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Content scraping [duplicate]

I noticed recently that a YouTube user is scraping Ask Ubuntu (and possibly other stackexchange sites) and posting videos with the questions and answers. A few examples: My wireless is hard-blocked ...
hellocatfood's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

I found a site that is copying questions and answers from here

Like the title said, I found a website that seems to be copying at least solved questions from AskUbuntu and presenting them in more of a forum format. I asked about it in chat and was directed to ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
  • 19.5k
18 votes
1 answer

Are you aware of

Not sure this is the right place for such a question, but are the owners of aware of a clone going by the name It came up for me in a Google search result for "libsodium ...
Hephaestus's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can we copy externally hosted screenshots into our answers?

If you look at this suggested edit, a user has simply copied the screenshots provided in the linked post, and included them in the answer. The answer is better for it, IMO. However, is this a ...
Flimm's user avatar
  • 42.5k
5 votes
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Can I re-ask someone else's question from the forums here?

I found a tumbleweed on the Ubuntu forums that I would like to know the answer to. Can I just copy-and-paste it into Ask Ubuntu and cite the original author with a link back to the forums?
ændrük's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is it okay to set these out on our table at LinuxFest Northwest?

I'll be helping out at the Ubuntu Washington LoCo Team table at LinuxFest Northwest this weekend, and I thought it might be a good opportunity to spread the word about Ask Ubuntu. Is it okay to get ...
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
5 votes
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How can we make citing AskUbuntu easier?

With Ubuntu redirecting Ubuntu wiki pages to AskUbuntu, we have an issue regarding copyright and attribution. Supposedly AskUbuntu, the Ubuntu wikis, the Ubuntu Manual, and the Ubuntu Desktop Guide ...
Jeremy Bicha's user avatar
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