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25 votes
4 answers

Notifying users about the policy on AU concerning AI-generated content

We have an opportunity to increase awareness of the Ask Ubuntu prohibition on AI-generated content. Currently we have only two active notification areas: AI-generated content is not permitted on Ask ...
andrew.46's user avatar
  • 38.8k
25 votes
2 answers

Please revert merging amd-graphics tag into ati

there was a post a few months ago about the tag synonym and I just got reminded of if today. The AMD ATI merger was almost 10 years ago (in 2006) and Wikipedia says AMD stopped using the ATI brand in ...
LiveWireBT's user avatar
  • 29.3k
23 votes
1 answer

Please undo tag synonymizing: gnome-shell -> gnome

GNOME Shell is, ultimately, just one component in the GNOME DE. I can use it without many of the other trappings of GNOME, like GDM or Nautilus. It seems very weird that gnome-panel - a thing of ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
20 votes
1 answer

Can we warn new users that questions about Kali Linux, Pop OS and so on are off topic when they attempt to ask a new question?

We get a lot of questions about Linux Mint, Kali Linux, Pop OS, and other distributions. Most likely, new users do not read all the rules in the help center before asking their first question. Can we ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Let's refine and clarify our off-topic close reasons

Recently I have noticed, both as a user and a moderator, a good number of questions either being closed as end-of-life or as a development release when they probably don’t need to be. Just a few ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
17 votes
1 answer

I need some [help] getting rid of this tag from Ask Ubuntu Meta!

This tag is fully useless IMO. We don't need it. So... we have a help tag on Meta Ask Ubuntu (NOT the main site). IMO, it is useless. Let's go through the criteria to get rid of it: Does it describe ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 3,692
14 votes
2 answers

Can we *please* blacklist the error tag?

The tag has reappeared two more times again. The error has reappeared after at lease 2 purges. Can we please blacklist this tag? Reasons for this have been discussed several times already: The '...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
14 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to set these out on our table at LinuxFest Northwest?

I'll be helping out at the Ubuntu Washington LoCo Team table at LinuxFest Northwest this weekend, and I thought it might be a good opportunity to spread the word about Ask Ubuntu. Is it okay to get ...
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
14 votes
1 answer

Can we burninate shared?

shared is useless. Just completely and utterly useless. It doesn't refer to anything currently, is used all over the place (shared folders/shared libraries/shared memory), and has no definition for ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.4k
14 votes
1 answer

Can we burninate [hardware-recommendation]?

The help center says: Questions that you should avoid: Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Backtrack, Gnome-Remix (prior to 13.04), budgie-remix (16.04 and 16.10) and other Linux distributions (try our ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
14 votes
1 answer

Merge [resolution] into [something-resolution]

This was a mistake. Resolution should have never been the main tag for all screen/display/monitor resolution issues. This is more evident when you get exactly 4 tags for all these issues, created by ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
14 votes
0 answers

2013 Community Moderator Election

The 2013 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
13 votes
2 answers

Do you really need "burning", "dvd-burning", "cd-burning" tag?

I have seen that we have several tags on the burning CD/DVD topic. One tag burn has wiki, but there are three more tags on the same topic. These are burning, dvd-burning , cd-burning. Do we really ...
Anwar's user avatar
  • 77.4k
13 votes
4 answers

Do we want heavily-downvoted questions to appear on the Meta AU homepage?

MSE was changed so all posts with score exceeding -9999 would show on the home page (formerly, the minimum score to appear on the home page was -8). Per-site Metas were given the option to opt-in to ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 3,692
13 votes
2 answers

The [groovy] tag became ambiguous

Ask Ubuntu has a groovy tag that is dedicated to “a dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine”. However, Groovy (Gorilla) is the name of Ubuntu 20.10 and users started to (mis)use the tag for ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
13 votes
2 answers

Should we take [pictures] and [images] out of the picture?

There's images tag, which has as description: Questions about opening / editing / saving images using image-editing applications. And then there's pictures with no description. IMHO: As far as ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can we remove this [virtual]ly useless tag?

