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Underline on new reputation graph looks weird

This is what I see when hovering my reputation graph in the new profile page: Can the underline please be removed?
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Little Bug with layer order on askubuntu

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but i recently found a little rendering bug on this site. It's a problem of the z-index and the order of layers. Note: the red notification box was ...
NES's user avatar
  • 33.7k
6 votes
3 answers

Is Ask Ubuntu using the UbuntuBeta font?

To be completely honest, I think the current font family sequence is dictated by the Ubuntu Identity Guidelines. I still think that, right now, it's kind of silly: font-family: "Ubuntu Beta", ...
badp's user avatar
  • 12.6k
6 votes
1 answer

What does '(1)' in tab title mean?

It could be seen somtimes when I surfing Ask Ubuntu that something different on the title of my web-browser, which is '(', number, and ')' such as (2). '(2) Ask Ubuntu' '(1) Ask Ubuntu'
HYU's user avatar
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2 answers

The letter i is not displayed properly.

I've been meaning to post about this for a while. On my machine (LMDE, firefox, various versions) the letter i on AU is not displayed properly:          &...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
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Ask Ubuntu on mobile has an extremely large font size

When using Ask Ubuntu on Android, the font is too large when it comes to anything except post content and comments. I can reproduce the issue exists in Firefox and in Chrome. The issue is exclusive to ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.5k
6 votes
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What happened to the chat-feature module on the Questions page?

When I enter Ask Ubuntu by a chat-feature module displaying a nice box where I can see who is on chat and where I can enter the room is displayed: However when loading https://...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 144k
6 votes
2 answers

Where can I get the Ask Ubuntu speech bubble logo?

Where can I get that speech bubble from Ask Ubuntu in SVG version? I need it for my presentation.
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can the line-height in <li>s be a bit taller?

I was joking with somebody earlier about the line-spacing in their post. There's nothing wrong with the content, it's just hard to read. This is very easy to reproduce; just compare: Lorem ipsum ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
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StackExchange™ MultiCollider SuperDropdown™ colour issue

Opening up the StackExchange™ MultiCollider SuperDropdown™ after the recolouring on Ask Ubuntu main and hovering over the Stack Exchange logo results in dark grey on purple: This is somewhat ...
Flyk's user avatar
  • 1,480
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1 answer

Make links visible on escaped text

There is no visible difference between AskUbuntu and AskUbuntu, even though the first occurence points to a link and the second doesn't. It could be argued that it is not necessary, but stackoverflow....
jhominal's user avatar
  • 325
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1 answer

New navbar bug review queues not operating as expected

This is different from Review queue false negatives on the new top bar which has been dismissed as status-by-design. When I first logged on this morning the review queue indicator was not lit. After ...
Elder Geek's user avatar
  • 36.4k
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There is a bug with the bounty banner

When a new bounty without a comment appears, the add a comment appears half over the grey banner background: While not a bad bad bug, it is annoying.
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
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The yellow "question has been deleted" bar is underneath the Ubuntu navbar when scrolling

When scrolling down, the "this question has been deleted" bar is partially hidden under the Ubuntu navigation bar: I think the z-index ordering should be done in such a way that the yellow popup bar ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
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Bug: UbuntuRegular Font (used on this site) messed up at 12 & 13px

This site,, uses the "UbuntuRegular" font. Sometimes the font size is 14px, which displays fine, but in the "comments" (& perhaps other places), the font size is 13px, which cuts off ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Keyboard tags could use some love

Some of us have been asking for something nicer for the <kbd> tag. Jin mentioned maybe polishing them up to make questions like this look nicer, just documenting that here. (Also note, I love ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
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Visited links on Meta are hard to see

Maybe it is just my vision but I can't distinguish visited links in question/answer text from the surrounding text on Ubuntu Meta. I can see the links on the parent fine and I can see unvisited links ...
moberley's user avatar
  • 992
5 votes
1 answer

The top menu has moved to the left

The top menu has moved to the left. I checked in two different browsers.
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can chat get a redesign? Please?

I considered posting this on Meta SE instead of Ask Ubuntu Meta, but because several of these are Ask Ubuntu specific, I went with here. That said, I think the rest of SE chat should get an update, ...
cocomac's user avatar
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2 answers

The little tab things don't look right

On my main profile page, I noticed this: Is it just me, or are the tab backgrounds backwards for the left & right ones? Shouldn't the rounded corners be pointed out?
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Tone down the grey for formatting code/commands?

This answer is really brutal on the eyes however I think it's key to have filenames and commands with that kind of formatting. Maybe perhaps toning it down a bit? Similar in shade to the blockquote ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
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2 answers

Replace the loading icon

I believe we should replace the Loading Icon with the default pin wheel found in Ubuntu - something like this As opposed to the default stackoverflow icon.
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
  • 48.6k
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2 answers

Is there an option to remove the bar above the status bar?

There is a new bar above the "status bar" with Ubuntu/Community/Development/Ask. This is new and I feel it is taking up valuable screen space, since I do not plan on regularly using the new links. I ...
Meer Borg's user avatar
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2 answers

Bounty allocated amount looks odd

When a bounty is allocated to an answer, the bounty amount is shown against it. This kind of looks weird in Ask Ubuntu In contrast, the bounty allocated amount in Super User is much.. better
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

User profile tabs are double-underlined on hover

When one hovers over a tab name on user profile / activity page, the name gets underlined twice, in addition to changing color to red. I suspect this may be a CSS bug, because having three effects on ...
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Is the 'edit' link prominent enough?

