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Unanswered Questions

104 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
0 answers

Flagged a question before I saw it in First Posts review queue. I cannot click "I'm Done"

The question which I'm referring to in the title is this: Error : If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct these errors, the partition will be used as is I flagged this question 2 ...
9 votes
0 answers

Code fence formatting problems to watch out for and fix

Since the start of 2019, code fences have been fully supported on Stack Exchange sites. By code fences, I mean the use of opening and closing triple backticks to format a code block. The effect of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a way to view statistics about visitors by country?

I was wondering if there is some sort of a counter or statistics about registered / unregistered visitors of ask ubuntu by world region or country, in a certain given time period and / or site ...
2 votes
0 answers

Reopen question after release of 20.04

my question has been closed as addressing a not released version, but now it's released. Please reopen. How to install Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa remotely with virt-instlall?
0 votes
0 answers

Edit post again after logging in

I made an edit to a post, realized I made a mistake but I couldn't edit it again. Then I noticed I was somehow logged out (I'm NEVER logged out normally so it didn't even cross my mind that the button ...
0 votes
0 answers

Text distortion on askubuntu and seamonkey

I am still getting some text distortion. Ubuntu Mate 18.04 Desktop site using Seamonkey. Is there a fix?
1 vote
0 answers

last question auto populates into the question form

I am trying to post a new question. However, when I click on "ask question" I see the previous question that I posted auto populated into the title, text, and tag fields. I want to still keep that ...
3 votes
0 answers

Possibly similar question (or even accounts)?

Either it's a coincidence or intentional, I saw two similar questions of LibreOffice right now: Convert .ods document to .docx document Converting .ods to .docx file Apparently, both OPs have also ...
8 votes
0 answers

Ask the duck - how to disable it?

Today a yellow duck started popping up in the bottom right corner of the browser window. I can hide it through an adblocker option, but is there an option to disable this feature in user/profile ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why can I not create an account on Ask Ubuntu?

I just tried to create a new account on this site Ask Ubuntu using my email and a password - and not connecting Google, Facebook etc. Filling in the display name, email and password on the https://...
2 votes
0 answers

Any ideas on why this question didn't get any responses

I asked this 17 days ago (although I revised the title later). I don't expect miracles (although sometimes I get them ;) ), but I am surprised at getting nothing. Is there something I can do/...
5 votes
0 answers

Achievements rep indicator glitching

The rep indicator lit up saying I gained 141 points, but I only gained 4. This has happened twice in the past 10 minutes. See the below screenshot...
1 vote
0 answers

About retracted flags and the comment persisting

Case in point: How do I convert my usb installation from legacy boot to uefi? By mistake I flagged as duplicate but later on noticed it was about Elementary OS. Retracted but the comment persists?
12 votes
0 answers

Changes to user account deletion

As a lot of people post here about removing profiles, I thought this post from today, outlining a few changes to the system, was worth a repost here, just so everyone knows about it. Relevant ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is there any way to hide deleted answers in "new answers to old questions" Tools section?

I have been looking through the new answers to old question Tools section recently and have been flagging up quite a few things missed by others and the system. But what makes this extra annoying and ...

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