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12 votes

Is it correct that search on AskUbuntu ignores code blocks and inline codes?

There's a special syntax for searching in code blocks. Search for code:"mate-disk-usage-analyzer" and your answer is the only hit:
muru's user avatar
  • 204k
10 votes

What should we do to code that is posted in comments of post?

First, have a look to see if the material from the comments has already been added to the post by an edit. If it has, you can flag the comments as no longer needed. Small single line pieces of code ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
6 votes

List of "languages" to be used in "preformatted" code blocks for "Syntax Highlighting"

The answer is here: What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? Note that lang-plaintext or lang-none explicitly disables syntax highlighting. Quote from post edited 30 Aug, 2022. Language ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
6 votes

What should we do to code that is posted in comments of post?

Just edit the comment into the question yourself. If you don't have enough reputation to edit, just suggest an edit and explain that you are copying information from the comments. Moderators don't ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 103k

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