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Questions tagged [close-reasons]

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Is it useful to close ancient questions as too broad? [duplicate]

In review I came upon several ancient questions (several years old) that were flagged as "too broad" - am I right in thinking this is just a waste of time/reviews and hence skipping them? for ...
guntbert's user avatar
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Why was my question closed?

Can somebody please explain why my question was closed? How to disable PIN on SIM card At first I've thought that it might be because asking for workarounds may not be allowed on askubuntu as ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
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Why was the question about a problem pinging a Windows system from Ubuntu off-topic?

What was causing the problem, presented in the question, only came into light when the question was answered. Before that it was unknown and most probably would ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
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I think closing questions on Ubuntu derivatives as off-topic is unhelpful

I realize that the topic of derivatives has been touched on before but I am shocked that this community is so closed to questions that, were they answered, could assist pure Ubuntu users. I recently ...
Moog's user avatar
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This question mistakenly flagged as a duplicate, correct?

This question from an experienced AU member was closed yesterday. I think it was a mistake to close it. The question is clear and the linked duplicate does not fully answer the original. Direct ...
Tom Brossman's user avatar
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Should Elementary OS be added to the flag text "This is not about an official Ubuntu flavor."?

To make it more clear, here's the flag page/fly-out thing: (Pardon the coloration, as I use a dark theme for the site.) In the very top-most option, it has links to Unix & Linux, Super User, etc. ...
KGIII's user avatar
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Why close an answered question?

I have noticed occasionally when on this and other sites that questions are closed, even when they have been answered. An example of this is here - here is the closed explanation: closed as off-...
Wilf's user avatar
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why is my question closed?

I wrote a question before like this "Hi i just installed Ubuntu and it seems like a nice operating system. I just have some questions about the security. How safe is ubuntu? is there no risk ...
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Do we actually close no-repro bugs reported on meta as no-repro?

Recently, this question was closed as being status-norepro. However, this closure seems odd to me. Of the 20 questions tagged accordingly, there is only one that was actually closed, which is the one ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
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Should we really divert all software recommendations? [duplicate]

In the review queue I just stumbled upon a question about a translator app for Ubuntu , which is on the way to be closed as "off topic". Is closing and pointing to https://softwarerecs.stackexchange....
guntbert's user avatar
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Why exactly was my youtube question closed again?

I noticed with amusement that my youtube question from almost a year ago (!!!) was closed today. Our esteemed Mr. Edwards deemed it offtopic. According to him this should rather be a bug report. I ...
con-f-use's user avatar
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Closing questions using a non-valid argument

I posted yesterday this question and I was put on hold as off-topic because: "Bug reports and problems with the development version of Ubuntu should be reported on Launchpad so that developers can ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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Let's reopen this Dropbox question

This Dropbox question was never really off-topic (though its title is a bit confusing): WINE and items in notification area The best answer to this question is to explain that Dropbox exists ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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Should questions be closed as bugs if the bug report doesn't list a confirmed status?

A question I recently saw was closed for being a bug, and one of the commenters pointed to the bug report ticket that was open for it. However, the linked bug report (and, in fact, the only related ...
Shauna's user avatar
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The "seemingly went away on its own" close reason is being abused. Again

When should this be used? When a problem goes away and nobody knows enough about why that an answer would likely help anybody else, voting to close as off-topic with the "a problem that can't be ...
Tim's user avatar
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Let's reopen question about why/how to use workspaces

I think we should reopen this question about why and how to use workspaces: What can I use workspaces for, and how can they be used? It has some good answers already, but if it's reopened, perhaps ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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Can we reword the Too Localized close reason?

The close reason for Too Localized currently reads as: This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an ...
nanofarad's user avatar
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Why are some questions that were closed as not "real" being edited months later?

