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7 votes
4 answers

What should I do for comment answer

I asked a question: Error libx264 not found. And I got a comment which is good answer. After I got the correct answer, I want to see what community thinks I should do: Vote up the comment only. ...
Muath's user avatar
  • 409
7 votes
1 answer

What HTML and/or Markdown code is allowed in comments?

What HTML and/or Markdown code is allowed in comments?
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
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Why user is able to edit comments in multiple textareas in the same time?

By accident I have clicked edit link on comment twice. After first click I have textarea for editing it (it is normal and expected behavior). But on second and third click on edit I get garbage: ...
N0rbert's user avatar
  • 102k
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Commenting on a test review question automatically scolds you with "STOP! Look and listen" - Why? [duplicate]

I stumbled over a review question, which turned out to be a Test question. I tried to write a comment that OP might consider using the older, 4.10 kernel, since there seem to be a lot of issues with ...
Robert Riedl's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I leave comments on Ask Ubuntu?

How do I leave a comment to an answer on the Ask Ubuntu site? I posted a question and someone posted an answer. But the answer fails to take into account information posted on the site. How do I ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does upvoting a comment add to the commenter's reputation? How much?

I've noticed some great comments along the way and upvoted them. Will the commenter get any reputation boost from that? (If they do, how many points per vote?) I'm also wondering since I've seen some ...
Firefeather's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Should I ask for additional information in comments, or start an answer and ask questions there?

I noticed on another QA post here that someone mentioned that as a rule of thumb they keep comments short, and anything longer than short goes in an answer. A few times, I've asked for more ...
belacqua's user avatar
  • 23.4k
6 votes
1 answer

Can I tag people in the comments of an unanswered question?

I have noticed that some users have a lot of expertise in certain fields. For example, C.S.Cameron has answered a lot of questions on interesting unconventional installation methods, N0rbert has ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Should I flag comments such as "I agree", "+1 for x", or "I changed x in my post"?

Oftentimes I see comments that go along the lines of "+1, really good answer/question!", "I agree, we should do that this way", or "This helped a lot, thanks!". These comments are encouraging and ...
fouric's user avatar
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2 answers

Does AskUbuntu encourage deleting old comments?

Generally, I don't delete my comments. I've seen several posts on AU where people's comments don't make sense, presumably because previous posters deleted their comments. It's worse when these ...
idbrii's user avatar
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Should users be able to flag comments as obsolete that they have previously upvoted?

I understand why I cannot flag a comment I've upvoted. When I upvote a comment, it means I think it is of especially high quality. But an especially high quality comment can become obsolete (for ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

There is something wrong with backslash ("\") behaviour in comments

I was writing comment to the question(about Samba, so it uses UNC with backslashes). The source code of my comment: On Linux you should use `//` instead of `\\`. On Windows you should use only `\\`. ...
N0rbert's user avatar
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6 votes
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Should comments that answer a question be marked obsolete after full answers are posted?

Sometimes a comment is posted that answers a question. This is not even always wrong--sometimes the comment is insufficiently detailed to constitute a good answer. Then, sometime later, a good, ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How many comment votes do we each get in a day?

Today I ran out of comment votes, I did not even know this could happen. This is not attached to my Q&A votes, I still have 10 of them left. So I can make sure I don't waste my votes, it was ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
6 votes
1 answer

Tag a comment as the correct answer

I ask a question in this forum: Bug report invalid, unupdated packages And I want to tag as a valid answer the comment of a comment. Is it possible? The comment is not the answer that I search...but ...
Carlos Soriano Sánchez's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Why does the site tease me about a comment I can't view?

A deleted answer marked as spam shows a "show 1 more comment" link, but clicking the link does not show the comment. Reloading the page does not make the problem go away. The deletion itself is ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to deal with people who repost other people's comments as answers?

When users see a question, they often write comments like “did you try x?” to clarify if a novice user has already tried some trivial steps before posting the question. Now there's almost always some (...
Donarsson's user avatar
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2 answers

moving question-related discussions from comments to chat seems pointless, destroys clarifying information

After a bit of fact finding back and forth in the comments about a fix-it question, the site will now display something like: Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

User with 1 Reputation is able to comment

I stumbled about this question when it was eight hours old. A new user (not the question author) commented under the question. The reputation score of the new user is "one". Looking immediately at ...
mook765's user avatar
  • 17.4k
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Why can't we edit comments?

I posted a comment, and I can't edit it anymore. Why? We can edit questions, even after a while.
John Carter's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to insert hyperlinks in comments?

Maybe I'm just making some silly mistake, but how do you create a hyperlink within a comment? I have tried the regular html syntax, but that doesn't seem to work in comments, but it does work in ...
Minos's user avatar
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Should I notify about edits in the question comments?

I have a question about my Ask Ubuntu post: Using chown successfully but not actually changing user ownership in Ubuntu bash on Windows 10? A user in the comments gave me some input on how to edit my ...
bambooch's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Should I flag items for deletion when this is a method of communicating with the user?

I've recently been given review privileges for new users. Occasionally, some of them make the mistake of posting answers when they shouldn't, such as here, where the user asks for clarification on ...
Sparhawk's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I edit my original question without rolling back?

I asked a question and subsequently a user (and then another one) edited my question. Their edits were tags (thank you) and formatting, both of which I really liked, but I have noticed a grammatical ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 33
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1 answer

Comment with one rep without participation in post

Is there any explanation for why the first comment on this post has been made by a user with 1 rep and no participation on that thread? Is it a bug?
nanofarad's user avatar
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Confused about flagging comments and removal

I flagged two comments earlier as rude or offensive - they were, no doubt, they were insults. The strange thing was these comments were instantly removed and my flags are listed as helpful in my ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
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Is there a way to get emails for new comments?

Is there a way to have Ask Ubuntu send me emails when new comments are posted? I can't seem to find an option for this. A lot of times, someone asks me a question in a comment and I don't know about ...
Andrew Gunnerson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do I escape backticks in a comment?

I want to be able to post this as a comment: FYI, code formatting is done with backticks, e.g. `sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst`. But as you can see, it doesn't come out quite right...
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
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1 answer

unsaved comment edits are lost when showing new comments

When I do the following... post a comment start editing the comment I recently posted see that newer comments have been posted click the link to show the newer comments editing of my [less ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Order of operations when editing/flagging

A bit of a question and a bit of a PSA for others to potentially avoid the problem I ran into. This question was originally unclear. The title did not match the question body, and there was (...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 20.6k
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Mention multiple users

I know that in comment the number of mentions (@user) is limited to one (in addition to the OP). But in some cases, as in How do I prevent one user in particular from accessing my home directory?, I ...
Rmano's user avatar
  • 32.3k
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Add launchpad quick link

For the comments we have lots of links, such as [se] and []. Here is a list of requested redirects, from me and the comments: [launchpad] goes to and shows as ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Why do I always get "It does not meet our quality standards"

I just do the normal way of making a question but always says 'It does not meet our quality standards.' is there something wrong about my writings?
Jimmy's user avatar
  • 123
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5 answers

What to do with answers that should be comments, but get deleted?

As the reputation requirement to comment is pretty high (50), many new users who want to contribute to the site use answers to leave a comment on questions, e.g. to request additional information ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
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1 answer

Were the "pre-canned" comments intended to be brusque and condescending? If so, why?

I posted this question recently, and after I answered a comment requesting information with something like "I'll try to do this when I'm home", the same user who had requested the ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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How to properly add code in comment

How can I properly add a line of code in a comment like this test test I like it more grey than test test if that is possible. Or if there is another way to define code in a comment to make it ...
An0n's user avatar
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Where can I see a summary of the comments I have made, like the question and answer summaries on my profile?

I tried searching many times in my profile, help center, here and Google, but I seem to be missing something. Is there a way to see a Comments summary of my comments just like 'Answers' and '...
Pizza's user avatar
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1 answer

Does "convert to edit" let moderators move comments?

When moderators convert an answer to and edit--which deletes the answer and places its content at the end of the question--do they have the ability to move the comments from that answer to the ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What to do when an answer is just a (very good) request for information?

What should I do when I come upon a question that's missing some information, which has been requested...but only in an answer that does not actually attempt to answer the question, nor even to ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I use the grey formatting in a comment? [duplicate]

Someone showed me (by editing my question for me) how to make some of your text show up grey to show it is code. Now I need to know how to do it in a comment.
XqRG's user avatar
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What should be done to useful posts posted by new users as answer but should be comments?

I am refering to this post, which was posted as an answer, but should have been a comment to the accepted answer. The user did not have enough rep(50) to post a comment, so he posted it as comment, ...
jobin's user avatar
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How much confusion is justifiable in the name of simplifying comment "threads"?

Suppose I leave a comment to a question or answer suggesting a change that I cannot make myself or don't wish to make because of uncertainty as to whether or not I'm missing something. Then the change ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Should redirections to other questions / answers be comments or answers ?

A part of the answer to this question is, in my opinion, answering another "new" question. I wanted to redirect the person asking the "new" question to the existing answer and posted it as an answer. ...
koushik's user avatar
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Why the limits on the number of users that can be notified in one comment?

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to notify more than one user (using the @) in the same comment. However, the current system allows notifying only one user in the same comment. Why this limit? Can we ...
jobin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why don't "useful comment" results give reputation?

I saw the "Does upvoting a comment add to the commenter's reputation" question already, but seriously: this seems like a bug, not a feature. There are questions to which there is no answer, but there ...
Jim Salter's user avatar
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Can I Know User Is Logged in or Not?

I want to know if a user is online at a given time or not. So that commenting on a question or answer would be effective. Because the user profile only shows that the user was last seen : (Ex:30 ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 36.8k
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A new user is missing their edit, comment, etc. links on their question

I encountered yet another question where the poster had submitted their response to my comment as an answer. As usual, I directed them to add the answer as a comment on their question instead. However,...
Knowledge Cube's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I give a bounty to a commenter?

I asked this question a few days ago. I got a couple of answers but nothing that worked so I added a bounty to try and get some more attention. After placing the bounty, a user commented on one of ...
Insperatus's user avatar
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My comment got removed less than one day after I wrote it and the question. Who might have done it? [duplicate]

Do moderators do this once in a while when they are in the mood or are some comments removed automatically? The comment was not vital. I just need to know what to expect.
ubuntroll's user avatar
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How do I choose comments to be the best answer?

Sometimes users make the best answer on the comments, what should I do to make them best answer?
Neptunno's user avatar
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