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7 votes
1 answer

How to ask a question with a template already created for answers?

This question has a template already created for answering it. That is, instead of the answer textbox starting out empty, it starts out with this text in it: [![Tagline to show on mouseover][1]][2] ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Can these VMWares be un-merged?

In 2012, a question was asked about the installation of VMWare player. Some months later, fossfreedom merged that question into How do I install VMware Player?. But in the latter one, the questioner ...
Kulfy's user avatar
  • 18k
7 votes
1 answer

Where can I find a list of rejected edit suggestions?

I was just looking at my edit suggestions. Last I checked, I had 51 edits accepted and 2 rejected. Where can I find out what those rejected edits were, so I can learn from the experience?
Scott Severance's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I find the exact/complete URL (anchor) for an answer?

Sometimes I want to point someone not only to a similar question but to one special answer. Obviously there exist anchors for answers (and for comments as well) but I fail to see how I can use them ...
guntbert's user avatar
  • 8,486
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Does favoriting questions help to get an answer?

I've read What if I don’t get a good answer? and in meta What is the purpose of favoriting questions?. Does favoriting (clicking the star) highlight my question to others? Is there a way to do that?
NicolasWeb's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I change chat sound notifications?

The current notification sound is a little bit annoying. I thought the sound is the browser default sound but it is not. I heard a different sound the same browser in different chat rooms. How can ...
Achu's user avatar
  • 21.4k
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Transfering a question from Ask Ubuntu to Super User [closed]

The following question is not getting any further feedback after revisions. Also, it appears to be a - non Ubuntu related - hardware issue. I didn't get any Ubuntu related search hits with the error ...
somethis's user avatar
  • 964
6 votes
1 answer

Serial downvoting reversed

what is Serial downvoting reversed? I just got +14 Reputations from the event listed as Serial downvoting reversed. What does that mean?
Rahul Virpara's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is there a 20 posts limit on the review queues?

Why is there a 20 posts review limit on the review queues? I've searched the help pages and read the corresponding privilege page, but nothing even seems to mention that there's a limit to begin with,...
Alaa Ali's user avatar
  • 32k
6 votes
1 answer

How to underline a text in a question or an answer?

I read the Markdown help and the basic HTML but I can not find anything about the capability to underline a text. Is it possible ? and how? I'd like to know that in order to illustrate my answer ...
Boris's user avatar
  • 4,962
6 votes
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Why does Recommend Deletion have an option for link-only answers?

I have recently joined the 2000+ Club and was awarded the privilege of reviewing Low Quality Posts. If you have not yet seen the following question and its answers, you are urged to go through them (...
Aditya's user avatar
  • 13.5k
6 votes
2 answers

Am I just asking wrong?

I've asked 5 questions since may and got no answers at all. I've been as specific as possible included as many details as possible and generally tried to make my question answerable. So I can only ...
Matthew Brown aka Lord Matt's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What does "non-community wiki" mean?

I am a bit confused about the Tag badges. For ex, a Bronze tag badge for 10.04 says Earned at least 100 total score for at least 20 non-community wiki answers in the 10.04 tag I know what ...
Registered User's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I answer my Own Question?

Tonight I successfully resolved my own question. after getting into some difficulties. The resolution in the end was simple and came straight from the Ubuntu Community Documentation. The reason why ...
stephenmyall's user avatar
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Is there a way to get a new identicon as profile picture

I really like the identicon as profile pictures. When I am going to change my profile picture it is only showing the old one. I got a few new identicons in past but forgot how they were changed. Now ...
sourav c.'s user avatar
  • 45.5k
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Can questions closed but not as duplicates have their answers merged?

It is possible for a moderator to merge a question that's closed, but not as a duplicate? For example, this too localized question doesn't seem like a candidate for reopening, except that it seems to ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why is it still possible to log in to Ask Ubuntu with my old email address after I added a new one?

In my profile I went to Edit Profile & Settings > Edit Email Settings I entered a new email address I want to use to log in. Why is it still possible to log in with the old email address?
blades's user avatar
  • 85
5 votes
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Comment with one rep without participation in post

Is there any explanation for why the first comment on this post has been made by a user with 1 rep and no participation on that thread? Is it a bug?
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
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Where/how should I discuss a rejected edit?

Where and how can I start a discussion on an edit I suggested that was rejected? Get in private/personal contact with the reviewer? It seems here on Meta is better, but if so: How to get the attention ...
Koen's user avatar
  • 532
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Is it "not done" to clean up your own list of posted answers?

After an "active" presence of a little more than one year on AU, I was looking through my answers, in a votes- sorted order. Browsing to the end of the list, I came to the "zero- activity" section; ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
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2 answers

How long will I be flag banned for?

I'm flag banned at the moment (I had 4 declined in the last 7 days. That seems a little harsh, but that's not the topic of this discussion). There is no indication of any way to get out of this ban, ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
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How do I escape backticks in a comment?

I want to be able to post this as a comment: FYI, code formatting is done with backticks, e.g. `sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst`. But as you can see, it doesn't come out quite right...
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
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Achievements rep indicator glitching

The rep indicator lit up saying I gained 141 points, but I only gained 4. This has happened twice in the past 10 minutes. See the below screenshot...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

If a user leaves, are votes reversed?

Really just curious, but if a user is removed "forcefully", his or her votes are undone. That is completely understandable. What however if a user closes his or her account deliberately, are his or ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
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What is the purpose of the 'Disciplined' badge?