Alternative good-looking desktop for Ubuntu [closed] is a recent example. It was closed as not being a real question on Sep 8 '11. I feel that editing closed questions without intending to have them ...
user avatar
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The close reason "Off topic" -> "Bug reports..." is still confusing

There is one single point in the review UI that does not fail to irritate me when I see it. It's about how to understand the close reason Off topic->Bug reports. I know that it has been discussed ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
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Software/Games alternatives in Ubuntu (linux) are off-topic?

I saw this question and voted it to close as too broad since: Is a question about alternatives for a Game title which, telling all truth, there are many alternatives for almost any game in almost any ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Should this LightDM / Ayatana Design question be reopened?

I believe I understand why this question was closed--it seemed to be leading to subjective debate. However: UI choices are usually made by the Ayatana Design team, and usually have objectively ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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Lots of "unclear what you're asking" close votes

A lot of the close votes are "unclear what you're asking". Just a refresher, here's an explanation of what this option means and tells the asker: Please clarify your specific problem or add ...
Alaa Ali's user avatar
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Add option to close vote because it is an XY problem?

I recently saw a question where the user asked where to buy "Samsung Magician software" for GNU/Linux. A quick google search shows that it is a software for health checkup and performance ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Can we do away with, "We don't support EOL distributions" when it is tangential and completely and utterly unrelated to the question?

How can I push to Launchpad if port 22 is blocked?? Asked a question about using git, and pushing to Launchpad. I was asked my distribution, I responded "19.10", and asked why that mattered. ...
Anon's user avatar
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Abandoned close reason instead of no-repro?

Recently, I've noticed a lot of old abandoned questions (for example, this one with two CVs) being closed as no-repro. This seems rather unusual, given the fact that the primary issue is that these ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
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Proposal to edit the Close-Reason "Not about Ubuntu" to also include questions about other *mobile* OS

The reason why I am proposing this is that I saw this question which is about an android app that the user falsely expected to find in the Ubuntu-touch repository. My reaction would have been to ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
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questions strangely voted as "too broad"

All those questions were in my CV queue as "too broad" - which they are not in my opinion (most of them should be closed, I know, but not as too broad). So it looks like there is someone who ...
guntbert's user avatar
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Why close questions?

I'm curious (and a little aggravated) as to why you would close a users question as too "localized"? Here I am, looking to solve the same problem and the answer is closed. Why not let user questions ...
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This question should be re-opened

I think, this question about customizing the themes should be re-opened, because the master questions are not really asking this question. Master question 1: How can I configure Unity? This question ...
Anwar's user avatar
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The wording of OT/bug in the Close Votes Review queue seems ambiguius

The close reason states Bug reports and problems specific to development version of Ubuntu should be reported on Launchpad so that developers can see, track and fix these issues. related: Let'...
guntbert's user avatar
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Why was this question closed?

I came upon this question (If Windows 10 "upgrade" affects GRUB2 and screws up my dual boot with Ubuntu will I have to completely wipe my computer and start from scratch?) from Google and I ...
Prime624's user avatar
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Please Remove "Bug Report" Close

According to Ability to close a question as a bug report, its speculated that closing as a bug better serves the community's users. I'm finding the exact opposite in practice. That is, the bug ...
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Only close if there is a good reason. Don't just close bad questions - that's what downvoting is for is being closed. Sure, it's a really, really bad question. Sure, he's not researched it. But it's not off ...
Tim's user avatar
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About "not constructive" questions

What are some “must have” Ubuntu programs? As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but ...
Nato Boram's user avatar
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Collective "On Topic-ity"

It seems that recently on AskUbuntu, questions have been slipping through the Close-Wall (The wall that keeps a question from being seen by more than a few people). Until now this wall had redirected ...
David's user avatar
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Flagging as off topic describes Super User as being about Windows

When flagging a question as off-topic: not about Ubuntu (through this path: should be closed ..., off-topic because ...), the following text is displayed as an option (emphasis added) This is not ...
user1251007's user avatar
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Please don't close questions that are for "developers"

I see questions on Ask Ubuntu set to on-hold or being closed because they involved bugs and are meant for "developers". Stated in the description for Ask Ubuntu is a question and ...
An0n's user avatar
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