I keep seeing questioners answering their own questions with an update instead of editing the question. Is this maybe a problem of a not prominent enough edit link? Since this site heavily depends on ...
htorque's user avatar
  • 65.6k
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Visited links cannot be distinguished from normal text [duplicate]

Visited links are not underlined and black, just like text is.
badp's user avatar
  • 12.6k
5 votes
3 answers

Preformatted text is insufficiently distinct?

The background used for answers on is slightly grey; this makes preformatted text such as this stand out significantly less than on, say I think this requires a ...
RAOF's user avatar
  • 11.8k
5 votes
2 answers

Topbar design is out of date

Ubuntu redesigned their website, meaning Ask Ubuntu's top bar is out of date. Note how the top bar "jumps" about:
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
5 votes
1 answer

Is the review new or the blog new?

Because I see that new icon up there but I'm not sure which item it represents. It's difficult to tell if it is supposed to go to the "review" link or the "blog" link.
Thomas Boxley's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Incorrect new user text box

Q: What is Ubuntu? A: Apparently, Ubuntu is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for people who love Ubuntu. I think Canonical may not approve of that assessment ;). Don't know if this ...
Rob Van Dam's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

If "About Me" is blank we have a grey square on the user page that mean nothing

It has took me time to understand why there is a strange grey square on my user page and to figure out what it is. I think there should be a text like "No description" or maybe we can just remove it ...
Nyamiou The Galeanthrope's user avatar
5 votes
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Menu bar is covering the Deletion pop-up

The "Recommend Deletion" pop-up is not fully visible. Yes, this is a minor bug, but it looks clean it this is fixed.
Severus Tux's user avatar
5 votes
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The Canonical navigation bar has diverged from the canon

Possibly due to the recent CSS refactoring, the pseudo-Canonical navigation bar no longer matches the top bar of sites. Here is how they compare in my Chrome (Windows): AU bar Canonical ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Ask Ubuntu CSS Error: Bounty elements have margin-right offset on question view

It messes up the inline flow. See what I mean below: Can this be fixed?
Makaze's user avatar
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The dots don't line up with the background

Well, since there are looking to change some things with the design, I thought this would be a good time to bring this up. Has anyone noticed that the dot-patterns don't line up? If the new design ...
Mateo's user avatar
  • 8,132
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"Ask question" left border visible on main site

I've been noticing this for the last few days, and it seems like a bug. Here is what the link currently looks like: Notice the dark purple colored left border which shouldn't be visible. Below is ...
green's user avatar
  • 14.4k
4 votes
2 answers

Askubuntu mobile-optimised website is difficult to read

The current mobile-optimised website uses a black background and a gray foreground(text). This makes it difficult to read and draws attention away from the important part, i.e., the text ...
rigved's user avatar
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2 answers

Could we improve the visibility of links

The color on links is, fitting to the site design, red. As somone suffering from red–green color blindness, which isn't rarely (depending on origin up to 10%), it's hard for me to spot links on ...
bummi's user avatar
  • 394
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1 answer

How do I disable the background on the site? It kills my Dell monitor!

I've recently bought a Dell UltraSharp U2713HM and it really cannot handle the pattern of dots in the background of Ask Ubuntu (main). I'm asking it here on AU meta, because it concerns the site ...
gertvdijk's user avatar
  • 69k
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1 answer

Why are and considered as same site?

Why are and considered as same Stack Exchange site (Same Reputation points on both site), while and are considered as ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can we make the top tool bar position fixed while scrolling?

Wouldn't it be cool that this toolbar could be fixed for easier access for activities and votes? Saying FIXED i mean that while scroll it won't stay in the top of document, and will be in the top of ...
hingev's user avatar
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Why does the Canonical bar on meta omit Insights and Juju?

Canonical navigation bar, as seen on main Ask Ubuntu site: Canonical navigation bar, as seen here on meta: Or just look at the top of your screen... Two items are missing: Insights and Juju.
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Background with dots gives unpleasant effects on scroll

Most LCD monitors have problems displaying regular patterns of dots (or lines). I've tried several LCDs, and on each of them dots in background of askubuntu flicker badly. That's why it's a bad idea ...'s user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Links in <code> spans are indistinguishable from normal <code> spans

Here's the real life example that triggered this: Make sure you check for duplicates before adding new entries. For example, search pitivi inquestion:this before adding PiTiVi. :)
badp's user avatar
  • 12.6k
4 votes
1 answer

Style issue: font alignment with certain styling

While doing some editing today, I've noticed the following issue with the style used on Ask Ubuntu: This issue occurs when using either italic or bold italic text, ie: ***group***. It is not evident ...
Flyk's user avatar
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Line spacing cosmetics

Awesome work on the new site design! I'd like to note a couple CSS issues related to line spacing, in this answer as an expample: The scroll bars in the code block probably shouldn't be there. They ...
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
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Badges getting cut in half

Seems like the badges are getting cut in half. Attaching the screenshot below
Deepak Mahakale's user avatar
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Ask Ubuntu site layout is wrong on Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey

I use Mozilla Firefox ESR 52.6.0 and Mozilla Seamonkey 2.49.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS x86_64 and Windows 8.1 x86_64 with installed updates. After some updates of site design its layout is somehow broken ...
N0rbert's user avatar
  • 102k
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Toast notifications overlap the Ubuntu top bar

Part of the Stack Exchange JS library includes functionality to create notification messages - the most common perhaps being "Thanks, we'll take a look at it" after casting a flag. These ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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