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Unanswered Questions

36 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
22 votes
0 answers

If you want to edit an unsalvageable NAA post, please don't use the edit button in the LQP review queue to do so

This is somewhat related to this useful question: Should we edit the answer we flag as NAA? The answer said, in part: If you're a 2k user, knock yourself out - after all, it's just your own time ...
13 votes
0 answers

Shortcut for adding quotes causes program to quit

While editing a long answer with a large block of text to quote, I held my mouse over the button for quoting, and noted that the shortcut to add quotes is Ctrl+Q. The use of 'Q' makes sense, but it ...
13 votes
0 answers

Please avoid lengthening existing duplicate chains

A recent example: is tagged as a duplicate of Command to know my external IP address? which is itself a duplicate of How can ...
12 votes
0 answers

Why the author of a post is not notified when a question is about to close?

Why is the author of a post not notified when a question is about to close? Many times I have found the question closed only when I visit the question for a probable answer barring the author to ...
9 votes
0 answers

Code fence formatting problems to watch out for and fix

Since the start of 2019, code fences have been fully supported on Stack Exchange sites. By code fences, I mean the use of opening and closing triple backticks to format a code block. The effect of ...
9 votes
0 answers

It asks something different, and it needs a different answer, so can we reopen it?

Edit: question reopened. Thanks :) Can you have too much swap? is closed as a duplicate of I have 16GB RAM. Do I need 32GB swap? But the first question is asking what problems might arise from ...
8 votes
0 answers

Could we add on the 'about' page that questions should be edited to provide more information?

On both the about page it is explained how the site works. To my eyes, this should include that a user asking question should edit his post to improve it if some other users are asking clarification ...
7 votes
0 answers

I get a post which I flagged before in review audit

I faced this already a couple of times. In Late Answers or First Posts appears some stupid post that is not an answer. I try to flag it, but it does not let me, because it seems that some time ago ...
7 votes
0 answers

A call to uphold accessibility by not shortening links to "here"

As far as I see there has been some discussion about the shortening of links. While keeping the complete URL visible in the post can clearly be distracting (especially when used inline), I want to ...
6 votes
0 answers

WAT! Failed review audit but the question is closed

This question is closed as too broad, rightly so despite the upvotes (if you only take into account the last question "Won't a recent Ubuntu version affect my software in any way ?" you will need more ...
6 votes
0 answers

Don't include self answered or questions where the OP commented in the review audits

There is a mayor problem with one of our close reasons and the audits. We close stuff based in "no reproducible" basis, when OP can't figure out what was wrong nor how the issue was solved nor there's ...
6 votes
0 answers

Edit approved by no-one?

Consider this approved edit (edit by me): Why is reviewer field blank? Who really approved the edit? This only occurs on that particular review and ...
6 votes
0 answers

Suggested edits count includes a user's own tag wiki edits

In review, I'm told there are 3 suggested edits for me to approve/reject/improve: (These images are from the old review system; the new system's interface is different but this still seems to occur.) ...
5 votes
0 answers

Noticed something about audits

I noticed something about review audits: When it's going to give me an audit, the page says, "Loading next item" for a long time (>4 seconds). Otherwise, the wait time is <1 second. UPDATE: This ...
5 votes
0 answers

Show comments to a question, when editing that question with less than 2K reputation

When I edit a question, this is often in response to a suggestion in the comments. For this reason it would be very helpful if I could see the comments at the same time in the window where I am ...

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