The tag virtual covers so many rather unrelated things: Questions related to virtualization, virtual devices, virtual terminal emulators, etc. It's of little use for searching or following. Can we ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
13 votes
2 answers

The 'error' tag should be blacklisted

The error tag: is general is ambiguous describes over half of the questions on Ask Ubuntu is misleading could mean boot errors, graphical errors, errors seen in the terminal, etc. If the error tag is ...
user1610406's user avatar
  • 3,135
12 votes
1 answer
8k views is deleting images

I've seen a few questions and answers with images like: The image you are requesting does not exist or is no longer available. Obviously, that's not good for the use of this website. What's wrong ...
Lekensteyn's user avatar
  • 177k
12 votes
2 answers

Someone made a meta tag [review-audits] - is that a better name than [audits]?

Yesterday I removed the recently created tag review-audits from a post here on meta. We have a preexisting tag audits for that subject, so to keep all the audit-related questions together they should ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
12 votes
4 answers

Should we add the SE network OSS ads?

Stack Overflow offers free, vote based ads for open source projects. They seem to refresh them regularly, here's the latest thread for this iteration. I tried 2 experiments when they opened this time ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
12 votes
1 answer

Would a off-topic tag warning be a good-idea? [duplicate]

Here on Ask Ubuntu we have quite a lot of tags for various Linux distributions/Operating Systems/things that could be off-topic if specific about them: debian, mint, fedora, crunchbang, windows, ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k
12 votes
1 answer

Google Code Prettify support for Ask Ubuntu?

Reading this answer I've realized that we don't have Google Code Prettify support on Ask Ubuntu like we have on Stack Overflow. Since we agreed that we welcome Ubuntu development questions I think we ...
Octavian Helm's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

These two tags could get [compressed]

Currently we have both: compression × 185 (19 asked this year) the process in which a file or folder's size is reduced by using an algorithm to encode the same information using fewer bits. ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
12 votes
1 answer

Tag synonym request: [gksudo] -> [gksu]

While they can behave differently (mostly on non-Ubuntu systems), gksu and gksudo are not really separate topics. They're provided by the same package (gksu). They're even the same executable (which ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Merge squid and squid3 tags

Should we merge squid3 and squid, and make squid3 an alias of squid? Currently there's 74 questions tagged squid3, and 117 tagged squid. Of those tagged squid, a large portion appears to be tagged ...
vidarlo's user avatar
  • 23k
11 votes
1 answer

Tag synonym request: [library]->[libraries]

library has 15 posts, and libraries also has 15 posts. They should be merged into libraries, as both tags have fairly similar questions about missing libaries.
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
11 votes
1 answer

Get rid of the Windows-application tag?

Why I think that the windows-application tag should be deleted: It's about Windows software, but this site is for Ubuntu. The only circumstances I could see it relating to Ubuntu would be if the OP ...
please delete me's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Tag synonyms for [window-buttons]

I found two similar tags for referring to the "close, minimize, and maximize buttons". window-buttons with 106 posts (6 asked this year). Tag info: Window Buttons are the buttons at the top of the ...
user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Need a few >2k people to help with the merge of the Recovery tag

I would like to merge recovery into data-recovery. A good ~90% (at a glance) of the ~500 questions tagged recovery are about data-recovery. The other ~10% are about things like password-recovery or ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
11 votes
1 answer

Need a canonical answer for repository versions

We need a canonical answer for "Why do the repositories not have the latest versions of software". Anyone who can write one (if one does not already exist) will be rewarded with a +100 Rep bonus ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
10 votes
2 answers

Synonymize tags related to partitioning

I discovered recently that apart from the well-known tag partitioning (10,271 questions currently), there is also the tag partitions with 771 questions. Even funnier thing is that the tag partition ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
10 votes
3 answers

Applications, application and software tags must die!

Originally discussed here: The future of the applications/software tag(s) Needs to be discussed again as an effort to ban the tags permanently applications, application and software are useless - ...
Bruno Pereira's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Merging codenames with versions

Should we merge all codename tags with the version tags? Already there are tags like lucid and 10.04 which are identical.
Ressu's user avatar
  • 13.9k
10 votes
1 answer

Are the new SE bar's colors able to be modified?

