I came upon this question (If Windows 10 "upgrade" affects GRUB2 and screws up my dual boot with Ubuntu will I have to completely wipe my computer and start from scratch?) from Google and I spent five minutes trying to figure out why it was closed. I still have no idea.
Yes, at the time it was was asked, Windows 10 wasn't released so there couldn't be a 100% accurate answer to this specific case, but that's true of any question. There can be a example of what was the case with Windows 8 or 8.1 and that would also likely occur with Windows 10.
Even @Whaaaaaat , who voted to close, posted an answer, in the comments! The third comment gives a reasonable prediction based on past behavior.
So as this comment-answer was not primarily opinion-based whatsoever, why was it closed? (I'm not trying to get it reopened or anything, just want to know the reasoning.)