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4 answers

What Is Considered "Extra Noise?"

So what I see a lot of is people who will format a question as follows Hello i am having an issue with question/problem ... Insert question/issue here ... PLEASE HELP I CANT USE MY COMPUTER....
David's user avatar
  • 3,447
13 votes
3 answers

editing user's posts

I recently was editing a post for grammatical and formatting errors, but also noticed that the post seemed to contain lots of useless information that was completely impertinent to the user's question....
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Someone is editing my question's tags and I disagree with their edit

As is suggested by Eliah Kagan; In general, if you believe your question is de-tagged wrongly, here are some options at your disposal: Read the tag's tag wiki and see what other questions ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
1 vote
2 answers

Why did this edit get rejected?

My edit. Note that hg8 said This edit did not correct critical issues with the post - view the revision history to see what should have been changed. So he edits it himself. He did the same as I ...
TellMeWhy's user avatar
  • 17.8k
3 votes
1 answer

What to do with this specific answer variation in the question?

The following question has an accepted answer and open bounty that will be awarded to it as soon as the delay is over. Bind Alt+Tab to a Logitech mouse button on Kubuntu Now the OP decided to edit ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
21 votes
2 answers

What is the consensus about hijacking the accepted answer?

I came across this question yesterday. There is two different answer to this question, one has been accepted. Let's call accepted answer answer 1 and the other answer 2. Recently answer 1 has been ...
hg8's user avatar
  • 13.5k
7 votes
1 answer

Make blockquote formatting button not destroy the source layout!

You ever had a post in front of you where the OP did mix up blockquote and code formatting? Not those easy cases where he/she wrote a > character before the paragraph himself, but those cases when ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
2 votes
2 answers

What should be do with smaller edits?

I am going to pick on my own answer but I had 5-6 of these come up in the review queue in a row. What are we supposed to do with edits that don't really add anything. For example https://askubuntu....
coteyr's user avatar
  • 18.5k
2 votes
1 answer

edit count difference

There is a difference in approved edits and actual edits in my profile Editor Stats shows Mudit Kapil had 503 edit suggestions approved, and 67 edit suggestions rejected But Badge progress shows ...
Mudit Kapil's user avatar
  • 2,071
1 vote
1 answer

Senseless revision?

This question was edited but I do not understand why. This shows the revisions. I found revision 2, the removal of the 14.04 tag, to be rather subjective but acceptable. However, revision 3 doesn't ...
Daniel C's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the syntax in this forum to create keyboard-like key images? [duplicate]

I found that some users type a keyboard button with a box around it such as in this question. I like to use this in my question, but do not know how. What do I have to type?
PHP Learner's user avatar
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Error submitting answer? [closed]

Trying to upload a picture in an answer to this question, I cannot upload images but I can add links to images. The answer looks fine (although not yet finished) - here is a screenshot of how I see ...
user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

What should I do to avoid an edit war when someone rolls my edits back?

I typically edit before close voting / flagging / down voting because then I get to read thoroughly and see just how much effort they put in. In this case I did the same, then (mistakenly) close voted ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
0 votes
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When is "improving / accepting" an edit considered too much?

I've come across a couple items in the review queue that were good edits, but they needed more. Should I accept the edit using the Accept button, and then go and edit? Or should I use the Accept and ...
4 votes
2 answers

Edit question title or make new question?

I had a question that I asked about owncloud server 12.04. I recently had the person that answered the question review it and make sure it's relevant to 14.04.1. Should I edit this question, ...
Cam Jones's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why do people edit in (usually pointless) bold and italics to questions?

I'm not pointing about any users, but there are a few I know that like bolding things in questions. Is there a specific reason to do this? Readability is the largest reason I have heard. However, I ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.4k
15 votes
4 answers

If a question I wrote has no replies, can I edit it in order to move it up on the Top Active list?

