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Unanswered Questions

135 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
2 votes
0 answers

Syntax highlighting doesn’t work on meta

When I enter <!-- language-all: lang-bash --> if :; then echo "quoted"; fi in a post on main, the output looks like this: Here on meta, the very same code gets no syntax highlighting at ...
3 votes
0 answers

Mobile view adds linebreaks before and after images even if they are very small

If my answer uses a package one has to install first, I like to add an AptURL link with the small package symbol , e.g. for sl using this: [`sl` ![Install sl](](http:...
6 votes
0 answers

Yearling badge awarded multiple times today

I'm getting some odd behavior on the site today, it's awarded me the yearling badge 5 times over and keeps doing so every hour or so, perhaps in response to some actions I'm taking, but I can't tell ...
9 votes
0 answers

It asks something different, and it needs a different answer, so can we reopen it?

Edit: question reopened. Thanks :) Can you have too much swap? is closed as a duplicate of I have 16GB RAM. Do I need 32GB swap? But the first question is asking what problems might arise from ...
0 votes
0 answers

Question editor toolbar is vertically aligned in Chromium 27

The question editor toolbar is now vertically aligned instead of horizontal.
4 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu site layout is wrong on Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey

I use Mozilla Firefox ESR 52.6.0 and Mozilla Seamonkey 2.49.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS x86_64 and Windows 8.1 x86_64 with installed updates. After some updates of site design its layout is somehow broken ...
5 votes
0 answers

Words seem to be missing in "Share a link to this question..." message

Right above the Answer box, we have the Share a link to this question message. This is how I see it: I'm using Firefox Quantom with uBlock.
6 votes
0 answers

Why does the site tease me about a comment I can't view?

A deleted answer marked as spam shows a "show 1 more comment" link, but clicking the link does not show the comment. Reloading the page does not make the problem go away. The deletion itself is ...
4 votes
0 answers

Very confusing audit (maybe a bug?)

I just came across this review audit which really confused me a lot. My first urge was to flag it and this confronted me with the following dialog (see screen-shot): I finally simply down-voted this ...
0 votes
0 answers

Reporting bug when upvoting comments

I've seen this bug couple of times before, no big deal but I'm just reporting it here since it happened to me now on AU. sudo: No protocol specified in Ubuntu 17.10 I wanted to upvote the first ...
5 votes
0 answers

The review menu opens and immediately springs closed if clicked when logged out

I had a tab open in Firefox from when I was logged in. Not realizing I had been logged out of the site, I clicked the review icon in the top bar. The menu that would ordinarily show me the review ...
5 votes
1 answer

Review queue false negatives on the new top bar

I've reviewed several posts regarding the new top bar such as:
5 votes
0 answers

Unpublished questions written on mobile site not showing on desktop site

When I write questions on the mobile Ask Ubuntu site but leave them unpublished, the question is saved on the mobile site, but I can't access it from the desktop site. I can access it on another ...
5 votes
0 answers

Achievements rep indicator glitching

The rep indicator lit up saying I gained 141 points, but I only gained 4. This has happened twice in the past 10 minutes. See the below screenshot...
8 votes
0 answers

Glitch on profile page with dropdowns

The next privilege button on the profile page shows through the three drop-downs on the top. I tend to start my browsing at this page then check my inbox so I see it every visit. Chrome&Firefox

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