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10 votes
2 answers

What is a Work in Progress Answer?

I've posted a Question about thumbnailers and even found a half baked answer, the answer that doesn't work, and then I updated my question with the half baked answer that I found asking to fix the ...
Sumeet Deshmukh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

On what basis is the position of an answer decided?

Consider a situation where there are multiple answers on a single question. By how much do these factors weigh in when deciding the position of an answer in top to bottom order? Number of up votes ...
Sumeet Deshmukh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Selecting one answer among many when all answer the question [duplicate]

In this question How can I organize files based on their filename first letter into A-Z folders almost all the answers are correct. Is there any criteria in place in selecting one of them when all ...
Parto's user avatar
  • 15.5k
5 votes
4 answers

Can a workaround count as an answer?

Some time ago I wrote this post HP Color LaserJet MFP M277dw: previews and prints in colour instead of grayscale. Today I came back to the topic after a while and made some new research. I haven't ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
  • 1,561
12 votes
1 answer

Please consider leaving feedback on votes for new users [duplicate]

I came across this question where two new users had answered and both of them got downvoted. Now I get why not everyone comments on their votes but I really think if you are dealing with rep 1 users ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
15 votes
2 answers

Answering a question using an answer from another post

It occurs to me that I find an answer to one question among the answers to another question, sometimes in the way of hidden gems. I believe that creating the linkage between the two questions is ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
  • 1,561
7 votes
2 answers

Accepted Netflix answer is incorrect

IMO we should remove the accepted answer, from How can I use Netflix on Ubuntu?. The 2nd most-voted answer is clearly more correct and supported by Google/Netflix. Right now the only supported way ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
11 votes
1 answer

Two answers on one question by the same user

What is the correct thing to do when someone posts two different answers to the same question? Here is my example, I am not trying to say "This user did this wrong!", we have only had a couple of ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
12 votes
3 answers

What should I (or we) do about answers that obviously miss the point of the question entirely?

I came across this answer to “Adobe PDF for Ubuntu 64 bit 15.10” recently. The question is about installing Adobe Reader on recent Ubuntu releases. The answer explains the whole story with the ...
David Foerster's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to ask the OP inside your answer to accept and upvote it?

Title says it all. See this answer. I have bolded the questionable part of the quote. Burn Ubuntu to a DVD and you won't have any trouble booting it... glad that worked for you. Please rate and ...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

What should I do if someone makes a bad edit to my post?

I've been searching to see if this was already asked; sorry if it's a duplicate, couldn't find an answer. I've been wondering what I should do if someone bad edits my post? For example, I explain ...
kek's user avatar
  • 490
8 votes
3 answers

Delete own answer if somebody posts a more thorough answer later?

Lets say I answer a question and a few minutes or hours later I notice that somebody else also answered it after me. That other answer includes all the information given in mine plus additional ways ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
13 votes
3 answers

Is it ok to comment and see if it works before answer?

Is it ok to comment an answer to the OP because you can't test it, and then you answer if it works? Or should you just answer?
fosslinux's user avatar
  • 3,871
20 votes
1 answer

Are we being too generous to (incorrect) answers?

For quite sometime now, I am seeing a very alarming trend here. Wrong/incorrect answers are being upvoted, quite a lot. I have seen some answers lately, that deserve downvotes without any doubt, but ...
heemayl's user avatar
  • 93.1k
9 votes
2 answers

Accepted answer that you don't agree with during review audit

As I was going through and reviewing posts, I saw this one. I downvoted it and then got this message: STOP! Look and Listen. This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. ...
Delorean's user avatar
  • 11.3k
13 votes
2 answers

Another "why was my answer deleted" looking for advice to be better

I am new to posting questions and answers on SE, although not new to using the various SE resources. I also get the need for questions and answers to be concise and accurate, we all need answers and ...
Jools's user avatar
  • 31
18 votes
6 answers

When do comments become answers?

I find myself solving someone's problem step by step through the comments. When I finally find the solution, should I move the final solution to an answer and delete the comment or leave the comment ...
AlwaysTalkingAboutMyDog's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Revealing bug report considered answer?

I've seen this a few times, where an answer is given, and all it says is "This is a bug, see this link...", etc. This post is an example (at least one of the answers is, it came up in a review). Is ...
AlwaysTalkingAboutMyDog's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

Please do not use links as entire answers!

I have recently noticed a trend going around, and to be perfectly honest it's pissing me off. What new users (and some experience users,) do nowadays is go to the main page, find a question that's ...
David's user avatar
  • 3,447
-6 votes
2 answers

How far an explanation should go / does it legitimate double posts / answers?

Often questions are very easy to answer if the asker would search a few minutes in the internet and has the right search terms handy. The latter one is the key, the askers often didn't know what to ...
cmks's user avatar
  • 1,904
15 votes
3 answers

Comments in the answer section from new users

This addresses all the new users out there: Every day here I see new users commenting in the answer section and saying things like I don't have the rep to comment but.... It seems redundant that ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
9 votes
1 answer

Can you just point someone in the right direction and how vague are you allowed to be with this?

I recently asked this question, and this was one of the answers I got: I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.03, so YMMV. Investigate some of these packages: $ apt-cache search ssh | grep multiple byobu - ...
user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to deal with users that won't mark duplicate but instead copy-paste their answers agan and again

I have found some users are just copy-pasting same answers again and again instead of marking them duplicates. Is this allowed on Ask Ubuntu? If not, how to deal with such users?
Alex Jones's user avatar
  • 8,122
2 votes
2 answers

What to do with potentially dangerous answers?

I was just wondering, what should one do with potentially dangerous answers? I mean I have read before on Meta that I should just flag them up, however when I did so for this one I just got this: ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should an answer which no longer answers the question, but may help others, be kept or deleted?

