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Questions tagged [low-quality-posts]

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3 answers

Low rep more prone to not providing feedback

EDIT: As per answers, I want to clarify that I am not merely focused on upvote, and acceptance of answers, which are two forms of providing feedback. I am also referring to editing questions ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to deal with low quality/duplicate questions which already have comments/answers?

I'm fairly new to Ask Ubuntu, but I'm noticing a lot of low quality questions, along the lines of: "wifi doesnt work" & "ubuntu overheating" which are very similar to other ...
GChuf's user avatar
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A VLQ flag invalidated by a minor edit

I have flagged an answer as very low quality since it barely can help OP to solve their problem (see my comment there). The answer got two “Recommend Deletion” votes when reviewed but then the review ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
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Flag declined because OP edited their answer in the meantime and I wasn't notified

I raised a custom in need of moderator intervention flag on this post because it was a link-only answer (when I did). The user has also posted another link-only with the same link. So, I found more ...
double-beep's user avatar
2 votes
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Disagree with Low Quality review audit

I failed this Low Quality review audit. I wouldn't say this fulfills the community rules for asking a good question: No research, no given example, no attempt to solve the issue, not exactly clear to ...
derHugo's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to remove low-quality/downvoted answer?

Long time ago, when I'm still new to this site. I posted 4-5 answer to different question, and all of them got downvote. I recently figured out that they're low quality answer. So is it okay to ...
Liso's user avatar
  • 15.6k
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Is there a way to undo my review?

I mistakenly clicked on Looks OK instead of Recommend Deletion while reviewing a post. Now this post will most probably be deleted anyway as it's of very low quality. But I would like to make sure in ...
pomsky's user avatar
  • 69.8k
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If you want to edit an unsalvageable NAA post, please don't use the edit button in the LQP review queue to do so

This is somewhat related to this useful question: Should we edit the answer we flag as NAA? The answer said, in part: If you're a 2k user, knock yourself out - after all, it's just your own time ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
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Is there any way to hide deleted answers in "new answers to old questions" Tools section?

I have been looking through the new answers to old question Tools section recently and have been flagging up quite a few things missed by others and the system. But what makes this extra annoying and ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why am I banned from answering?

I am apparently banned from answering question because I have "contributed many low-quality answers". In fact, I have contributed NO answers that I know of and the 6 questions I have asked over the ...
Mark Foley's user avatar
1 vote
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We should have an anti-spam filter at the 'Ask a question' stage

We have about 20 to 40 spam posts a day. Why shouldn't there be a feature to prevent this? Some ideas as to how we can do this: Search for words, and if post matches... (I've found the most common ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Can we close as bug all the "appstreamcli" related questions?

A bug in the appstream package was released on stable couple of hours ago. The issue was reported on 2016-05-09 on Launchpad and the fix released 5 hours ago (2016-05-20 04:35:54 AST). Now it can be ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
9 votes
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LQ Review: Add canned delete comment for link-only within (should have been flagged as duplicate)

Within the last weeks, I reviewed a growing number of answers from the Low Quality queue (or spotted them directly on the main site) that basically looked like this: Follow the answers at askubuntu....
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
8 votes
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What is the difference between "delete" and "recommend deletion" votes?

I can't quite get how the Low Quality queue works. How many delete votes are needed to delete an answer and is any "Recommend deletion" votes are enough? And what is the difference between these ...
Pilot6's user avatar
  • 91.3k
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Low quality answer getting upvotes and bonus?

I have a moral problem with the votes and bounty reward on the following question: One single cron job not running in which user Елин Й.has posted an answer that in my believe is: unhelpful (because ...
wie5Ooma's user avatar
  • 1,829
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Can only flag as "very low quality" if is not in the positive for votes

I have recently noticed that you are unable to flag up answers as "very low quality" if they are in the positive for votes (1 or above). Now I can see why this is in place, however I believe that this ...
user avatar
0 votes
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Declined flag for new answer duplicating existing ones

I had a flag declined for this reason: This answer does not add anything constructive to existing answers. – muru 22 hours ago declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
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Search function and duplicate questions by new users

It's simple to notice that so many question asked by new users shall be answer by a simple search query. I'm asking if shall be possible put a simple banner saying: "wait, before ask, why don't ...
feligiotti's user avatar
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How to handle single, low quality answers?

An answer can be of low quality, but correct. It makes sense to delete such an answer if there are other answers, but how to handle the situation where there is no other answer? I do not think it's a ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
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Should I flag pure shell command answers as "link only answer"?

There are answers that consist of only shell commands, with no comments, showing up in the low quality review; Is it right to flag them as "link only" answer? To me, an answer that consists only of ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
13 votes
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Am I reviewing the Low Quality Queue properly?

I have been finding that my judgement about review items in Low Quality Queue contrasts drastically compared to fellow members of this site. I find the posts to be "good"; whereas others "recommend ...
Aditya's user avatar
  • 13.5k
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Don't we have a "minimum quality" filter?

Please don't mixup with Quality blocks enabled for questions. For some time now, I've seen the system accepting low quality stuff, without capitalized I's, a mess of punctuation signs, all-caps ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
1 vote
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"Review completed": why isn't the fate of that post decided?

I am talking about At the same time the review screen shows while the question ...
guntbert's user avatar
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New battle plan for the questions that require god-like powers to figure out user problem: Close everything on sight!

TL;DR: Please, decide a policy, adhere to it and enforce it. The main problem here is the lack of cohesion about how to deal with the questions. For that I rant about the following: Yeah, guys, we ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
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Quality blocks enabled for questions

Questions are the lifeblood of any Stack Exchange site. But asking good questions can be difficult, for some people entirely too difficult to bother with. When the Trilogy sites reached traffic levels ...
Shog9's user avatar
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