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Unanswered Questions

30 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [persistent] to [persistence]

Remap persistent to persistence Both deal with persistence issues on Live USB. While persistent has more posts I propose to make persistence (or persistance??) the main tag anyhow. Suggestion for a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Should [edits] and [editing] be tag synonyms on meta?

I think the edits and editing should be the same (on Meta). I guess there is a small difference (one being the action and one being the edit itself). But the tags are used interchangeably, so I think ...
2 votes
0 answers

Merge [picasa] into [google-picasa]

There are two tags for Picasa by Google, there should be one, preferably [google-picasa], since people interested in all sorts of Google software can follow them easily using [google*].
2 votes
0 answers

The plethora of power management tags - what to do?

We have a large number of power management related tags: power-management suspend standby hibernate There is also tag shutdown which is used in conjunction with power management but should be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [preferences] -> [settings]

I think settings and preferences should be synonyms. "Settings" is a more general term that applies to driver settings, program settings, system settings, etc. "Preferences" is a term that usually ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can we remove the synonym link between tags ‘appmenu’ and ‘applications-menu’?

The appmenu tag is for the global application menu AKA appmenu-indicator, that allows screen real estate to be conserved in desktop environments (DE's, AKA ‘graphical shells’) that support it. The ...
1 vote
0 answers

Tag synonym request: duplicate -> [duplicate-files]

duplicate's wiki says: Two or more files that exactly same. ... which is pretty much what duplicate-files says right in the name. Either way would do, but one of them must go. Aside: Ah. We can't ...
1 vote
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [window-placement] -> [window-managment]

The two tags window-placement and window-management are essentially synonyms. Since it has only been used 7 times, window-placement should probably be deleted, especially since the description for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Unsynonimyze cups and printing

I can print without CUPS and I can ask a CUPS question without asking about printing. They are closely related tags but separated enough to be on their own. There are several CUPS related tags in the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reverse the synonym of indicator-power tag to indicator and rename it to power-indicator

Today I killed the battery-indicator tag. Why, well, because I know there's a tag that already covers that topic, [indicator-power] but checking out several questions I knew why the user that created ...
0 votes
0 answers

Tag Synonym Request: [dual-monitor] -> [multiple-monitors]

This is relatively short... It seems unnecessary to have both dual-monitors AND multiple-monitors. The latter tag should be able to cover every question including the former as it's still more than a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why is man synonymized to manpage?

Correct me if I'm wrong but: I can ask for help writing a manpage I can ask about using the man command I can ask how to install specific manpages I can ask how to install man These questions are ...
0 votes
0 answers

"Version specific synonyms can only be created by moderators"?

I was trying to create a synonym of 64-bit to amasse all the questions that are related about the cpu architecture and the interaction with the installation and execution of programs in Ubuntu, but ...
0 votes
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [gnome3] -> [gnome3.4]

Is there a real changes gnome3 and gnome3.4 for to be tag synonyms?
0 votes
0 answers

Add tag synonyms for [tag:community]

There are a bunch of ways to say the concept behind community. I was tagging a question and typed what I thought were plausible ways to express it (project, management, ubuntu-project, governance, ...

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