Edit: question reopened. Thanks :)
Can you have too much swap? is closed as a duplicate of I have 16GB RAM. Do I need 32GB swap?
But the first question is asking what problems might arise from having too much swap. It takes for granted that more swap is good and asks whether and how the idea that more swap is good breaks down at some point.
By contrast, the second question and all its answers take for granted that less swap is good and swap should be kept to a necessary minimum. They explain why some swap may be needed and how much swap may be needed for various purposes. None of them attempt to consider the possible ill-effects of having too much swap, because they take for granted that swap is an inconvenience, a chunk of the disk you'd rather fill with cat pictures.
The first question already has answers that point out that you can't fill swap space with cat pictures (I'm paraphrasing slightly), but it deserves answers that explain other possible ill-effects which do exist.
Please can we reopen this question?