If my question had limited views (say, 5), and no one had replied "so far", then moving it upwards is it just similar to having it posted just now. In other words, if my question is not resolved, ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to suggest an editing only changing one character? [duplicate]

Looking at this post. I think in stead of should be instead of When I try to save, it prompts: Edits must be at least 6 characters; is there something else to improve in this post? How ...
Yishu Fang's user avatar
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Is it "not done" to (drastically) change an answer that is already accepted or upvoted?

Sometimes you give an answer and it is accepted and / or upvoted. After some time, and growing insight, you feel you can make important improvements to some of those answers. However, the edit may ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
8 votes
5 answers

Is using `code` styling for non-code samples okay?

The code is for code samples, of course. Its actual description is "a piece of program instructions." If package-names or date-and-time (technical details) are program instructions, then so are ...
Abhimanyu's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit Question without notify owner?

My question was edited by other person who have high reputation. But I didn't get ant notification regarding to this change. Before days the edit will be shows to me and after I accepted only the edit ...
A J's user avatar
  • 11.5k
15 votes
1 answer

How to tell an editor they are doing something consistently wrong?

Occasionally someone edits a bunch of posts incorrectly in the same way. These edits seem to be made in good faith, but the editor's grammar/syntax/spelling is consistently incorrect. Perhaps this has ...
Fern Moss's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Should people with more than 2000 rep write an edit summary?

I recently reached the 2000 rep milestone (yay!), and started using my powers for good (e.g. on the installation tag). However, I noticed that it doesn't make me put in an edit summary - why is this? ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
3 votes
1 answer

why do I get more points by editing the same question twice?

I edited this question twice. The first time I fixed the code layout. I didn't see the spelling mistakes, so I had to edit it twice. Instead of getting only 2 points for the edit, I got 4. But it ...
Lynob's user avatar
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could this question be edited or we just ignore it

This question, no formating mistakes, no misspelling, it's just 2 huge text, I wanted to edit it and separate it into different paragraphs. Is this edit considered too minimal, or could we do it? ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Questions including "Please help me"

I have been getting most of my reputation from editing posts because most of the questions are beyond me. I have noticed that many people, especially people with only 1 reputation, will include ...
Feldpausch All4's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Should we modify a question just to fit the answers?

I'm wondering, should I change the sense of a question just to fit my answer? I remember once that Jokerdino told me not to, hence I didn't, but is this an accepted practice?
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
16 votes
2 answers

What to do if an edit war starts?

Another user keeps insisting that a question about Adobe Flash player doesn't need the adobe tag. The edit war is already 6 revisions long. Note that the very description of the adobe tag mentions ...
int_ua's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

What do we do with (very) long answers, filled with off-topic story-telling?

Every single person has his or her own style of writing, however, every now and then you run into an (mostly) answer with issues beyond styling. The poster seems to have a completely wrong concept in ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
63 votes
2 answers

Why do people post screenshots of their terminals?

I have noticed a lot of posts on AU with screenshots of their terminal showing commands and their output. This is seems like a very bad idea to me because: You can't copy/paste the commands They won'...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
2 votes
3 answers

Duplicates Policy Incentivizes Clutter Rather Than Canonical

Disadvantages of Current Duplicates Policy Stated briefly, the current policy encourages proliferation over pruning. The disadvantages of the current duplicates policy stem from the fact that it is ...
jtd's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What to do with boatload of screen-resolution related questions?

I was browsing Ask Ubuntu for a bit and I found that there are a lot of screen-resolution related questions who are badly asked/answered or not answered at all. A lot of the questions are very ...
Merlijn Sebrechts's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Retagging untagged questions "too minor"?

Since when is retagging an untagged question "too minor"? The community clearly thinks that retagging untagged questions is good (see links below), but still, half of my retags get rejected by being "...
Merlijn Sebrechts's user avatar
0 votes
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Why is this edit rejected?

