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Flairs are not visible in

The flairs of the moderators are not visible in Refer this screenshot: When I try to open image in new tab in Firefox, it's completely blank: When I try to open image ...
Random Person's user avatar
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Mod Tools/Panel: Misaligned "Flag Types" Section

This must have changed within the past couple hours, but where we would normally see that nice sidebar in the mod panel with all the flag types and such no longer appears there, where the red freeform ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
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Image uploads broken [closed]

Title says it all. When I try to upload an image in a post, it just says that, "An error occurred at imgur" Funny thing is, I can't even provide a screenshot of the error because I can't upload ...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
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I can't embed images anymore?

Suddenly, when I try to embed an image, it only puts the link in. (Just like if you have less than 10 rep) I'm curious if any other users are experiencing this... ?
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
3 votes
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Is putting up bounties broken?

I just tried to put up a bounty on the following question: Desktop Facebook application for Ubuntu The Dialog for selecting how hight the bounty shall be comes up but the Next Button doesnt seem to ...
Videonauth's user avatar
  • 33.7k
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Erroneous message pops up in close dialog

I try to vote to close a question, but am greeted with this error message: So I patiently wait until 3 seconds have passed, try again, and get the same error, over and over again. What is wrong here?
Jos's user avatar
  • 30k
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Don't allow questions to be asked with no title

This is a bug: The OP just wrote the body of their question without actually writing a title. The result, as you can see in the image above, is a singularly useless title. This shouldn't be allowed. ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
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Redirect loop when trying to log in for first time with Google account

I tried to login for the first time with my Google account. I may have already created an Askubuntu account years ago using the same gmail address. Now it sends me in a redirect loop when I click on "...
andrew's user avatar
  • 61
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Is something wrong with the way the ads are being chosen? All I see are hot questions

In the Community ad section on the homepage there is a section for Community ads, hot questions and a few SE ads: However I noticed that pretty much all I see are hot questions. While I am ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
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Why Is Main site not giving appropriate badge for reading FAQ?

Have mentioned this in chat a few weeks ago and as others have referred to SE system in other answers here in meta thought would ask for advice regarding the reasons or possibilities to why i have not ...
geezanansa's user avatar
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7 votes
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Weirdness on the election page - missing comments, and disqualified candidate is visible

I'm using chrome on a HTC one V and noticed two odd things when attempting to view the election page Firstly, the candidate here has been disqualified (twice?) and dosen't turn up on the non mobile ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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User name missing in mobile version of askubuntu (I think!)

I'm pretty sure that your user name used to display when you were logged in and using the mobile version of the site, but now it appears to be missing. I've included a screenshot where I was using ...
coversnail's user avatar
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"Peer pressure" badge doesn't appear in my profile page

I was notified that I had gotten the "peer pressure" badge, and was told to see my profile. I did and that badge doesn't appear there. I think maybe I've experienced that before with another badge.
Jo-Erlend Schinstad's user avatar
7 votes
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Privileges page has broken alignment

This page has some messed up alignment in the right sidebar. Here's what it should look like, But when you click on the link it breaks. This doesn't seem to be an issue on other StackExchange sites ...
Kris Harper's user avatar
  • 13.6k
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Can we add a little more space on the User Activity page? (Graphical glitch)

After doing an edit, where the entry shows up on the activity page, the underline from the link is partly hidden by the highlighted section which says what the edit was. Screenshot: Could we add a ...
Slipstream's user avatar
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top bar style for ask ubuntu

The Top bar for Ask Ubuntu (and Meta) doesn't seem to have enough space from the top of the window area. When a notification (badge, welcome/faq) etc appears, it is very close to the text. This seems ...
davidsleeps's user avatar
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feed icon link is wrong in firefox

the site has a rss/atom feed which is available via the rss icon in the awesomebar of firefox. if you click on that icon, the page firefox wants to open is feed://http//
Joris's user avatar
  • 101
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My comments are being posted when I move to another window...

I start writing a comment... then I might move to another window to do something... time passes... I do many things in many windows... Then I come back to complete my askubuntu comment... and it has ...
Peter.O's user avatar
  • 25.1k
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Wrong reputation scale on FAQ

On the FAQ page the reputation scale from the Public BETA is still present where it should reflect the current scale.
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
  • 48.6k
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I've lost formatting in Firefox, but only for this site ( !

This is weird! ... In Firefox, for this site only, I've am getting a screen full of basic text (and an occasional .png), but I've lost most of the decoration. There is still a semblence of ...
Peter.O's user avatar
  • 25.1k
5 votes
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Where is the link back?

Where is the link back to from
Daniel's user avatar
  • 1,919
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Is there a IP-based login?

Starting from today I noticed that I get logged out from time to time at SE. It doesn't matter if I'm active or not. So normally I browse the web using Tor. Thatswhy "my" IP address changes every ten ...
qbi's user avatar
  • 19.3k