I posted this question How to map several folders to different drive?

It got closed as a duplicate of Move home folder to second drive, but the duplicate is certainly not the same. The dup is about moving folders to separate partitions. My question is about moving several folders to one partition.

Is it an honest mistake, or is there something I'm missing?

  • I believe the dupe answers your question admirably
    – graham
    Commented Oct 13 at 6:48
  • @graham According to the comment section, the user emk2203 seem to disagree with you.
    – klutt
    Commented Oct 13 at 10:13
  • 1
    I also agree that the question is different than the suggested dupe and voted to reopen it. Commented Oct 13 at 10:20
  • @BeastOfCaerbannog doesn't it it behove the OP to explain why the dupe is different? I don't see that having been done.
    – graham
    Commented Oct 13 at 10:52
  • @graham For me it's clear that the OP already knows how to have single system files (such as /home) to respective partitions, which is what the suggested dupe is about, but wants to know how to have multiple system files to a single partition, which the suggested dupe doesn't talk about. Commented Oct 13 at 11:00
  • 1
    The OP has also explained that in this meta question: "It got closed as a duplicate of Move home folder to second drive, but the duplicate is certainly not the same. The dup is about moving folders to separate partitions. My question is about moving several folders to one partition." Commented Oct 13 at 11:02


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