I'm new to answering and editing questions. My edit on how to install the ia32-libs in ubuntu 13.10 has been rejected. I do not know why. The reasons given were This edit introduces spam, defaces the ...
Merlijn Sebrechts's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Should we edit offensive content that is only meant to vandalize the site?

Ok, let me clarify some substantive that I'm going to use: Content: it may refer to comments, body or title of a certain post. Offensive: anything that I wouldn't show to my Boss, family or for what ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
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Should this question be split into 5 separate questions?

I found What are the steps to deploy OpenStack in a VM using juju?. I saw comments on the question earlier that look like the person asking this is really trying to find the answer. It appears he ...
Azendale's user avatar
  • 11.9k
-15 votes
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A critical note (alternative title: where is my speech freedom?)

The censorship sucks on this site. It feels very NAZI / NSB / Stasi like. Is that how you welcome a new guest? I do understand some moderation, but this is over-polished. What happened to freedom of ...
guest's user avatar
  • 49
1 vote
2 answers

Why comment "This is an English only site"? [duplicate]

On occasion people post questions in a language other than English and within 5 minutes there are multiple comments informing them that this is an English only site. Any user on the site is allowed ...
Dan's user avatar
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Badge hunters: When editing post does not improve them

Few minutes after I posted a question it was edited twice ... but the edits were not constructive in any way: "Kubuntu Quantal" was changed to "Kubuntu 12.10" "doing fine" was changed to "working ...
arney's user avatar
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3 answers

How important is accuracy?

With regard to making small edits would an inaccuracy justify a minor edit?. The question I refer to is found here and the suggested edit I made can be found Review/Suggested Edits. A new user who can ...
geezanansa's user avatar
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Is it acceptable for users to only gain reputation through a plethora of tiny edits?

To what extent is it acceptable for a user to only gain reputation through minor edits? This is a question somewhat in reply to:'s user avatar
  • 1,468
8 votes
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Meta editing-help should mention "paragraph breaks"

If I don't overlook something obvious does not mention paragraph breaks at all. Neither how they are considered useful instead of wasting space nor how one creates ...
guntbert's user avatar
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A call to uphold accessibility by not shortening links to "here"

As far as I see there has been some discussion about the shortening of links. While keeping the complete URL visible in the post can clearly be distracting (especially when used inline), I want to ...
guntbert's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Should spam posts be edited, or still just flagged?

We've had an upswing of spam recently (hopefully short-lived), and I've noticed a few users editing spam posts to remove links. This has traditionally been considered a wrong approach on Ask Ubuntu. ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

When should one answer their own question rather than build on what is already there?

Let me put this forward with an example... I was stuck on an SSH issue on my Ubuntu server. I then got a few comments from one user and an answer from another. I thought that the answer gave me ...
itsols's user avatar
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5 answers

Should posts be edited to have readable links?

When reading, i find it infuriating to see links posted rather than Example. Should questions and answers be edited to make links more readable, or is this not really seen as ...
Lewis Goddard's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What to do if several answers to a question are edited, making them all very similar?

In one particular case I answered a question, which already had an accepted answer because I felt my answer more exactly addressed the OP's question. After a while, my answer was voted second highest. ...
kynan's user avatar
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When correcting a vital typo via edit, how to bypass 6-character limit on edits [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to make small but important edits? Say that you have the prototype scenario in Why the minimum 6 characters limit on edits: someone has written rm -rf / foo instead of rm -...
tucuxi's user avatar
  • 198
4 votes
5 answers

Is it selfish or ridiculous to rewrite a question towards your answer?

Let's assume the OP asks something regarding an issue or a plain question without any suggestion towards a solution to how. E.g. revision 1 of this example question: Add repositories to synaptic ...
gertvdijk's user avatar
  • 69k
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Is it ludicrous to start posting an answer "please wait, I'm writing..."?

See the first revision of this answer, quoting completely: I'm not really sure if you can do it in a terminal, but with my iMac I used tabbing instead. (please wait, I'm writing the post...) ...
gertvdijk's user avatar
  • 69k