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Let's burninate [mint]

If Linux Mint is off topic, why the heck do we have the tag mint? How does it help to tag Ubuntu questions with it? This user wrongly assumed Mint was on topic due to the existence of said tag: https:/...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
-6 votes
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Editor Privilege?

Speaking from experience, waiting for a suggested edit to be approved (before 2000 rep.) can be tiring and annoying. So what I want to know is if you guys think the following is a good idea. For those ...
David's user avatar
  • 3,447
-15 votes
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What about simplifying the UI for AskUbuntu?

I've had an idea of simplifying the overwhelming interface of AskUbuntu by correcting any overload on the users. If you want an example I can make some images, but first someone has to be at least ...
userDepth's user avatar
  • 2,030
0 votes
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Can considering 75505 Questions as unanswered be useful? [duplicate]

As I write this 75505 questions on ASKUBuntu are considered unanswered, out of a total of 222,107 that have been posted. As a newbie I want to answer questions to get reputation but looking at this ...
Steve Roome's user avatar
  • 1,429
11 votes
2 answers

Regarding the influx of 16.04 questions

First off, I know that having a rush of questions for a late-development release is nothing new. It's just that I'm somewhat new and only just noticing this. Recently, I've seen a lot of 16.04 ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
  • 19.5k
9 votes
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LQ Review: Add canned delete comment for link-only within (should have been flagged as duplicate)

Within the last weeks, I reviewed a growing number of answers from the Low Quality queue (or spotted them directly on the main site) that basically looked like this: Follow the answers at askubuntu....
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
1 vote
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Why are there a limited amount of close votes for high rep users?

I am a reasonable high rep user and have been around for some time now, and even though both of those are the case I still have a limited amount of close votes I can cast (40), why is this? Surely the ...
user avatar
24 votes
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Modify close reason banner and create an "Off-Topic Compass" site on Meta?

I have answered Add Elementary OS Stack Exchange to the off topic banner with a proposal which got a positive feedback, so I'm now writing it as separate feature request here: Make a more flexible and ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
12 votes
3 answers

Add Elementary OS Stack Exchange to the off topic banner

This banner: could now include the Elementary OS site.
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
2 votes
2 answers

Are social announcements not related to Ubuntu or the site on-topic on Meta?

It is defined here what is on-topic on the AU Meta site. That currently being: Meta Ask Ubuntu is the part of the site where users discuss the workings and policies of Ask Ubuntu rather than ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Get notified about AU Twitter bot tweeting my questions - feature request

I was recently reading this and I understand that the AU (I assume that there are either other Twitter bots on other SE sites or that this is not an AU Twitter bot, but rather just a general SE one?) ...
user avatar
22 votes
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We should be able to vote to change the close reason

I have seen many times when a question for instance is closed as off-topic, though in fact it should be closed as unclear, and is not off-topic though some may think so, but the change reason stays ...
user avatar
0 votes
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Option to add questions to reading list/subscribe to them?

I have some questions I feel like saying "Me Too!!!" to and some that are interesting enough so that I would like to keep myself posted on developments like this and this. Would be awesome if I didn'...
Ashhar Hasan's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

New accounts being created for just a question.?

I have recently encountered a lot of questions by new users that create an account only for that particular question of theirs. What is annoying is the fact that these users leave the question ...
adeen-s's user avatar
  • 462
6 votes
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How to prevent answers and comments to question in non-english before they're translated?

Which mechanisms exist to prevent excluding users from questions and the discussion on non-english questions. Currently it's possible that users discuss and answer in non-english and receive credit ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can only flag as "very low quality" if is not in the positive for votes

I have recently noticed that you are unable to flag up answers as "very low quality" if they are in the positive for votes (1 or above). Now I can see why this is in place, however I believe that this ...
user avatar
-6 votes
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Why are new users allowed to post links?

Although you may argue that they are limited to one link per post, they are actually able to post more than one link by enclosing it with ``s (and other ways), so making it so that they are not ...
user avatar
1 vote
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I was banned for 2 days from reviewing

This question is related to many questions like Why I am banned for reviewing? but not duplicate. Usually there are testing questions in Review. The system sometimes shows message like "The system ...
Ravan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why did I not get notified when my post was deleted?

I receive inbox messages when: I get a reply from chat room my post was edited (only got notified for first edit), a comment posted on my post or in response to my comment on another's post when ...
Ravan's user avatar
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-8 votes
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#TheGreatIncredibleHashTag in the chat rooms

Why doesn't at least the chat make use of the # like the questions use tags, so that someone can say something in chat, then do a # with some text with it, and then if someone clicks on that, then it ...
user avatar
0 votes
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Questions that have been asnwered, but the OP no longer has an account so can't accept an answer

It's really bugging me, and I think that something needs to be done about it, I keep on finding questions like this one which have very good answers, and some of the answers have a lot of upvotes, and ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Why can't you vote on a question once you have retracted your vote?

Once you have voted on a question, and then retracted your vote, you are unable to cast another vote, why is this? Because for instance I could VTC something as unclear, but then when they update it I ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Why evenafter edit also question still on hold?

I asked a question which was kept on hold.But even after edit also why it is still on hold?
Ravan's user avatar
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Why is there no spell checking in title and edit summary?

Why is there only a spell checking capability in the main body? Why not the title and the edit summary field too (if you are editing a question)?
user avatar
9 votes
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Deny cross-posting, but enable site-sharing?

I know cross-posting (writing the same question on more than one SE site) is discouraged and should not be done. I also see the reason for this and agree, but sometimes it is indeed not clear where a ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
7 votes
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Make blockquote formatting button not destroy the source layout!

