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Questions tagged [winter-bash]

For questions about the Winter Bash (or holiday hats) to celebrate the end of the year.

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-11 votes
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Please keep Corona away from AskUbuntu

The new Winter Bash provides new hats, the first hat one will get are face masks. Since Corona is a hot topic, this may create a shitstorm. When working on Ask Ubuntu, I want to concentrate on the ...
mook765's user avatar
  • 17.4k
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Is there something wrong with the hats?

I have earned the Fascinating hat on Stack Overflow a few hours ago. Then I choose to wear the hat. Now I went to Ask Ubuntu and noticed I have the had here too - and on many other sites I got it ...
msrd0's user avatar
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I cannot change my hat on any of the SE sites!

Since 22nd December I cannot change or remove my hats. I get an error (screenshot below): An error occurred while changing the hat - please try again. I have tried several operating systems and ...
user avatar
16 votes
14 answers

Ask Ubuntu version of "Oh The Horror" Hat Club anybody? [closed]

So, I was reading around the Stack Exchange network and came across this (easily googleable) question: “Oh The Horror” Hat Club Anyone want to give this a go? From the page: 41 people join in. ...
RPiAwesomeness's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why are there no hats for Ask Ubuntu meta?

Why can't I wear a hat on my Ask Ubuntu Meta Account?
Avinash Raj's user avatar
  • 79.6k
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Flags, reviews and hats

Somehow I saw a sudden burst of flags in the 10k tools for answers that are links to Launchpad flagged as NAA (I presume they are looking for "me too"s). Lets set things straight: If there's an ...
Braiam's user avatar
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