I'm looking at the new SE Bar, and while it is indeed spiffy, its colors clash a little with both meta AND the main site's styles. Is it possible for the SE bar to have customized color pallets for ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
10 votes
1 answer

Could we get a better example question for the new /about?

As some have already seen, the /about page on main has changed dramatically. It's fancy now with all the moving parts and visual examples, but there is one thing that feels kinda odd about it. The ...
user98085's user avatar
  • 1,613
10 votes
1 answer

Make the on-topic section more explicit

Since there is often confusion on this site as to which Ubuntu derivatives are actually on topic, why not explicitly list them on the Help page? Instead of: We welcome questions about: Using and ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
10 votes
0 answers

Can the [charset] and [character-set] tags be made synonyms?

The charset tag and the character-set refer to the same thing. One is simply the abbreviation. I don't see any reason for them to be seperate. Can they be made synonyms, please?
cocomac's user avatar
  • 3,692
9 votes
2 answers

Is emulator emulating emulation?

We have two tags emulator and emulation, each with around 130 questions. The questions seem to me to be covering the same range of topics. Should one be a synonym of the other (I prefer emulation ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Rename "blogs" tag to "blog"

I have no idea why we need the blogs tag to be plural. We have terminal, not terminals. We have shell, not shells. We have scanner, not scanners. For consistency's sake, can we please make the tag ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 32.4k
8 votes
3 answers

What tags should we use for tablets?

Which tags should we use for the upcoming tablet releases? We didn't really talk about the classification when the phone was announced which led to some confusion, so I figured I would ask early.
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
8 votes
2 answers

Maybe [hdpi] is not high enough, add [hidpi] as a synonym?

I have seen posts tagged with hidpi twice or thrice in the past, and each time I replaced it with hdpi, whose tag info reads: High DPI (dots per inch) screen resolutions, e.g. 4k/UHD/QHD screens ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
8 votes
3 answers

What to do with black-screen tag?

I just came across the black-screen tag that has about 81 questions tagged against it. A quick look at the questions seem to suggest that they are either graphic problems or boot error. I am not sure ...
jokerdino's user avatar
  • 41.6k
8 votes
1 answer

Can a moderator please symlink x11 to xorg?

x11 has a number in it, so the system assumes it's a version number and won't let me submit it as a proposed synonym. Can someone make it a synonym of xorg?
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
8 votes
3 answers

Can we merge distro, distribution, distributions and linux-distro tags?

I think they are inherently the same thing and don't deserve multiple tags. Breakdown of the tags: distro x 15 distribution x 40 distributions x 3 linux-distro x 14
jokerdino's user avatar
  • 41.6k
8 votes
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Why do we have an "error" tag?

I note that we have a error tag in the main site and it doesn't mean anything on its own. When last checked, it has over 280+ questions tagged as such. Manually editing them out of all of those ...
jokerdino's user avatar
  • 41.6k
7 votes
3 answers

Can these VMWares be un-merged?

In 2012, a question was asked about the installation of VMWare player. Some months later, fossfreedom merged that question into How do I install VMware Player?. But in the latter one, the questioner ...
Kulfy's user avatar
  • 18k
7 votes
3 answers

Replace 'zoom' tag with 'magnification' (synonymise + merge)?

Six months ago, SurvivalMachine asked Should “zoom” tag also apply to the videoconferencing software? At the time, it seemed that relatively few questions about the Zoom meeting app used the zoom tag. ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
  • 139
7 votes
2 answers

Blacklist the ubuntu-desktop tag?

Is it possible to blacklist that tag? I don't see it go away without a little extra help.
htorque's user avatar
  • 65.6k
7 votes
2 answers

This closed question just got 10k views, we should fix it

This looks like it's getting a bunch of views since it's probably a common problem for people with Optimus cards. Nvidia driver cannot be installed with jockey for old hardware
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k