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Questions tagged [review]

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40 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Please consider not leaving feedback as Community♦

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it. Recently review got reformatted quite a lot. Personally, I don't like many of the changes. I guess I'm an old stick-in-the-mud. But about one feature in ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
30 votes
0 answers

Call out to reviewers - you CAN "skip"

I remember some reviews of suggested edits where the reviewers clearly could not understand either the post or the edit. One of these was , supposedly an answer, ...
guntbert's user avatar
  • 8,486
22 votes
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If you want to edit an unsalvageable NAA post, please don't use the edit button in the LQP review queue to do so

This is somewhat related to this useful question: Should we edit the answer we flag as NAA? The answer said, in part: If you're a 2k user, knock yourself out - after all, it's just your own time ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
18 votes
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Spammers are being nastier withing the second!

To the reviewers that check First Time posts, please, be very alert about this new kind of attack: Spammers are now posting seemly valid answers/questions ripping of other posts/answers inside/...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
14 votes
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Recommend Deletion option in Late Answers review queue does nothing - please flag posts that should be deleted

Just a quick PSA here - thanks to BeastOfCaerbannog I've realised that the new Recommend Deletion option in the Late Answers queue completes the review and gives you the option to leave the canned ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
12 votes
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Low Quality Posts review chokes when I run out of delete votes

Most days I run out of delete votes somewhere in the middle of the Low Quality Posts queue. I have noticed what seems to me to be a (minor) bug here. When I get to my last delete vote, if I click ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
12 votes
0 answers

Clearing out the close review queue 2015

From my point of view, there are ~880 questions in the close review queue. I don't recall a time when it was below 700 (I became active only around last June). Do we need to put in a concerted effort ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
11 votes
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Don't say someone who rejected an edit approved it

On this page, it says "approved by Community, David Foerster 20 hours ago". When you follow the link, it takes you to the review page, but David Foerster actually rejected it: Please don't say it ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
11 votes
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Add a copy of the question title above answers in the review screen?

I am reviewing first-posts and late-answers for a few weeks now and something is annoying me: Always when there is an answer to be reviewed, I have to scroll down (if the answer is long enough) to see ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
10 votes
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Tests are now one third of review tasks

Yesterday I reviewed about ten posts, of which three where tests. Today in just three reviews I got a test. I find this an overkill, especially since I passed all the tests so far. Not very motivating ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
9 votes
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Notifications review optimization

I'm just curious about review feature on Ask Ubuntu. For example when you finish 20 suggested edits then it tells you to come back in 5-8 hours etc. but still keep pushing notifications on available ...
JoKeR's user avatar
  • 7,052
7 votes
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Add a feature for similarity comparison

It'd be nice if answers which are an exact copy of an existing (possibly upvoted) answer or contain large substring of such an answer and few own text - which should be a comment on the copied answer -...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
7 votes
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Low quality edits are being robo-reviewed on Ask Ubuntu

I had an edit proposed on one of my questions, and since it did not offer much in the way of improvement, I rejected it. It encouraged me to explore the editor's edit history, where I found a mix of ...
halfer's user avatar
  • 151
7 votes
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I get a post which I flagged before in review audit

I faced this already a couple of times. In Late Answers or First Posts appears some stupid post that is not an answer. I try to flag it, but it does not let me, because it seems that some time ago ...
Pilot6's user avatar
  • 91.3k
6 votes
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No first post reviews for 13 hours?

I was reading this Meta question about a lack of first post reviews on multiple sites. It got my curiosity, so I went to the first post review queue and noticed there had not been a review in the ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
6 votes
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WAT! Failed review audit but the question is closed

This question is closed as too broad, rightly so despite the upvotes (if you only take into account the last question "Won't a recent Ubuntu version affect my software in any way ?" you will need more ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
6 votes
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Don't include self answered or questions where the OP commented in the review audits

There is a mayor problem with one of our close reasons and the audits. We close stuff based in "no reproducible" basis, when OP can't figure out what was wrong nor how the issue was solved nor there's ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
6 votes
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duplicate question review management

When you click on the close button on a question and select duplicate you can then search for a question and get a result list. If you select a question that is on hold/closed for being a duplicate ...
Alvar's user avatar
  • 17k
6 votes
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Suggested edits count includes a user's own tag wiki edits

In review, I'm told there are 3 suggested edits for me to approve/reject/improve: (These images are from the old review system; the new system's interface is different but this still seems to occur.) ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes
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The review menu opens and immediately springs closed if clicked when logged out

I had a tab open in Firefox from when I was logged in. Not realizing I had been logged out of the site, I clicked the review icon in the top bar. The menu that would ordinarily show me the review ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes
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Should voting to close a correctly closed question for the right reason really be considered failure?

