time is the the same old flag queue though. But the tools accessible through the admin section are slightly better laid out (...
Oli's user avatar
  • 296k
3 votes

Wonder why I got downvoted?

So, the vote score you see is the combination of upvotes and downvotes. You have two upvotes and three downvotes on your question, for a total of -1 score. I've even screenshot the current vote ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 76.4k
2 votes

Wonder why I got downvoted?

The post currently shows -1 vote. From Thomas' answer, you see how that -1 is actually a sum of 5 votes. Here we are talking about votes. In your reputation history, on your profile page, it shows -2 ...
Levente's user avatar
  • 4,207
2 votes

Answers that aren't about Ubuntu (explicitly about another distro)

If an answer isn't applicable to Ubuntu, then it's simply not an answer and should be flagged as such. However... If an answer is applicable to other distributions (doesn't matter whether they're ...
P.P's user avatar
  • 1,121
2 votes

My time is as a moderator drawing to a close

Well sorry to see you go. I'm just a newbe here and I could never imagine myself having that level of expertise to be able to answer technical questions 'gratis'.
Nicholas Bourbaki's user avatar
2 votes

Why am I able to flag my own questions?

For example, in case you want delete your own question, but question already has an answer and that answer is accepted or upvoted. Then you might not be able to do that. So you need to flag the ...
slava's user avatar
  • 3,967
2 votes

Why is this question exemplary for AskUbuntu? Questions that you may ask: Using and administering official Ubuntu flavors: [...]. Running third-party applications on Ubuntu. Development on Ubuntu. [...] ...
Levente's user avatar
  • 4,207
2 votes

Can a new-user comment and answer? Is a feedback to an answer allowed to be posted as an answer?

The Help Center explains that answers that do not provide an answer to the original question will be deleted. The structure of this site doesn't support posting a comment on another post as an answer, ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
1 vote

Answers that aren't about Ubuntu (explicitly about another distro)

I largely agree with PP's observations but would expand his original list to include one other exception: If an answer isn't applicable to Ubuntu, then it's simply not an answer and should be flagged ...
zpangwin's user avatar
  • 273

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible