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11 votes

Can I delete a downvoted question that I answered myself (where nobody else has answered it)?

First of all, if you got one downvote, all that means is that one person felt the question should be downvoted. It doesn't in any way imply anything at all about "the community". It only shows the ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
10 votes

Please don't be too eager to delete duplicates

I asked a Meta Stack Exchange question about this recently. I'm not eager to delete dupes at all. Dupes are awesome and deleting them indiscriminately or just for being dupes would be terribad. To ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
6 votes

Does it make sense to kill this question?

I recommend not deleting this question because it is a very useful question according to these metrics. It has 95 upvotes and has been viewed 122,813 times. 20 questions are linked to it, and of ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k
4 votes

Need to edit the content of a constantly changing canonical question

The delete votes are irrelevant at this stage. Unless all questions that were closed as duplicates of this are deleted or reopened (and if any of them are themselves dupe targets, then apply this ...
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
4 votes

Does it make sense to kill this question?

I have now closed the question again, it is really not a good question for SE and really shouldn't be open. However, it is a useful collection and as karel points out, is linked to by many other ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
2 votes

Need to edit the content of a constantly changing canonical question

The canonical upgrading question got reopened and its deletion votes are cleared, so it's back to square one. Well, not quite because in the process we also got muru's answer to this Meta question ...
karel's user avatar
  • 119k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible