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20 votes

The question is the same as mine, the accepted answer does not apply to me, how can I raise my own case?

If the answers there do not meet your needs, asking a new question is fine but it is on YOU to explain why the existing question does not meet your needs. Include this information in your new ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
20 votes

Are duplicate questions hidden now?

The recent change to post notices does not change which posts are visible. It changes what information about their closure is visible. When you're logged in, you've probably seen text in post notices ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
18 votes

Why is it allowed for an older question to be marked as a duplicate of a newer question?

It has less to do with the age of the posts and more with the quality. As you can see, the newer question has a couple of high quality answers, which go into a decent amount of detail around >, 1&...
jrg's user avatar
  • 61.2k
16 votes

Is it okay to both answer and mark a question as duplicate?

I can see situations where answering and closing would be the right option. There are some processes that are pretty daunting to new users. Boot errors, graphics driver foul ups, random crashes. You ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
15 votes

Formal policy on duplicate/similar answers for similar questions on Ask Ubuntu?

If your answer is addressing the specifics of the current question and is sufficiently different, then yes, it may well be better to post it. Sometimes, you can post your answer addressing the ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
15 votes

Failed first post audit by flagging as a duplicate. Is it correct?

It's just a duplicate that went hot before anybody found the dupe. The audit system frowns on downvoting or closing posts it picked as examples of good posts, even if they are legitimate actions. It's ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
14 votes

Is it okay to both answer and mark a question as duplicate?

Provided a question is a clear duplicate to an existing question. What is ok vote to close as duplicate. This will immediately direct the OP to the solutions posted there. add an own answer to the ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 144k
13 votes

What will happen when all questions are asked?

When that happens I will unleash my 42 special questions that I have in store but only for very special occasions such as this one. Each of this questions will trigger sleeper ubuntu agents in the ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
12 votes

Messages to close voters in questions: are they OK?

We encourage users to explain what they've tried, what didn't work. In the case of something like your example: CLOSE VOTERS: please don't close this as duplicate because it is not because A,B,C. ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
12 votes

Why does an AskUbuntu question mirror a thread?

I regularly see the same question asked by the same user in both places. I think they believe that it increases the chance for a good answer as more eyes see it. It probably does. I can't blame them ...
chili555's user avatar
  • 61k
12 votes

Please un-mark my question a duplicate

Yes, you're right that your question wasn't a duplicate of the linked question, because you already enabled the repositories that provide "ddeb" debug symbol packages (the -dbgsym packages), ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
12 votes

Where do I find the links for duplicate questions?

Links to duplicate questions can be found directly beneath the question title at the beginning of the question body:
dessert's user avatar
  • 40.6k
12 votes

Guidance does not exist here

Look right under the question's title where it links to its duplicate question: This question already has an answer here: Enable graphics card in VirtualBox  3 answers
karel's user avatar
  • 119k
11 votes

What will happen when all questions are asked?

As long as Ubuntu keep evolving that won't happen. Because there will always be new features to ask questions about.
Anwar's user avatar
  • 77.4k
11 votes

Mass duplicate flagging of "What kernel version does ubuntu X ship with?"

Questions that are actually of the simple form which kernel does major version come with? may, I think, be closed as duplicates without any meaningful loss. However, questions like Which Ubuntu ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
11 votes

Question correctly flagged as duplicate, should I delete it?

Good quality duplicates are good. You can leave your question there. Other people might land on your post and find the excellent answers posted to the other one through the link.
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
10 votes

Why does an AskUbuntu question mirror a thread?

This is the fault of users duplicating things - there's no cloning between here and Ubuntu Forums. That said, some users just blindly copy things from one site to here without attribution, which is ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
10 votes

Please don't be too eager to delete duplicates

I asked a Meta Stack Exchange question about this recently. I'm not eager to delete dupes at all. Dupes are awesome and deleting them indiscriminately or just for being dupes would be terribad. To ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
10 votes

Should we pay more attention to self-answered questions when considering flagging them as duplicates?

You did the right thing in both situations and also by posting here. Neither of these questions are duplicates. We do need to do better at making sure that questions are not prematurely closed as ...
Nmath's user avatar
  • 12.5k
9 votes

How do I respond to my question being marked as a duplicate when it clearly isn't?

It isn't so clear that it's not a duplicate to your question, since you have very similar symptoms to the linked question. You said, in the comments to your question: See my post (edited) for the ...
Chai T. Rex's user avatar
  • 5,293
9 votes

Among these 3 duplicate questions, which should be the `root`?

Custom shortcut for System Monitor not working, which has an answer that actually explains the problem, is the only candidate. Keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + Escape does not work has an ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
9 votes

How do we handle questions that are different but could be solved by the same answer?

When deciding whether to flag or vote to close a question as duplicate, I ask this question: Could a useful answer to this question exist that would not make sense if posted to the proposed target? If ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
8 votes

Messages to close voters in questions: are they OK?

I would say no in the post itself, as it's just noise and doesn't really add anything to the question especially in the form that it's in. If OP really wants to challenge a close vote (especially a ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.4k
8 votes

What's your view on marking historical questions as dupes of your question?

Of course, if older questions have upvoted answers, voting to close them as dupes of your own new question would most likely be unjustified. In the case that your post really is better, clearer, more ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
8 votes

Guidance does not exist here

As karel indicated, this already is done for you - right under the question's title is a box where it shows the link to the duplicate. In the mobile app, this is along a bar/box at the bottom of the ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
7 votes

Formal policy on duplicate/similar answers for similar questions on Ask Ubuntu?

There are probably hundreds of questions regarding installation of the Broadcom drivers for BCM43212 worded one way or another. Instead of posting hundreds of identical answers it is better to post ...
Pilot6's user avatar
  • 91.3k
7 votes

The question is the same as mine, the accepted answer does not apply to me, how can I raise my own case?

Mark's answer covers it. To elaborate a bit: what is seemingly the same question can be a totally different one; identical symptoms can be caused by different reasons. Unless one answer covers ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
7 votes

Please un-mark my question a duplicate

I've reopened your question.
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
7 votes

Is reverse voting or merging a solution in this case?

Thank you for raising this case, which turns out to be a thought-provoking one, and given the views on the two questions, one deserving of attention. Thinking about it, the valid answers to the ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
7 votes

Is it OK to mark a question as a dupe when the OP might require significant additional knowledge to use the answers to the existing question?

I edited both the question and the answer to make it abundantly clear that no recursive option was used, left a link to the duplicate in your answer and voted to reopen. But I'm just one of the ...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.5k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible