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5 votes
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Reputation decreasing automatically

My reputation was 310 some days ago. I did not down-vote anyone's answers recently and I'm quite sure that no one down-voted my answers or questions as there were no records about them in my user page....
TheLoneKing's user avatar
  • 1,427
2 votes
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If I bounty a question, but then I write a good answer, can I award myself the bounty and get my bountied reputation back?

Say I start a bounty on a question. What happens if I figure out a solution for my bounty on my own and write a good answer. Can I award the bounty to myself? Do my reputation points belong to me ...
Josh's user avatar
  • 1,460
2 votes
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Why did I lose 2 reputation points?

I can't see why I was at 71 points reputation a few hours ago, and am now at 69. I take my reputation seriously, and try to abide by the Stack Exchange rules. So I'm just curious as to why I lost 2 ...
octopusgrabbus's user avatar
1 vote
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LOL..still at 98 rep and 100 rep prievileges are open to me?

Seems the system got tired of waiting in the 90's for me. I got notifications that I have been given two new prievileges (they need 100 rep), while I can see my rep never climbed above 98. P.S - This ...
charlie's user avatar
  • 1,792
4 votes
2 answers

Where did my Reputation go?

I had over 200 reputation and now (next to my username) it says I have only around 170!? Is this a bug, cause it has happened before to me. I have received no warnings about anything going weird, so ...
RPiAwesomeness's user avatar
4 votes
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Are upvotes not giving points right now?

I was working on enhancing my answer in Measuring and documenting internet speed (download and upload) when I noticed I got an upvote, but the counter did not give the +5, +10 or whatever the points ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the reason that I lost so much of the reputation?

I am aware of this reputation system. However I would like to ask a compound statement. How much reputation will I loose if: Someone asked a question which was then down-voted once, upon which I ...
BhaveshDiwan's user avatar
  • 11.3k
3 votes
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Reputation for questions that have been edited multiple times

I am pretty new to Stack Exchange Network and trying to understand how it works. In the Main Ask Ubuntu Site I had asked this Question. I can see that it has received 15 UpVotes till now. I have also ...
Aditya's user avatar
  • 13.5k
1 vote
1 answer

"Boosting" with reputation?

I noticed earlier that after you post a question, the up/down vote button is still there. Can you "boost" or give yourself reputation because this button is still here?
kyle_hamblett's user avatar
0 votes
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Upvotes with no reputation? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is the point of the daily limit? I have received about 28 upvotes on answers on askubuntu so far today, but only 20 of them are showing the +10 for reputation. The others ...
dobey's user avatar
  • 41.4k
2 votes
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Why is year reputation more than total reputation?

I just visited link from my profile it says, How my year reputation can be more than total reputation?
Rahul Virpara's user avatar
5 votes
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Comment with one rep without participation in post

Is there any explanation for why the first comment on this post has been made by a user with 1 rep and no participation on that thread? Is it a bug?
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
2 votes
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How to set bounty? sufficient rep but no link [closed]

At the time I asked this question (Is an ACPI GPE storm normal in an Ubuntu session?) I didn't have enough rep. Now I do and I want to set a bounty, but there's no link. The link states "question ...
Tinellus's user avatar
  • 533
1 vote
1 answer

How can low rep users request account merges?

I've seen a number of requests to merge two accounts, posted here on meta and actioned by moderators. But what if a user has less than 5 reputation, and thus cannot post a question on meta. What is ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
1 vote
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No reputation for upvotes on meta? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How is reputation shared between Meta and Ask Ubuntu? I asked a question (or rather, made a feature request) recently on meta. The question got upvoted 5 times but I did not ...
harisibrahimkv's user avatar
2 votes
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Get notifications for how I lost reputation

I recently lost some reputation points (about 30. I know it shows 20 but during the same period I got an answer upvoted as well.) I do not know how but it may be because of a removed upvote, ...
Ashu's user avatar
  • 9,602
2 votes
1 answer

My account reps from yesterday is counted today

My account shows 95 reps today, but 85 of those are from yesterday. There was a similar bug a while back. It doesn't bother me, but I thought I'd report it.
Jo-Erlend Schinstad's user avatar
4 votes
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108 Rep, but only earned 8

I'm not sure if this is simple for the SO/SE dev team, or if you moderators can do something about it. I've got plenty of rep on SO, but don't know too much about Linux. (Surely my 100 points should ...
Stephen's user avatar
  • 881
5 votes
2 answers

Why was I given 100 points for asking my first question on Webapps Stack Exchange?

As directed by a user in response to a comment on my question, I asked the question on Webapps also on Stack exchange (for the first time as I never knew there are other sites like this) and ...
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.2k
11 votes
2 answers

Can a user offer a bounty that is worth more than their own reputation?

The user who asked this question has offered the bounty worth 500 but their own reputation is just 314. Is it possible to offer a bounty worth more than one's own reputation?
binW's user avatar
  • 13.1k
9 votes
1 answer

How is reputation shared between Meta and Ask Ubuntu?

I have been floating around on Meta occasionally, but most of the time is spent on Ask Ubuntu. When I receive upvotes or accepts on Meta, it says that I gain reputation, but it does not seem to affect ...
zookalicious's user avatar
  • 2,303
4 votes
2 answers

Is 20K reputation required for wiki tag approvals for new sites

I am one of the zeitgeist developers and I spend a lot of time helping people with problems and misconceptions. I had an idea of creating a wiki on askubuntu for the zeitgeist tag. When I opened the ...
Manish Sinha's user avatar
  • 11.7k
7 votes
2 answers

Where is the Bounty?

From this question I started a bounty that ended recently. After the bounty started user luri edited his answer to give a most useful additional information that made me award the bounty. However ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 144k
4 votes
2 answers

Why did my reputation change to 914?

When I saw today it was 12xx something but now it has gone back to 914,2 days ago it was 989. Is there is bug in the system? If so,how do I get my reputation back?
akshatj's user avatar
  • 13.3k
13 votes
1 answer

Am I allowed to ask for a rep boost?

I asked a question with a bounty and didn't realize I would loose the ability to comment. Can I get a few up votes to get enough reputation back please? I've seen this done on other meta sites so I ...
WalterJ89's user avatar
  • 237