For the first time in a very long while, I saw the old-style notification banner!
For quite some time, I've seen more discreet notifications of new answers, appearing within the page itself, just above where I compose my answer.
This harkens back to many months ago.
Is this intended behavior, or a bug? If it is intended, does this always happen for notifying users of new answers while they're composing their answer? Does it happen for other situations also?
Or is this intended but not normal (e.g., reflecting a problem with my browser, causing Stack Exchange to fall back on an older way of doing things).
New-style notifications still seem to still work fine (for things like comment and chat pings, edits on my posts, and badges).
In case it's relevant, I'm using Chromium, which reports its version as 23.0.1271.97 Ubuntu 11.10 (23.0.1271.97-0ubuntu0.11.10.1)