I encountered this review audit. To test me, the review item told me the question had received close votes as primarily opinion-based. This was obviously wrong, which I recognized quickly, but I saw a ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes
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Add related posts during question reviews

When reviewing First Posts questions, it would be very helpful to add the Related section which we can see in the right side bar of a question page like this one. This can make reviewing questions ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.5k
5 votes
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What is the site self-evaluation?

Today I encountered the site self-evaluation evenmt. When I clicked on it the review site opened and I had to evaluate several questions. However this thing lacked some explanation. So what is the ...
qbi's user avatar
  • 19.3k
5 votes
1 answer

Review queue false negatives on the new top bar

I've reviewed several posts regarding the new top bar such as:
Elder Geek's user avatar
  • 36.4k
4 votes
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A reviewed post not displayed again in the review queue

When I press ← Back in Firefox in the AU review queue, I can usually view the post I’ve just reviewed together with votes of other reviewers. However, sometimes, the post is not shown again. This ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
4 votes
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Very confusing audit (maybe a bug?)

I just came across this review audit which really confused me a lot. My first urge was to flag it and this confronted me with the following dialog (see screen-shot): I finally simply down-voted this ...
Videonauth's user avatar
  • 33.7k
4 votes
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This edit would have to be a suggested edit

I was reviewing a question which a new user had just posted on the site, by clicking on the Review link. After editing the title (typos) and the main question body, with spelling, layout and English ...
Simon's user avatar
  • 4,833
3 votes
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Meta Review section should have link back to main Review section

In the main review section on the main site there is such a link: But nothing of the sort to link back on the Meta site in the Review section, I think there should be.
user avatar
3 votes
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Review audit bug

When reviewing in the close vote queue I almost always start by clicking on the close button and then canceling that window, to see how the votes are standing on the question. Because if I'm in the ...
falconer's user avatar
  • 15.2k
2 votes
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"This post is deleted and cannot be edited." text on a totally blank page

I have an error to report. Today, I have started for the first time to review other users' questions and answers. So the error I am talking about never happened to me and I don't know if it was ...
Cristiana Nicolae's user avatar
2 votes
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Display review queue length in the actual review page

I would like to see how many pending reviews are left in the queue while I review. For long queues like the Close votes this makes no difference, but it would be nice to know in short queues whether I ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
1 vote
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Unable to edit other posts

I have been reviewing other posts for some time. But after a certain number of edits I am no longer able to edit any further post. Why is it so?
rancho's user avatar
  • 4,136
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Is this answer an answer or comment?

I was just presented with this as a Late Answers review. Screenshot in case it is removed: It this a valid answer, or is it someone commenting? They're offering a solution (format first) but seem to ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
1 vote
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Reviewer Consequences

Do reviewers suffer consequences if they exercise poor judgement in their task of reviewing posts? I refer particularly to 'robot' style reviews where the reviewer appears to give little care to the ...
graham's user avatar
  • 12.1k
1 vote
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Review "test question" is loaded

Recently during processing the review queue for "first posts" I was presented an answer for this question for review The answer was obviously poorly formed, at least in the explanation sense, however ...
crasic's user avatar
  • 3,862
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Glitch in the review queue?

While revisiting my review votes I found: (review) To me this looks like a glitch - either the review is completed or not - the message at the top says no, the bottom line says yes. Is my ...
guntbert's user avatar
  • 8,486
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Why the flag count doesn't show besides the review link?

I've seen for a couple of days this, but the "flag count" doesn't appear besides the review link unless flags > 30. Is this intended?
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
1 vote
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Can we add links to the LQ review queue proforma comments?

I just noticed that our Proforma comments for Link-only answers, that gets automagically added in the Low Quality review queue, doesn't have the link describing why we prefer complete instructions ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
1 vote
1 answer

A Challenge For You

This is sort of a follow-up to my previous question, since it's on the same subject. I want to get the CV queue down to 0, even if it's only for a few minutes. Therefore, I challenge every user with ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
  • 19.5k
0 votes
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Do we need a "Will Ubuntu work for X model PC?" question?

This is related to: Do we need thousand of "dumb questions"? or can we just duplicate them to more general answer? I know newbies will be always newbies, and there isn't enough users to ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k