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19 votes

What to do with "half-hearted" edit suggestions?

I just click Improve edit, edit it to be what I want it to be and then leave the following canned comment: @WhoeverMadeTheEdit Welcome to Ask Ubuntu! **;-)** Could you please review my [edits]() and ...
Fabby's user avatar
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15 votes

What to do with "half-hearted" edit suggestions?

I try to assess how much thought/work the suggestor has put into the edit. if there is real improvement but some things have been left out I either approve or improve/approve if I encounter a ...
guntbert's user avatar
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15 votes

Does this sound a bit condescending?

The question indicates that the OP may have not yet achieved in depth knowledge of Bash programming. The recommendation to read some Bash manual is therefore obvious. But I understand that the wording ...
Takkat's user avatar
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14 votes

How to give credit to someone else when writing an answer based on a comment?

Copy the link of the comment and add it to the question replacing the title of the comment by the user’s name. Something like this: This comment from rinzwind helped me get there: How to give credit ...
Rinzwind's user avatar
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11 votes

Does this sound a bit condescending?

It is a bit condescending... but that's not against the rules. It comes as both part of an answer to the question, and in answer to a question from somebody starting out with Bash scripting. ...
Oli's user avatar
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10 votes

What to do with "half-hearted" edit suggestions?

If you're saying the edit actually improves the post, I don't believe it's fair to reject it. Someone may not know how formatting works in the editor, but is very good at English and only improves a ...
Dan's user avatar
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9 votes

unpleasant comment

I think the comment is a little bit brusque, and a little bit rude in the wording, but not enough to really warrant any CoC violation action beyond the comment deletion. As such, comment deleted, but ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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8 votes

How to give credit to someone else when writing an answer based on a comment?

You can give credit to a comment (like "Dan's comment helped me"), but if someone has posted an answer in the comments, I will usually encourage them to post an answer, but after some time, I will ...
palswim's user avatar
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6 votes

What to do with "half-hearted" edit suggestions?

I don't think incomplete edits should be rejected, since they're still useful and the next editor has less work to do... So it's good teamwork regardless. I do think, however, that the first editor ...
SakoDaemon's user avatar
6 votes

What is our stance on URLs?

I don't see any benefit from any URL shorteners here. Post an extra comment if needed.
muru's user avatar
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6 votes

Does it make sense to kill this question?

I recommend not deleting this question because it is a very useful question according to these metrics. It has 95 upvotes and has been viewed 122,813 times. 20 questions are linked to it, and of ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k
5 votes

What is our stance on URLs?

Other than what dessert mentions in their comment Let's see how a link like yours looks like (assuming it's the output you're worried about): vs.
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.5k
4 votes

What is the best way to write a reply to a comment?

It doesn't really matter how you embed the @mention into your comment. You can even put it somewhere in the middle of your sentence or at the end too, although at the beginning makes it easier to see ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
4 votes

Need to edit the content of a constantly changing canonical question

The delete votes are irrelevant at this stage. Unless all questions that were closed as duplicates of this are deleted or reopened (and if any of them are themselves dupe targets, then apply this ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
4 votes

Does it make sense to kill this question?

I have now closed the question again, it is really not a good question for SE and really shouldn't be open. However, it is a useful collection and as karel points out, is linked to by many other ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
2 votes

What to do with "half-hearted" edit suggestions?

No one said ONE edit or ONE reviewer has to clear up all mistakes/issues in a post. As long as they don't change the meaning of the post (i.e. remove the typo that the question is about) or introduce ...
Robert Riedl's user avatar
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2 votes

Need to edit the content of a constantly changing canonical question

The canonical upgrading question got reopened and its deletion votes are cleared, so it's back to square one. Well, not quite because in the process we also got muru's answer to this Meta question ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k

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