You ever had a post in front of you where the OP did mix up blockquote and code formatting? Not those easy cases where he/she wrote a > character before the paragraph himself, but those cases when ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
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Notifications review optimization

I'm just curious about review feature on Ask Ubuntu. For example when you finish 20 suggested edits then it tells you to come back in 5-8 hours etc. but still keep pushing notifications on available ...
JoKeR's user avatar
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Proposal to edit the Close-Reason "Not about Ubuntu" to also include questions about other *mobile* OS

The reason why I am proposing this is that I saw this question which is about an android app that the user falsely expected to find in the Ubuntu-touch repository. My reaction would have been to ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
23 votes
2 answers

Sorting out SOLVED for good

I came across this question whilst rapidly browsing earlier - the OP added "SOLVED: " to the title, but did add vaguely how they got the answer but did not accept it. Searching for other people doing ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k
7 votes
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"This is commentary on another post, not an answer" used for low quality answers

I think the "This is commentary on another post, not an answer" comment is used too much on close votes. I'm talking about the following one: This does not provide an answer to the question. To ...
Merlijn Sebrechts's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

The duplicate question search engine while closing a question is not useful

Whenever I try to close a question as duplicate, a floating window pops up which is a mini search engine to find duplicate question. But it is never helpful(except in exceptional cases). For example, ...
Registered User's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

What's your Ubuntu question? Be specific

I don't exactly know why this is the case anyway, but I have quite often seen new questions with the above title ('What's your Ubuntu question? Be specific') as the person asking the question cannot ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k
4 votes
5 answers

What to do with answers that should be comments, but get deleted?

As the reputation requirement to comment is pretty high (50), many new users who want to contribute to the site use answers to leave a comment on questions, e.g. to request additional information ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
1 vote
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A feature to integrate bug-reporting?

I don't know how many posts here in AskUbuntu are closed for being bug reports. Is it possible instead of just closing the post, we bring some feature that would route these posts to the proper bug-...
rusty's user avatar
  • 16.7k
-3 votes
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Why not moderate questions from new users before making them visible on site?

I had suggested before also that questions from new users should not be posted directly on the site rather they should be moderated first and they should be visible to only users with high reputation (...
Faizan Akram Dar's user avatar
1 vote
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50 Reputation on comments is too much? Add new function to suggest?

I have low reputation as you see. And the problem i see with this is, that when i try to troubleshoot someone's question that requires some active or continuous communication, or a suggestion like "...
John K's user avatar
  • 455
27 votes
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Shouldn't Stack Exchange build a Question Wizard? (for beginning users)

Proposal to have all users under 30 reputation follow a question wizard. Some people just don't use google and they ask questions that have been asked before or they ask unclear question, or off-...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.5k
-2 votes
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Moderators should be able to mark questions as answered

I know about similar requests, but after stumbling over this question (just an example; question poster answered himself using edits instead of an answer) I thought you should at least add an option ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
0 votes
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Add "Please" and "I'm sorry" to standard/canned/pro forma/flag answers

The "standard" comments on all of the "flag" and "close" answers are a tiny bit harsh for first-time users. Couldn't we make them a bit more gentle? E.g.: This question has been asked before and ...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.5k
-7 votes
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Proposal to Change Procedure to Flag Duplicate Answers

This is a proposal on changing this procedure... We'll see where it gets. ;-) Instead of adding a comment mentioning it's a duplicate, answer the question by referring the user to the duplicate ...
Fabby's user avatar
  • 34.5k
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is there any system in place to prevent downvote trolling?

I've seen multiple of my answers get a lot of downvotes even when the asker marks them as the correct one that worked, they are completely grammatically correct, address the issue fully and are, imo, ...
sbergeron's user avatar
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Supercharge ROOMBA — again!

Following Shog's trough here and the last post asking not to focus efforts on closing old questions here, I would like to apply the most logical solution: delete that crap already (this can be done if ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
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There are questions being closed as EOL when they are still supported

This question is because of some close votes due to EOL are wrong - I expect it is quite a lot. This is a review of a question (admittedly too broad / unclear)- it was flagged as being EOL for being ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
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Review possible improvement

For reviewing I always try to leave a comment if there needs to be improvement, expansion, etc. I have been reviewing a lot of vague (new) posts recently. I do not want to downvote a potentially "good"...
No Time's user avatar
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Could our quote style be different to the code style? [duplicate]

Related. This suggestion has been added as an answer. On Ask Ubuntu, this is what our code looks like compared to our quote style: Code here is obviously code. But quotes look almost the same. ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
-6 votes
3 answers

A user only asks questions

I seem to remember reading this somewhere, but I can't find it on this meta at least... A saw a user who has 530+ rep but has only asked questions - 53:9 q:a. So he has quite a lot of privileges, ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
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Add launchpad quick link

For the comments we have lots of links, such as [se] and []. Here is a list of requested redirects, from me and the comments: [launchpad] goes to and shows as ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
2 votes
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For the "installation" and "install" tags, shouldn't we remove them from the list of suggestions?

Basically whenever I ask a question that pertains to any type of installation, it provides the install or installation tags in the suggestions, not the allowed ones system-installation and software-...
sbergeron's user avatar
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8 votes
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Should we be able to review 40 close votes when the queue length is less than 1000?

I recently asked this question on Meta Close Vote review queue 40 or 20? Regarding why on some days I have been able to review 40 close reviews but on others only 20 and received the answer that ...
Warren Hill's user avatar
  • 22.3k
12 votes
1 answer

Would a off-topic tag warning be a good-idea? [duplicate]

Here on Ask Ubuntu we have quite a lot of tags for various Linux distributions/Operating Systems/things that could be off-topic if specific about them: debian, mint, fedora, crunchbang, windows, ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k