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Why do one post sometimes off-topic post like "How To Boost Marathon Stamina?"

Recently I saw a post saying: "How To Boost Marathon Stamina?" Why people do post these type of off-topic post on Ask Ubuntu? These are automated robots for posting ads or something else?
snoop's user avatar
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Is this the right place to ask about finding and installing an AV?

I know that there is some sort of Norton Open Source Antivirus for Linux, and I really want it, however I see mention and talk of it, but I can't actually find it, is this the right place to ask about ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Where else should we direct users for help finding compatible hardware?

I gather from the closure of the question How to find a compatible 10 inch laptop in 2015? that questions about strategies for finding compatible hardware are not welcome on Ask Ubuntu, even a ...
Damian Yerrick's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are questions about how to upgrade to an Alpha release off-topic? [duplicate]

Are questions that ask for instructions on how to upgrade to an Alpha release off-topic if they don't ask for any information about how to use the Alpha release etc, but only ask how in the current ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are legal and licensing issues welcome here?

Are legal and licensing questions allowed on AskUbuntu? Such as questions asking about legality of using the logo elsewhere, etc? Or questions asking about licensing? Which are questions about Ubuntu, ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it on-topic to ask about plugins in a browser?

I was just wondering, is it on-topic here to ask about plugins in a browser, when the browser is running on Ubuntu, but the plugin is browser and not OS specific?
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there a rule which states that all questions and answers have to be in English on this site? [duplicate]

I know that people often tell others that it is a rule here, but I am have never actually seen it written anywhere, so is it a rule that all questions and answers on this site have to be written in ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

EOL Notice: Utopic (14.10) has now reached End of Life

This is a notice regarding releases of Ubuntu that have reached end of life. The following versions of Ubuntu and derivatives are officially end of life as of July 23, 2015: Utopic 14.10 New ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
0 votes
1 answer

Proposal to edit the Close-Reason "Not about Ubuntu" to also include questions about other *mobile* OS

The reason why I am proposing this is that I saw this question which is about an android app that the user falsely expected to find in the Ubuntu-touch repository. My reaction would have been to ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
1 vote
1 answer

It is off-topic now, but it wasn't then, so do I vote to close? [duplicate]

I have recently (after reaching 3k and unlocking the ability to cast close and reopen votes) noticed that a lot of questions that were not off-topic when they were originally asked are being flagged ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The close reason "Off topic" -> "Bug reports..." is still confusing

There is one single point in the review UI that does not fail to irritate me when I see it. It's about how to understand the close reason Off topic->Bug reports. I know that it has been discussed ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I ask questions about how software is supposed to be used?

I just asked a question about what the intended workflow is for doing something in Ubuntu, but it was rather poorly received thus far: What is the intended way of creating desktop launchers? Is this ...
quant's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Is it appropriate to ask if the Asus X555MA has any known issues running Ubuntu?

I know there have been questions about hardware before, and meta discussions about whether or not they are appropriate, but I can't remember if there was a definite answer. I'm thinking of the Asus ...
Carl H's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

When will I be able to ask about systemd questions with ubuntu?

This one was deleted: Increase Trackpoint Sensititvity with SystemD (Ubuntu 15.04 or later) because SystemD is a feature in the next version of Ubuntu. Having reinstalled, I searched for the ...
Anon's user avatar
  • 12.2k
33 votes
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Are bash/shell scripting questions on topic?

I have seen a number of users voting to close scripting questions as off topic. Is this the community consensus? Are bash questions not welcome here? How about other shell programming questions?
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
2 votes
2 answers

How is this question off-topic?

I posted a question about the crouton tool for creating an ubuntu environment in chrome os, but it was put on hold as off-topic. The question is this: I attempted several times to use the crouton ...
Ecko's user avatar
  • 103
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Are questions on unauthorized software on-topic?

Someone asked a question about installing a software program that was clearly illegally procured. Yet I hesitate to flag the question as off-topic: there is, as far as I can see, no explicit rule ...
Jos's user avatar
  • 30k
2 votes
2 answers

systemd on or off topic

Is systemd on or off topic here ? From the wiki page - Warning! Experimental code systemd is under active development in Ubuntu ...
Panther's user avatar
  • 103k
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Is it fine to ask questions about boot errors from log files?

I'm looking into the log files and search for boot error messages. When I find an error I search it on the Internet. If I don't find any solution, is it fine to ask a question about how to fix it? I ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Are Qt questions on topic?

Are Qt questions on topic? I ask because I get hassled for asking them, despite clearly being linked to Ubuntu, especially since unity is becoming pure Qt. I am very rarely hassled for QML questions,...
Anon's user avatar
  • 12.2k
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Are questions about ubuntu 15.04 are off-topic? [duplicate]

Are questions about in-development Ubuntu distributions off-topic or not?
Alex Jones's user avatar
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Where can I ask theoretical questions?

I was wondering where the proper place for theoretical questions would be. E.g. (a little noobish, but whatever) I wondered how it's possible for something to be closed source - why can't you either ...
GuyfromAmsterdam's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Let's refine and clarify our off-topic close reasons

Recently I have noticed, both as a user and a moderator, a good number of questions either being closed as end-of-life or as a development release when they probably don’t need to be. Just a few ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
2 votes
1 answer

Are questions about the finer points of the linux kernel on topic?

My question is in regards to this question: This is a question about the nitty-gritty underpinnings of the linux kernel. ...
Mitch's user avatar
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2 answers

How do we differentiate between 12.04 and 12.04.5?