I recently asked this question Why is my system suddenly not allowing upper case letters?, but I changed a lot when I figured out part of the problem, however someone had already given an answer which ...
user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What to do with stolen answers?

I sometimes see people answering a question in the comments and then being asked to convert their comment into an answer, however in some of those cases someone comes along and sees that answer and in ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How different is the answer's OS allowed to be?

I sometimes see Windows answers which are removed because they are not helpful to Ubuntu users, even Mac answers, but what about answers that explain how to do something on Mint (and it is clear that ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Should almost identical answers be deleted?

Today I asked a question, and I got this answer, however in a few minutes another answer was posted: Now this answer is almost identical to the first: Except for the fact that it does not give an ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What to do with this specific answer variation in the question?

The following question has an accepted answer and open bounty that will be awarded to it as soon as the delay is over. Bind Alt+Tab to a Logitech mouse button on Kubuntu Now the OP decided to edit ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a rule which states that all questions and answers have to be in English on this site? [duplicate]

I know that people often tell others that it is a rule here, but I am have never actually seen it written anywhere, so is it a rule that all questions and answers on this site have to be written in ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is this answer an answer or comment?

I was just presented with this as a Late Answers review. Screenshot in case it is removed: It this a valid answer, or is it someone commenting? They're offering a solution (format first) but seem to ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
23 votes
2 answers

Sorting out SOLVED for good

I came across this question whilst rapidly browsing earlier - the OP added "SOLVED: " to the title, but did add vaguely how they got the answer but did not accept it. Searching for other people doing ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k
4 votes
5 answers

What to do with answers that should be comments, but get deleted?

As the reputation requirement to comment is pretty high (50), many new users who want to contribute to the site use answers to leave a comment on questions, e.g. to request additional information ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
3 votes
4 answers

Why is my answer being downvoted?

I've posted an answer that I think that is as valid (or more) than it's companions. It was downvoted 2 times and up voted zero times. Why is happening this? Link:
0x2b3bfa0's user avatar
  • 8,770
11 votes
4 answers

What happens if I think that my answer is more valid than the accepted one?

What happens if I think that my answer is more valid than the accepted one? I don't know if this is my perception, or, effectively, my answer is better. What should I do?
0x2b3bfa0's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Can I ask a for a "technical quality control" on answers of mine? Where do I ask for that?

I've received 2 downvotes on this answer of mine. None of the two users who casted the downvote bothered to explain why they downvoted it. You can judge this better than me, but the answer is in my ...
kos's user avatar
  • 40.9k
7 votes
2 answers

Leaving easier questions for less experienced users

I'm still fairly new to Ask Ubuntu, and trying to build my rep steadily. I have a bit of solid knowledge in some areas, and try to apply that to answering questions (only if I know what I'm talking ...
Arronical's user avatar
  • 20.1k
16 votes
1 answer

Is there an accepted definition of "future proof"?

I was reviewing a question where I noticed that it was recommended to "future proof" older answers. I must admit that even after searching I'm baffled ...
Elder Geek's user avatar
  • 36.4k
15 votes
3 answers

If my answer does not solve the OP's question, should I delete it?

I have posted an answer to a question and linked to my own method for solving it on Ubuntu Forums. The OP has subsequently commented that it does not work for his laptop. Should I delete my answer or ...
Carl H's user avatar
  • 6,281
-2 votes
1 answer

Moderators should be able to mark questions as answered

I know about similar requests, but after stumbling over this question (just an example; question poster answered himself using edits instead of an answer) I thought you should at least add an option ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
12 votes
2 answers

What should I do when answering a question that has already been answered correctly?

I came across a good question the other day and I would like to answer it. However, somebody else already answered it (and has received upvotes). However, the answer is very general and does not give ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.4k
10 votes
3 answers

What do we do about answers which propose to introduce a blatant security risk?

So, scanning recently edited things, I found an answer to this question here which is accepted but introduces a massive security risk of storing a keyring with no password. To that end, I have a ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
13 votes
1 answer

What can be done with duplication of answer

Sometimes I found out on single question One answered and after some time another answer which is very similar to 1st (may with negligible too-minor edit), say duplication of 1st answer! Which seems ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 36.8k
0 votes
1 answer

Why was my "not an answer" flag denied?

A little while ago I flagged this answer as "Not an answer", as it is just a bunch of seemingly random screenshots posted by someone who was neither the OP nor the author of the other answer to the ...
MattDMo's user avatar
  • 2,125
18 votes
2 answers

Should I consider the timeline while accepting an answer?

Assume that, I get an answer to my question that is OK, and i accept it. After a while I get another answer that is seemed to be more OK. Now what should I do? Should I accept the new answer? If I ...
Kawsar Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Short, pragmatic answer deleted?

Why was this answer deleted on this question? It was a bit short, but remember that some (think SO) of the best answers are short ones. It does answer the OP's question, How can I make suspend work?...
Simon Kuang's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I asked a question, and would like to give an answer that which advocates against a possible solution

Here is the question: I would like to post as an answer, WHY rsync should NOT be considered. The ...
Anon's user avatar
  • 12.2k
4 votes
2 answers

From when it is possible to answer to a closed question?

As far as I know if a question will be closed and in the same time someone write an answer, then a message will appear to that person telling him that he can't answer anymore and everything what he ...
Radu Rădeanu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why nobody answers my latest questions?

It's obviously that my latest questions received low views, no votes and nobody answered. I use to mark the correct answers, so if you find good answers for these questions, post them. Here you ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What should I do for comment answer

I asked a question: Error libx264 not found. And I got a comment which is good answer. After I got the correct answer, I want to see what community thinks I should do: Vote up the comment only. ...
Muath's user avatar
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