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15 votes

Is it appropriate to contact users offsite to question their site actions on Ask Ubuntu?

If you provide contact details, you should expect people to contact you. The site deliberately omits a lot of social features, making chasing an individual down annoyingly hard. I have been on both ...
Oli's user avatar
  • 297k
6 votes

Is it appropriate to contact users offsite to question their site actions on Ask Ubuntu?

I don't believe there are strict/written rules on the subject, and below is nothing more than just my experience and opinion. The principle Is that we should not contact users and moderators directly, ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
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5 votes

when addressing to user in comments - @user as it is or without spaces?? example @Abcd E F or @AbcdEF?

According to this answer on How do comment @replies work? - Meta Stack Exchange Spaces are removed from the display names for matching purposes. So to match Peter Smith you may use @pet, @peter, @...
Kulfy's user avatar
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