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Unanswered Questions

126 questions with no answers
3 votes
0 answers

Why does a search for "extra dependency" give no results?

There is Why does apt think it needs this extra dependency?, but when I search for "extra dependency" (with quotes) the search returns "0 Results".
3 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu newest questions bug?

I don't know if I'm the only one who faced this, but sometimes, when I am in Ask Ubuntu newest questions page and someone posts a question, it shows the message: (N) questions with new activity, but ...
3 votes
0 answers

Deleted questions not removed from homepage on "New Activity" notification

Upon the homepage, if a question is deleted, and another triggers the "New activity" notification, which is then clicked on, the deleted posts are not removed from the list while bumped ones are added....
3 votes
0 answers

Why no tool buttons above answer field while logged in

Today I faced this strange issue. There are no quick buttons (linking/image insert) in answer field. The preview field is neither updating. please see the screen shot, But I can see the icons when I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Short permalink to answer doesn't work after merge

How to skip to create Ubuntu Menu in status bar? was merged with How to get global application menu for gvim?. After this, the short permalink to one of the answers still referred to the old question. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Get updates ... OK-box does not disappear

When clicking on "following" of a question after the suggestive "Get updates..." ok/box, that box does not disappear and the subsequent boxes that appear show below that pesky box. So I cannot read ...
2 votes
0 answers

Editing race condition?

OP and I both edited this question at the exact same second. My revision is shown, but the revision history says OP's is the most recent. I think this is a bug, since the most recent revision should ...
2 votes
0 answers

Mod Tools/Panel: Misaligned "Flag Types" Section

This must have changed within the past couple hours, but where we would normally see that nice sidebar in the mod panel with all the flag types and such no longer appears there, where the red freeform ...
2 votes
0 answers

Text on Ask Ubuntu overwrites other text

This occurred today and at other times. Anyone else experienced it? It has occured on 16.04 and 18.04.(Ubuntu Mate)
2 votes
0 answers

Syntax highlighting doesn’t work on meta

When I enter <!-- language-all: lang-bash --> if :; then echo "quoted"; fi in a post on main, the output looks like this: Here on meta, the very same code gets no syntax highlighting at ...
2 votes
0 answers

Erroneous message pops up in close dialog

I try to vote to close a question, but am greeted with this error message: So I patiently wait until 3 seconds have passed, try again, and get the same error, over and over again. What is wrong here?
2 votes
0 answers

MS Azure ads not showing correctly in the sidebar

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I've noticed something strange. Every ad for Azure that comes up in the sidebar on Ask Ubuntu is cut off on the right side, taking some text ...
2 votes
0 answers

Where is the "Log in with Stack Exchange" option?

How to login for AskUbuntu, there is a new login-screen. But the Log in with Stack Exchange disappeared, that's the way I always did it. I don't have a seperate AskUbunut account. I don't see it. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Spam question title still showing up in the <title> tag

The following question was flagged as spam and promptly deleted: (only visible to 10k users) The title displayed on the page states that: "This question ...
2 votes
0 answers

"This post is deleted and cannot be edited." text on a totally blank page

I have an error to report. Today, I have started for the first time to review other users' questions and answers. So the error I am talking about never happened to me and I don't know if it was ...

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