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13 votes
1 answer

How do I invite a low rep user into chat?

It comes up in chat sometimes, so I figured I'ld post a question and answer on the thing.
RobotHumans's user avatar
  • 29.9k
13 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to post a link to my question in the general chat room, to publicize it?

If I ask a question and want to draw attention to it, is it OK to post links to it in the general chat room? Or is this considered bad, since there is already a questions feed and if lots of people ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

What implications does 'move this discussion to chat' has?

I'm trying to help waterloo2005 with a kernel related question, at first it looked like a simple permission mistake, It seems I was wrong... Right now, there's 8 comments of both me and waterloo ...
sergio91pt's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can I change chat sound notifications?

The current notification sound is a little bit annoying. I thought the sound is the browser default sound but it is not. I heard a different sound the same browser in different chat rooms. How can ...
Achu's user avatar
  • 21.4k
6 votes
2 answers

Why did I get banned from chat for spam that I didn't do?

I just got banned from chat whilst I was trying to solve a problem that I needed help from the community from. However, the spam that I was kicked for wasn't even something I did! This is my "spam": ...
RPiAwesomeness's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I move a discussion from comments to chat after the 'move this discussion to chat' link has disappeared?

So, I'm once again violating the policies of AU by having an extended discussion in comments. The link offering to move this discussion to chat pops up. I get distracted and do not act on it ...
irrational John's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to erase a chatroom I created myself

my chatroom It was never in use the question was solved before I do not want to leave my trash behind
nobody's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to chat with another user?

With 20 reputation you gains the chat privilege, as described here, but I couldn't find this option in a user profile. Where should I look for it?
artu-hnrq's user avatar
  • 735
4 votes
2 answers

How can I open Ask Ubuntu chat directly?

How can I place an icon on my desktop to directly open Ask Ubuntu's chat?
4 votes
1 answer

How to run the chat on the browser sidebar?

It would be really nice if I could run the chat on the browser sidebar, but it doesn't shrink enough.
lovinglinux's user avatar
  • 6,407
4 votes
1 answer

Account merged, now cannot login to SE chat

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this inquiry. In AU, I have an old account with only 1 rep which I have used for about a week. I forgot the password for that account so I then created ...
Peachy's user avatar
  • 7,177
3 votes
1 answer

When I post links to my questions in chat, am I doing it wrong?

From this question I got the strong impression that publicizing questions I've posted, by posting links to them in main chat--provided that it is done in moderation and not, for example, over and over ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does a 10k+ user get notified of a flag on their post in chat?

Let's say that I notice a really inappropriate message in chat from a 10k+ (this will usually mean that they have been hacked or something - not that I'm asking about a real situation that has ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Who are the AU chat room owners?

I was just wondering (as I have not seen any body with a name like this in the AU chat room) who the room owners in the main Ubuntu chat room were, so I thought I would ask a question about it here as ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Could I invite 1 rep users to chat rooms? [duplicate]

I know that users need at least 20 rep to talk in chat. But could I invite them to talk? could I give them a link? I want to send this user to chat, I vote him up to give him some rep, but still ...
Lynob's user avatar
  • 6,745
2 votes
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AutoSuspension from Chat for "Inappropriate Content"

Someone mind explaining what content was inappropriate, and why the system is automatically banning users now, and can perhaps undo the suspension? edit: yes i found what content was inappropriate, ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
2 votes
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How is the reputation score one can see in chat calculated?

My question is simple: You all know that in chat, one can see a reputation score of users below their icon and username (if they posted enough so that there is enough space) or by clicking on the icon ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
1 vote
1 answer

How to post links and commands?

How do I post links in comments and commands in chat? Whenever I post a link with a tag in comments, it doesn't work. And whenever I post a command with backtics in chat, it also doesn't work.
Avinash Raj's user avatar
  • 79.6k
1 vote
1 answer

Can not login to Ask Ubuntu chat

This has been happening since a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was a temp thing. Now I really need to use the chat system and the problem still persists. Here is what is happening: I go to the ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to link to a post in chat, to be accessed outside chat?

In chat, there is an option to link my next chat message as a reply to this. But I do not see a way to get a hyperlink to the chat transcript, at a particular post. I know this is possible (that is, ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I view all messages posted by me in particular chat room?

I want to view all the messages posted by me in the "Ask Ubuntu General Room". Is this possible? If so, how can I do this?
Avinash Raj's user avatar
  • 79.6k
1 vote
1 answer

Chat: Issue in Communicating On Chat

In the chat system i was able to talk. However, due to some strange issue in the system, the box in which I can type a message into disappeared, and I cannot get it back. Applies to any system I log ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote
0 answers

I moved a discussion to chat, but I'm not logged in there

I just had a lengthy discussion moved to chat. On the chat page, I am not logged in. When I click the link "you need to be logged in", I get to the Stack Exchange page ("Logging you in to the Stack ...
Jos's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes
0 answers

Chat room compatibility for iPhone

I am logged into the forums through my iPhone but when I try to enter the chat rooms, it says I must log in. When I enter my credentials it says it cannot find my account, then asks if I would like to ...
No Time's user avatar
  • 1,073
0 votes
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Help on chat without enough REP

I don't have enough rep yet to talk on chats but I would like to reply to some answers to help Can we have a new channel for users without enough rep? Just to chat about Linux in General?...
Mr_Chmod's user avatar
  • 172
0 votes
2 answers

Can't access chat, says I'm not logged in

Was I banned or something? I don't see anything but that I need to login first.
RolandiXor's user avatar
  • 51.4k
-2 votes
1 answer

Why can you only upload images in chat?

Currently you are unable to upload anything but images in chat, why is this so? Is this because of security or some other reason such as space?
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