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-1 votes
1 answer

What does this symbol mean?

Really not about Ubuntu, but I have recently noticed some people using this symbol <3 on Ask Ubuntu and Ask Ubuntu Meta. What does it mean? Is it some secret code that only certain people ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why can't we edit comments?

I posted a comment, and I can't edit it anymore. Why? We can edit questions, even after a while.
1 vote
1 answer

How to write the grave accent to add code in the comment section?

I have a magic keyboard from Apple set on US language and I try to find the keyboard shortcut for the grave accent (`) to add code in the comment section on I don't want to copy-paste ...
11 votes
0 answers

Bug: Moderator not getting the mod tag but being tagged as a bot in mod actions for comments

This happened on this post's deleted comment - visible to moderators and staff as it's a deleted comment: This is a post done by a reviewer and masked by the Community bot. Mitch is an actual diamond ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can I unsubscribe from comments to my answers?

Is there a mechanism that allows me to “unsubscribe” from comment notifications on my answers? Ideally something that operates on a per-answer basis. Alternatively, can I mute certain people so their ...
5 votes
1 answer

Order of operations when editing/flagging

A bit of a question and a bit of a PSA for others to potentially avoid the problem I ran into. This question was originally unclear. The title did not match the question body, and there was (...
4 votes
1 answer

Were the "pre-canned" comments intended to be brusque and condescending? If so, why?

I posted this question recently, and after I answered a comment requesting information with something like "I'll try to do this when I'm home", the same user who had requested the ...
103 votes
1 answer

Please stop posting half answers and bad advice as comments

Ok so I've spent a few days doing hardcore cleaning and we have a problem with comments and people misusing them. People who are too lazy to write a real answer so they write a half finished one ...
38 votes
0 answers

Please consider not leaving feedback as Community♦

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it. Recently review got reformatted quite a lot. Personally, I don't like many of the changes. I guess I'm an old stick-in-the-mud. But about one feature in ...
10 votes
2 answers

What should we do to code that is posted in comments of post?

New users of Ask Ubuntu often post outputs of commands in comments (mostly without formatting it as code) when other users ask them for the output of commands. The code needs to be in the question and ...
9 votes
4 answers

Add a reply option for comments

Don't you think that it is a good idea to add a reply button to comments to questions and answers? Most people forget to type @username when replying which makes the person who made the previous ...
6 votes
1 answer

Can I tag people in the comments of an unanswered question?

I have noticed that some users have a lot of expertise in certain fields. For example, C.S.Cameron has answered a lot of questions on interesting unconventional installation methods, N0rbert has ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can a new-user comment and answer? Is a feedback to an answer allowed to be posted as an answer?

I have a question about my Ask Ubuntu post: How do I get the grub menu to show on a MacBook? My post was not an answer but a comment, not sure if that's the reason because has been deleted. I can't ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can we do away with, "We don't support EOL distributions" when it is tangential and completely and utterly unrelated to the question?

How can I push to Launchpad if port 22 is blocked?? Asked a question about using git, and pushing to Launchpad. I was asked my distribution, I responded "19.10", and asked why that mattered. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Post Reviewing Useful Comments [duplicate]

I have seen the same set of comments being used by many reviewers. Can an experienced reviewer please provide a list of those comments? Here's one: While this link may answer the question, it is ...
2 votes
1 answer

Link to Comments and Review Queue

How to get links to comments and to the review of a post to be added as "By Review"?
0 votes
0 answers

What kind of text formatting is possible in reply of the question in Ask Ubuntu? [duplicate]

I'm a newbie on Ask Ubuntu. I can use the text formatting in the body of question in Ask Ubuntu. Then, what kind of text formatting is possible in reply of the question? I did not find such ...
9 votes
2 answers

Formatting a comment

Is it possible to format a comment, as in, include blockqoute like properties? I've noticed that the help mentions that 'code' can be used for code, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Either ...
2 votes
2 answers

When should I answer and when should I comment?

I enjoy helping out on this forum. Recently I have become more active in that. Can someone tell me when I should comment and when I should answer? How do you know which one to use? In the answer ...
11 votes
2 answers

How to give credit to someone else when writing an answer based on a comment?

Let's say I posted a question. I did or didn't get some answers. But I also received some comments. Among them, one comment either answered my question or gave me hint to answer my own question. What'...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to write a reply to a comment?

I see at least 3 ways to reply to a comment while mentioning the user: @user: Bla-bla-bla @user, Bla-bla-bla @user - Bla-bla-bla Which one is the proper or the best way to do it?
4 votes
1 answer

Where can I see a summary of the comments I have made, like the question and answer summaries on my profile?

I tried searching many times in my profile, help center, here and Google, but I seem to be missing something. Is there a way to see a Comments summary of my comments just like 'Answers' and '...
5 votes
2 answers

Should I notify about edits in the question comments?

I have a question about my Ask Ubuntu post: Using chown successfully but not actually changing user ownership in Ubuntu bash on Windows 10? A user in the comments gave me some input on how to edit my ...
14 votes
3 answers

When do comments disappear?

I was browsing the main AU site, when I chanced upon the following comment in the question Why can't I turn on recommendations in software center?: Please provide additional information only by ...
3 votes
1 answer

My comment got removed less than one day after I wrote it and the question. Who might have done it? [duplicate]

Do moderators do this once in a while when they are in the mood or are some comments removed automatically? The comment was not vital. I just need to know what to expect.
9 votes
2 answers

Why are so many answers posted as comments? [duplicate]

Every morning I click on the unanswered link and every morning I see many of questions answered in the comments section. When this happens, person who asked the question cannot mark it as answered, it ...
17 votes
2 answers

Off Topic Questions: Comment Etiquette

Lately I see a lot of comments from less experienced users (and some more experienced ones too) pointing out that questions about other OS etc are off topic and rightly so, they are. However, we ...
5 votes
2 answers

User with 1 Reputation is able to comment

I stumbled about this question when it was eight hours old. A new user (not the question author) commented under the question. The reputation score of the new user is "one". Looking immediately at ...
0 votes
0 answers

5 seconds between comment edit is broken

4 minutes after posting a comment I quickly fixed a sentence. Too quickly, as I made a typo. Trying to fix the typo as fast as possible, I got "You may only edit a comment every 5 seconds". So I ...
16 votes
1 answer

Is it OK if I call on a high reputation user on part of my answer if it seems difficult from that point?

I have an answer on which the new user who posted the question requires further help though they have accepted the answer... But it turns out I am short of some knowledge in the case. Can I, for ...
6 votes
1 answer

There is something wrong with backslash ("\") behaviour in comments

I was writing comment to the question(about Samba, so it uses UNC with backslashes). The source code of my comment: On Linux you should use `//` instead of `\\`. On Windows you should use only `\\`. ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Is there any mechanism to block trolls from harassing you?

I have a question about my Ask Ubuntu post: Backup for Cloud Email Is there any mechanism to block trolls from harassing you? I asked my first question (linked above) and it's infested by someone ...
-22 votes
3 answers

I'm probably going to get skewered for this -- You can be rude and still provide a perfectly suitable answer to a question

As the thread title suggests, I think we need to stop considering people's attitude when answering questions and helping people. If the intent is good at the end of the day, it honestly does not ...
48 votes
1 answer

PSA: When reviewing, don't post duplicate (and near-duplicate) comments!

As jrg♦ said (pinned in main chat): Hey folks who use "canned" comments: If you see one thats already there that expresses the same general idea, don't add another one. Thanks. :) This has ...
7 votes
0 answers

Why user is able to edit comments in multiple textareas in the same time?

By accident I have clicked edit link on comment twice. After first click I have textarea for editing it (it is normal and expected behavior). But on second and third click on edit I get garbage: ...
3 votes
1 answer

Cannot properly see a comment I'm adding with Firefox for Android

On Firefox for Android, when I try to add a comment, the bottom half of the text is hidden. And stuff like punctuations cannot be seen at all. It works better in Google Chrome, however, so the issue ...
16 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning of OP?

I regularly see the abbreviation OP used in comments and in questions on the meta site. What does it mean? Should a glossary be included in the FAQ? Or should OP be included in an existing glossary I ...
4 votes
1 answer

How do I use the grey formatting in a comment? [duplicate]

Someone showed me (by editing my question for me) how to make some of your text show up grey to show it is code. Now I need to know how to do it in a comment.
4 votes
1 answer

How to properly add code in comment

How can I properly add a line of code in a comment like this test test I like it more grey than test test if that is possible. Or if there is another way to define code in a comment to make it ...
7 votes
0 answers

Commenting on a test review question automatically scolds you with "STOP! Look and listen" - Why? [duplicate]

I stumbled over a review question, which turned out to be a Test question. I tried to write a comment that OP might consider using the older, 4.10 kernel, since there seem to be a lot of issues with ...
3 votes
0 answers

If people have put answers as comments, is it OK for me to copy their comment to an answer myself? [duplicate]

I encountered a question where a person had put an answer in the comments, then the OP had commented again saying that answer worked, and thanks. Here was the specific question, but I am asking in a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Should new users be restricted from using comments within the questions they ask?

The faq for Ask Ubuntu ... as well as, I assume, all of the Stack Exchange sites (?) ... states in the "How Do I Ask Questions Here?" section If other users ask you for more information in the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Why does the site tease me about a comment I can't view?

A deleted answer marked as spam shows a "show 1 more comment" link, but clicking the link does not show the comment. Reloading the page does not make the problem go away. The deletion itself is ...
1 vote
1 answer

In comments, how to write blocs of commands? [duplicate]

In questions, I was used to write the < pre > without spaces before a bloc and < /pre > without spaces after it. Maybe it is the old way. Now, I have tried it in a comment and it does not work. ...
1 vote
0 answers

About retracted flags and the comment persisting

Case in point: How do I convert my usb installation from legacy boot to uefi? By mistake I flagged as duplicate but later on noticed it was about Elementary OS. Retracted but the comment persists?
77 votes
11 answers

What prewritten Pro-forma (aka AutoReviewComments) userscript comments can we use and share?

I'd like to gather a list of boilerplate comments (AKA canned responses) for Ask Ubuntu which can be used in combination with the awesome Pro-forma comments userscript. Post suggestions too, you are ...
8 votes
2 answers

Change in domain name

My domain name changed from to All the .net links now apparently point to spam. I got a message about this in the comments from your staff here /usr/sbin/update-info-...
4 votes
1 answer

Does "convert to edit" let moderators move comments?

When moderators convert an answer to and edit--which deletes the answer and places its content at the end of the question--do they have the ability to move the comments from that answer to the ...
12 votes
1 answer

If the answerer answers the question in the comments of their answer, should the OP accept that answer?

Let's say the question is: How do I open Terminal Quickly? I have been looking for an easy way or short-cut to open the Terminal quickly, so I don't have to find it in the Dash. And the answerer ...
9 votes
0 answers

Can I opt-out from receiving notifications from a particular post?

What are the default text editors in different flavours of Ubuntu? I asked the above question today, received some great answers, accepted an answer. And it solved the initial problem that I had plus ...