I was browsing through the Badges page when I came across this one under "Moderation Badges". "Disciplined" : Delete own post with score of 3 or higher I do not understand the purpose of this ...
hg8's user avatar
  • 13.5k
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What makes a question show up on the homepage?

Earlier I noticed this on the homepage: That's a question I asked at the beginning of the month, but someone else's name is next to it. At first I thought they answered or edited it, but it doesn't ...
Zelda64fan's user avatar
5 votes
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Reputation reduced without any reason

Why has my reputation been reduced by 10 without any visible reason? I didn't post any answer or question that could have been downvoted. The reputation suddenly decreased from 643 to 633. I didn't ...
Dhaval Simaria's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Do I need to do anything when a flag I raise is listed as disputed?

In my flagging history, the summary lists four "moderator attention flags" as disputed. Do I need to do anything? Even if I don't have to do anything, what is the basis of a "disputed flag"?
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Am I the first person to be privileged with 100 flags for the day?

I have been on and off the Stack Exchange network for the last couple of days and hence have not been able to raise the usual number of flags that I often raise. With last flagged post on 17th June; I ...
Aditya's user avatar
  • 13.5k
4 votes
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How can I view a comment for a deleted answer?

I had posted a comment to an answer to this question. From my inbox, I can see that there was a response but now that answer and all associated comments including the response to my comment aren't ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Should redirections to other questions / answers be comments or answers ?

A part of the answer to this question is, in my opinion, answering another "new" question. I wanted to redirect the person asking the "new" question to the existing answer and posted it as an answer. ...
koushik's user avatar
  • 5,122
4 votes
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What is peer review?

What is peer review? I always see this quote on a statement after edit a post. And how much reputation user can do the peer review? This is the example: Thanks for your edit! This edit will be ...
lambda23's user avatar
  • 3,312
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4 answers

Fake reputation scores

If there is any security measures are in Ask Ubuntu in case of fake reputation increase. For example if a user has five google accounts,and login with each account and made upvotes for all the posts ...
Avinash Raj's user avatar
  • 79.6k
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What happens when I vote to delete an answer?

Does it go to the Low Quality review or not? This is related to flagging questions. For high rep user maybe VTD is a better option.
Pilot6's user avatar
  • 91.3k
4 votes
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What to do if your question on AskUbuntu does not get answered?

I really need the answer, can I post my question again?
Nur's user avatar
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How to force new users to a FAQ that includes how to make a question, comment and answer

There is an increased in the amount of new users that confuse to a forum, engaging even the answers as thought to be similar to the way we use a forum. For example, making comments, ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Will winter hats disappear after December

I am starting to like the whole winter hats thingy (trophy system), will this disappear after December or will it change into other trophy systems giving digital achievements according to day, season, ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
4 votes
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In a comment on question I asked for more info from the asker - will I be notified when he gives that info?

I was asking for some details from his system - do I need to look at that question regularly myself or am I notified about edits/comments from the asker?
guntbert's user avatar
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how are tags ordered and why only the first one is included in the question title?

I'm supposing that tags specified are reordered by occurrences (the most used fo first). The first tag goes directly in title of the question, not the others, even if they could be better related and ...
jasmines's user avatar
  • 11.2k
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Unable to login using launchpad openID, text input box fails to appear.

Should be in META, but I can't post there without logging in:I am unable to login using the Launchpad OpenID. When I click the launchpad button the page stays the same. (It has links to recover my ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Asking a moderator a question directly, a private message

I was just wondering if there is a way to directly communicate with a certain moderator with a private message. Just to help get a couple clarifications on one or two things.
jredkai's user avatar
  • 505
3 votes
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Low Quality Review Queue - did I cause the "invalidate"?

Relevant post getting error when typing string airmon-ng start then my wifi's ext video in comments It came up in the LQ I decided that some editing was necessary for me to decide - which I did ...
guntbert's user avatar
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How can I delete my account? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I delete my account? Is it possible for a user to delete his account? If yes, how it could be done?
user avatar
3 votes
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Can I ask using my first/native language?

Can I use my native language (Malay) to ask or answer a question at Ask Ubuntu? Is there any volunteer to translate my answer/question? Bahasa Malaysia Adakah boleh saya menggunakan bahasa ...
penreturns's user avatar
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Re-opening a misunderstood question

When I asked question 231990, I referred to my 10.04 installation as a "custom distro", when I really meant that it had a custom connection setup for wired ethernet (using cntlm to connect to a proxy)....
SuperElectric's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

My question is marked as duplicate, what does this mean?

A user marked one of my questions as duplicate, I don't really understand if I have to do something about that or what ???
Septrba's user avatar
  • 43
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How can a user with less than 2k reputation be allowed to review suggested edits? [duplicate]

In the review queues page, I can see which users have most recently reviewed each type. To review suggested edits, we need at least 2k reputation but I've seen users who have less than 2k reputation ...
d a i s y's user avatar
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In review, why are some question summaries different than others

Some summaries are large, many are small, some are in orange. I'm going to slap my head when I get the answer, I just know it.
John S Gruber's user avatar
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How accurate are times given for when questions/answers are posted?

In, the question is at 2014-03-08 06:44:30Z and the answer is at 2014-03-08 06:46:25Z. My question: how reliable ...
DK Bose's user avatar
  • 43.9k
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"Answer your own question" = accepted answer?

If I use the "answer your own question" option, will my answer be marked as accepted? If not, that seems rather useless...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar