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Unanswered Questions

104 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
1 vote
0 answers

Incorrect duplicate: missing clock

The question My clock has disappeared is incorrectly marked as a duplicate of Ubuntu 12.04 gnome issue, no clock is shown, strange starter icon cannot be removed. Could someone who has the necessary ...
1 vote
0 answers

"Put On Hold As Unclear What You're Asking" How Can I Help Get This Question Unheld?

So yesterday I stumbled upon a question on Askubuntu; MATE menu is missing. It's a troubleshooting question about Mate Desktop and while not ideally worded I found it easy enough to understand what ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Can anyone protect my question (What does “TTY” stand for?)

Can anyone protect my question? Because there are samlier question to it like this one that is protected! That has less upvotes!
0 votes
0 answers

Chat room compatibility for iPhone

I am logged into the forums through my iPhone but when I try to enter the chat rooms, it says I must log in. When I enter my credentials it says it cannot find my account, then asks if I would like to ...
6 votes
0 answers

WAT! Failed review audit but the question is closed

This question is closed as too broad, rightly so despite the upvotes (if you only take into account the last question "Won't a recent Ubuntu version affect my software in any way ?" you will need more ...
0 votes
0 answers

Help on chat without enough REP

I don't have enough rep yet to talk on chats but I would like to reply to some answers to help Can we have a new channel for users without enough rep? Just to chat about Linux in General?...
2 votes
0 answers

Help with formatting text in question and answer

We can easily well format text in question/answer like Bold, Italic, Hyperlink, Block-quote, code, Image, List, Heading and Horizontal rule. Now, I want to know various tags like <kbd>, etc. ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to list questions closed for particular reason?

I saw there is on which we can query questions, for example, protected questions. Is there any queries to list questions closed for particular reason? I need to list off-topic ...
0 votes
0 answers

Have the review audits got cranked up again?

Not intended as a complaint, but it looks like there are "continuously" adjustments made to the review system - I noticed a higher frequency lately - Just now I got 2 audits for 8 reviews in "...
0 votes
0 answers

Different badges in main user and meta, Reputations only for main user

There is independence between awarded badges on askubuntu main user and meta user. But reputations is same for main user and meta user. However, voting and accepting questions and answers on meta ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can we have some click through stats for Community Bulletin?

We have a section called "Community Bulletin" on the landing page of Ask Ubuntu which contains links to events (like Moderator elections), featured meta posts, recently held meta discussions along ...
0 votes
0 answers

Mentioning user name in a comment doesn't work

I am trying to mention user nik90 in a comment, so I start with @nik90. After saving the comment, the whole string "@nik90" is deleted. Editing doesn't bring it back. What do I do wrong?
3 votes
0 answers

How accurate are times given for when questions/answers are posted?

In, the question is at 2014-03-08 06:44:30Z and the answer is at 2014-03-08 06:46:25Z. My question: how reliable ...
4 votes
0 answers

Help Needed for Broadcom Testing

it's your crazy mod here. I am in need of Ubuntu users that have a BCM43XX Broadcom Wireless Card. For the Broadcom models you can go ahead and read Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers What we ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can I search for my draft answers?

I googled to know how to get my draft answers. But I couldn't find a way. I know I can find my draft if I know the question. In my case I don't remember the question. Any idea?

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