As far as I know, there is only one 12.04-related tag: 12.04. Also, 12.04 (by itself) EOLed on August 8, 2014. 12.04.5 EOLs in April 2017. As one is off-topic and the other is on-topic, how do we ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.4k
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2 answers

There are questions being closed as EOL when they are still supported

This question is because of some close votes due to EOL are wrong - I expect it is quite a lot. This is a review of a question (admittedly too broad / unclear)- it was flagged as being EOL for being ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
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3 answers

Questions on how to use a program that technically are available on ubuntu?

Okay excuse my ignorance, but this should be an easy question for you to answer. I didnt get a clear answer in the help, so I am just double checking: ...
Anon's user avatar
  • 12.2k
1 vote
6 answers

Is Ask Ubuntu a social network?

Hey all metausers out there! I heared an interesting talk about social networks, and what social networks are. And now this question is engaging me: Is ask ubuntu a social network? I think it is ...
LittleByBlue's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Would a off-topic tag warning be a good-idea? [duplicate]

Here on Ask Ubuntu we have quite a lot of tags for various Linux distributions/Operating Systems/things that could be off-topic if specific about them: debian, mint, fedora, crunchbang, windows, ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k
4 votes
4 answers

Can I mention SteamOS in Ask Ubuntu?

I use SteamOS and am having a problem with it, but I don't know whether or not to mention it in Ask Ubuntu. It uses the .deb files, so it is quite similar. Should I bring it up, or not?
Find Me In The Woods's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How do we feel about requests for learning materials?

How do we feel about requests for learning materials? Questions like "Where can I find a good tutorial on foo?" or "Is there a book for learning bar?" or "Can you suggest an online course on baz?" etc....
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k
5 votes
2 answers

Are questions about the software centre app submit process acceptable?

Is this question OK, I'm not sure wether it is on or off topic?
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
6 votes
3 answers

Should questions that are asking for an install guide be flagged?

I have seen many questions that are asking "How to install / upgrade". There are many tutorials out there, so they obviously haven't bothered to do much research - they've just asked over here ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
14 votes
5 answers

Can we please ban unrelated programming questions?

This issue has been discussed in the past: But I disagree with Andrea Corbellini because I ...
hytromo's user avatar
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How to handle the storm of 10.04-related questions

I've been seeing a lot of questions regarding 10.04 and how it recently broke after an update. Does anyone know the technical background why these users are experiencing similar problems? What's the ...
kraxor's user avatar
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Packaging problems with PPA's from the user perspective are on topic?

One of the issues I find from time to time are packages dependencies problems related with PPA's due careless package maintainers. These problems are normally fixed changing one line (or several one ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
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Who are the experts for [localhost]?

Lets get rid of the localhost tag I'm really surprised it met with strong opposition at the time, and I still not convinced, so let me ask if there are really experts in "localhost" question and a ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
8 votes
1 answer

what is the difference between askubuntu and

why is there this special site for Ubuntu? I think that most of the questions are general Linux questions and would belong there
rubo77's user avatar
  • 33.5k
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1 answer

networkengineering. or askubuntu

if you have a question that is related to networking for example dhcp or ftp servives and your application is on the ubuntu . In which stack you should or better to ask networkengineering or askubuntu?...
Mohammad Reza Rezwani's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we connect Askubuntu with a ubuntu based custom distro?

We have made some custom distro. We want to connect that custom distro with . Our distro is the same Ubuntu, with some preinstalled apps and customized so that people can use Linux more ...
Pavak Paul's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

I know how everyone can be happy!

Unicorns for everybody! .... not really. I'm talking about our long trail of "list of X" that predate the site since immemorial times. As you can see in previous discussions people doesn't ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Is asking about reverting phone to Android on-topic?

A device once had a mobile derivative of Ubuntu, but OP wants to revert to Android this on-topic or belong somewhere like generic linux or android enthusiasts? Case study How to return to ...
Clayton's user avatar
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Do you think these Questions need to be close/deleted because they are too broad?

These two Questions What Application Indicators are available?, and What kinds of desktop environments and shells are available? Do they need to be closed? Even though they are popular and What ...
MathCubes's user avatar
  • 5,702
14 votes
4 answers

Heartbleed on 13.04 is bad for the Internet, we should keep one open

Since this is a pretty serious issue I think we should keep one canonical question for heartbleed on 13.04, maybe this one?
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
3 votes
0 answers

Can we please decide if Chrubuntu installation and usage is on topic? [duplicate]

We've got couple of questions about ChrUbuntu, installing Ubuntu on a Chrome Book, problems that happens only when you use these modified scripts. So, they are welcomed with all that it carries or ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
5 votes
2 answers

Why is this question on using Ubuntu with Nvidia drivers off-topic?

I am utterly surprised that this question is considered off-topic: . It represents a genuine ...
landroni's user avatar
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1 vote
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Software Recommendation is live tomorrow! What makes us different in our quality standards?

In an ideal world, there should be one SE site for each kind of question. Now, in the practice we are overlapping with at least 2 other sites (3 if we count SF) and that soon that number will grow one ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Why was the question about a problem pinging a Windows system from Ubuntu off-topic?

What was causing the problem, presented in the question, only came into light when the question was answered. Before that it was unknown and most probably would ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Just lets drop the software recommendation mess

Lets face it... software recommendation were never good questions for Ask Ubuntu, and don't tell me "but they are popular"... the popular questions got their popularity because they are too broad or ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
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3 answers

Why did you close this question instead of migrating it?

This guy asked about elementary OS. I voted to notify the moderators, I commented letting him know it's off topic. But why didn't you migrate it to superuser or I'm not trying to defend him. ...
Lynob's user avatar
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