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Unanswered Questions

45 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
14 votes
0 answers

Recommend Deletion option in Late Answers review queue does nothing - please flag posts that should be deleted

Just a quick PSA here - thanks to BeastOfCaerbannog I've realised that the new Recommend Deletion option in the Late Answers queue completes the review and gives you the option to leave the canned ...
2 votes
0 answers

Could the non-official flavour flag have an automatic comment like duplicate has?

When you flag a question with a duplicate flag, it automatically sends a comment like Does this answer your question? How to run Visual Studio Code as root But for the Needs improvement - A ...
10 votes
0 answers

Feature improvement for flags history

This question is asked on MSE at the following link for more visibility: Make it easier to distinguish accepted and declined flags in addition to pending ones in flags history In the flag summary ...
5 votes
0 answers

Profile images from Facebook don't always show up

See, for example, this new user: On both their posts and their profile, I cannot see an image. If I try to view the image directly, I get this ...
3 votes
0 answers

Sum of "last period" reputation is wrong when a post I downvoted is deleted

When our reputation changes, the title of reputation tab in our profile includes how many internet points we received or lost since we last viewed the reputation page. During that same period, I had ...
4 votes
0 answers

Badges getting cut in half

Seems like the badges are getting cut in half. Attaching the screenshot below
7 votes
0 answers

Bug with code of conduct notification

Not sure if this is related to the new theme that's being worked on or not, but:
7 votes
0 answers

Why user is able to edit comments in multiple textareas in the same time?

By accident I have clicked edit link on comment twice. After first click I have textarea for editing it (it is normal and expected behavior). But on second and third click on edit I get garbage: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Text on Ask Ubuntu overwrites other text

This occurred today and at other times. Anyone else experienced it? It has occured on 16.04 and 18.04.(Ubuntu Mate)
3 votes
0 answers

Mobile view adds linebreaks before and after images even if they are very small

If my answer uses a package one has to install first, I like to add an AptURL link with the small package symbol , e.g. for sl using this: [`sl` ![Install sl](](http:...
4 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu site layout is wrong on Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey

I use Mozilla Firefox ESR 52.6.0 and Mozilla Seamonkey 2.49.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS x86_64 and Windows 8.1 x86_64 with installed updates. After some updates of site design its layout is somehow broken ...
8 votes
0 answers

Glitch on profile page with dropdowns

The next privilege button on the profile page shows through the three drop-downs on the top. I tend to start my browsing at this page then check my inbox so I see it every visit. Chrome&Firefox
1 vote
0 answers

About retracted flags and the comment persisting

Case in point: How do I convert my usb installation from legacy boot to uefi? By mistake I flagged as duplicate but later on noticed it was about Elementary OS. Retracted but the comment persists?
1 vote
0 answers

Bounty button on mobile looks as if it's already rewarded on question with open bounties

I have a question with two answers, that I had an open bounty on. When I opened the site on mobile to award the bounty before time runs out, the +100 buttons looked as if the bounty was already ...
0 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu related Stack Overflow Careers ad

Why aren't there a "looking for a job" section in Askubuntu like other Stack Exchange sites ( stackoverflow , server fault .. ) I think it will be cool to show stack Overflow linux/ubuntu Careers ads....

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