The appmenu tag is for the global application menu AKA appmenu-indicator
, that allows screen real estate to be conserved in desktop environments (DE's, AKA ‘graphical shells’) that support it. The applications-menu tag seems to be a better fit for the launcher menu ‘Applications’ found in various DE's, especially since the tag has an ‘s’.
I propose that a new tag global-application-menu be a synonym for appmenu, and that applications-menu becomes a ‘primary’ tag in its own right referring to the applications launcher menu.
appmenu × 192 applications-menu jokerdino♦ jun 13 '12 at 14:11 0
indicator × 666 appindicator × 6 jokerdino♦ jun 25 '12 at 15:34 27 jun 14 at 8:41
Possible Miss-tagged questions (usage cases for applications-menu that don't fit description of appmenu)
Where is the Applications menu
What desktop environments feature a searchable "Start" menu/launcher?
How do I move items in the Applications (or Main) Menu Around?
and more.
Other tag currently in use that might need consideration: globalmenu
Globalmenu is related but distinctly separate. appmenu is prevalent across DE's whereas globalmenu is Gnome only. People often call ‘appmenu’ ‘globalmenu’ (the reverse is not so true), so having global-application-menu would both appear in suggestions when typing ‘global’, and further distinguish from applications-menu.
so he gets a notification and so we know what and who you are talking to ;-)