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Dan's user avatar
Dan's user avatar
Dan's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
26 votes

Is it ok for my reputation to be edit-based?

16 votes

Thank you for celebrating 10 years of Ask Ubuntu!

15 votes

How to favorite a user?

13 votes

What are the job opportunities in askubuntu

13 votes

When I try to review First Posts, why does it say "No Action Needed"?

13 votes

Should 'he' to 'they' edits be accepted?

12 votes

How do you research for answers?

12 votes

should people who answer a question actively prevent duplicates?

11 votes

What's your Ubuntu story?

10 votes

What to do with "half-hearted" edit suggestions?

10 votes

How to see list of votes I made?

10 votes

What to do when you get a comment "for OSX just do this..."?

10 votes

Community consensus regarding using backticks or 4 spaces for code

10 votes

Why do we have so many usb tags?

9 votes

Should such minor question edits actually count and accepted as edits?

9 votes

Can I use URL shortening (in comments)?

9 votes

Are votes more dramatic on Meta?

9 votes

How can I ask somebody to unlock the thread for more answers?

9 votes

Will I still get +2 for editing questions and answers after I reach 2000 reputation?

8 votes

Add "I am command line literate" flag to Profile or Question

8 votes

I'm not gaining more reputation

8 votes

Can the audit system not use fake edits?

7 votes

Should it be made mandatory to add a comment when downvoting questions?

7 votes

Question marked as duplicate but no link to original question. What to do?

7 votes

Sort unanswered questions within my tags by date?

6 votes

Is it possible to rename oneself on Ask Ubuntu?

6 votes

Why is it still possible to log in to Ask Ubuntu with my old email address after I added a new one?

6 votes

How is this question "off-topic"?

6 votes

Use of Anaconda/Alternate python for AI and data analysis

5 votes

Why is my answer deleted?