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-4 votes
1 answer

Should we get reputation points for passing review tests?

I'm aware that one can get "punished" for failing several review tests in a row, but where is the reward for passing these tests? Other than the satisfaction of helping the community of course... I ...
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7 votes
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Add a feature for similarity comparison

It'd be nice if answers which are an exact copy of an existing (possibly upvoted) answer or contain large substring of such an answer and few own text - which should be a comment on the copied answer -...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
9 votes
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LQ Review: Add canned delete comment for link-only within (should have been flagged as duplicate)

Within the last weeks, I reviewed a growing number of answers from the Low Quality queue (or spotted them directly on the main site) that basically looked like this: Follow the answers at askubuntu....
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
3 votes
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Meta Review section should have link back to main Review section

In the main review section on the main site there is such a link: But nothing of the sort to link back on the Meta site in the Review section, I think there should be.
user avatar
9 votes
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Notifications review optimization

I'm just curious about review feature on Ask Ubuntu. For example when you finish 20 suggested edits then it tells you to come back in 5-8 hours etc. but still keep pushing notifications on available ...
JoKeR's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why not moderate questions from new users before making them visible on site?

I had suggested before also that questions from new users should not be posted directly on the site rather they should be moderated first and they should be visible to only users with high reputation (...
Faizan Akram Dar's user avatar
2 votes
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Display review queue length in the actual review page

I would like to see how many pending reviews are left in the queue while I review. For long queues like the Close votes this makes no difference, but it would be nice to know in short queues whether I ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
11 votes
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Add a copy of the question title above answers in the review screen?

I am reviewing first-posts and late-answers for a few weeks now and something is annoying me: Always when there is an answer to be reviewed, I have to scroll down (if the answer is long enough) to see ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
0 votes
1 answer

When I have completed the reviews, I still get the number in the top bar

So today I (unusually) reached the max (20) in the suggested edits queue. As you can see, the orange box refers to the suggested edits queue - confirmed because when I click it goes to the suggested ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
0 votes
2 answers

Persistance of review number on top bar even after review is complete

Say, I've got 3 posts for review. After I've reviewed all three, the top bar still shows that 3 posts are up for review. Now, if I go and click the review button, I just get a screen saying that there ...
Hashken's user avatar
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Don't include self answered or questions where the OP commented in the review audits

There is a mayor problem with one of our close reasons and the audits. We close stuff based in "no reproducible" basis, when OP can't figure out what was wrong nor how the issue was solved nor there's ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
1 vote
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review link should show how many posts are to be reviewed

The review link at the top of the page gives us access to review tasks. But it is always white. It would be better it it would be coloured, i.e it should be green when there are posts that I can work ...
Registered User's user avatar
0 votes
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Could we change Recommend Deletion reason to simply, "This is not an answer"?

I just gave a "Recommend for Deletion" review to the answer quoted below. "Sorry about the editing... The Stackexchange App is a bit unhandy..." The single line above is the complete text of the ...
irrational John's user avatar
17 votes
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Should we get review audits?

Today (2013-12-11), in 3-4 occasions, regulars in chat rooms expressed their concerns that users do not know how to use the site. Is not surprising considering that our eternal September hasn't ended ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
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Can we add links to the LQ review queue proforma comments?

I just noticed that our Proforma comments for Link-only answers, that gets automagically added in the Low Quality review queue, doesn't have the link describing why we prefer complete instructions ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
5 votes
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Add related posts during question reviews

When reviewing First Posts questions, it would be very helpful to add the Related section which we can see in the right side bar of a question page like this one. This can make reviewing questions ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.5k
1 vote
1 answer

Easier way to see your suggested edits?

Is there an easier way to see your suggested edits, specifically those which are rejected? You get a '+2' reputation notification for approved edits but you're not notified when an edit is declined (...
kiri's user avatar
  • 28.7k
3 votes
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Can we get review auditioning for the review queues? (First post and late answers at least) [duplicate]

I just checked out a user that has access to the First Post review queue, and the amount of "No action Needed" sentences to crappy questions were something to be ashamed. I don't want to think that ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
4 votes
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Review Suspension not in FAQ

So apparently, I've been suspended from reviews by some automatic process of which I was completely unaware. Due to there being absolutely nothing about review suspension in the FAQ, I understand very ...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
2 votes
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Review link doesn't appear for <125 rep users, though there's a site self-evaluation going on

I'm on this site a <125 rep user, so it's normal that I don't see a review link in the top bar sub-top bar. However, there's a site self-evaluation going on and I do have the privilege to ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Upvote questions from the Close review queue when marking as duplicate

When using the review queue, I'd like to be able to upvote the question and/or answer that is the duplicate of the one being closed. After reviewing the possible duplicate and finding that it is ...
bcbc's user avatar
  • 6,026
6 votes
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Using Wayback Machine of internet archive

I have read on a different meta post that there is a system being implemented to fix bad links systematically. Could it be set up to automatically use the Wayback machine to automatically redirect ...
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k