15 votes

Why does the site attack people seeking help?

No, this site isn't here to help people with Ubuntu issues, that is a very common (and understandable) misunderstanding. The objective of this site is to collect a library of useful questions and ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 101k
9 votes

I need guidance for downvoted question without feedback

First of all, remember that downvotes are personal. All it takes is for one user to have a bad day, or dislike your avatar, or hate people with an s in their usernames. Don't read too much into ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 101k
6 votes

List of "languages" to be used in "preformatted" code blocks for "Syntax Highlighting"

The answer is here: What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? Note that lang-plaintext or lang-none explicitly disables syntax highlighting. Quote from post edited 30 Aug, 2022. Language ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
5 votes

Can we limit searches by date?

Yes, there are ways to filter searches, but its limited. Refer to https://askubuntu.com/help/searching for the large details. Specifics include: Dates You can use specific dates or date ranges to ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 74.9k
4 votes

Has policy on downvotes changed?

It's OK to downvote a bad question, but it would also be a nice and recommended gesture to leave a comment explaining what could be improved.
Artur Meinild's user avatar
4 votes

How can I scrape my own content efficiently?

There is a SEDE query that allows you to do exactly that: All my posts on the SE network (with Markdown and HTML content plus editors and status) You can use it to download a CSV with all your posts ...
BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar
3 votes

Could you recommend a website for uploading files for others to download?

WeTransfer.com passes the "Great Firewall of China" test. When you go to the main site, clicking the 3 dots in the lower-left corner allows you to get a transfer link instead of sending the ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
2 votes

Possible undelete of answer?

I think that answers for other Linux distros should be kept if they seem likely to be relevant for Ubuntu.
Zanna's user avatar
  • 70.5k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible