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13 votes
1 answer

How do I invite a low rep user into chat?

It comes up in chat sometimes, so I figured I'ld post a question and answer on the thing.
RobotHumans's user avatar
  • 29.9k
2 votes
1 answer

How is the reputation score one can see in chat calculated?

My question is simple: You all know that in chat, one can see a reputation score of users below their icon and username (if they posted enough so that there is enough space) or by clicking on the icon ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
13 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to post a link to my question in the general chat room, to publicize it?

If I ask a question and want to draw attention to it, is it OK to post links to it in the general chat room? Or is this considered bad, since there is already a questions feed and if lots of people ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I change chat sound notifications?

The current notification sound is a little bit annoying. I thought the sound is the browser default sound but it is not. I heard a different sound the same browser in different chat rooms. How can ...
Achu's user avatar
  • 21.4k