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Unanswered Questions

35 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
38 votes
0 answers

Please consider not leaving feedback as Community♦

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it. Recently review got reformatted quite a lot. Personally, I don't like many of the changes. I guess I'm an old stick-in-the-mud. But about one feature in ...
30 votes
0 answers

Could the colour of questions be changed to reflect that they have no upvoted answers?

At the moment when you look at the main page of questions there are 3 different categories of questions differentiated by colour: Questions with no answers: Questions with answers but none ...
11 votes
0 answers

Bug: Moderator not getting the mod tag but being tagged as a bot in mod actions for comments

This happened on this post's deleted comment - visible to moderators and staff as it's a deleted comment: This is a post done by a reviewer and masked by the Community bot. Mitch is an actual diamond ...
10 votes
0 answers

How should I use the tags in Meta.AU?

I've found recently that people that ask questions in meta do not correctly tag their questions, and when the community reacts unexpectedly or their issues don't rise awareness to the developer team, ...
9 votes
0 answers

Can I opt-out from receiving notifications from a particular post?

What are the default text editors in different flavours of Ubuntu? I asked the above question today, received some great answers, accepted an answer. And it solved the initial problem that I had plus ...
8 votes
0 answers

Can [spam] handle [spam-handling]?

Here on meta, we have separate spam and spam-handling tags. They are not even synonyms. A few questions are even tagged with both of them. Since only seven questions in total are currently tagged ...
8 votes
0 answers

Could we add on the 'about' page that questions should be edited to provide more information?

On both the about page it is explained how the site works. To my eyes, this should include that a user asking question should edit his post to improve it if some other users are asking clarification ...
7 votes
0 answers

Merge [meta:down-votes] and [meta:downvoting]

Here on meta, we have two tags regarding downvotes down-votes and downvoting. Can we merge them into one? Currently down-votes has 8 questions and downvoting has 63 questions. In my opinion, though, ...
7 votes
0 answers

Why user is able to edit comments in multiple textareas in the same time?

By accident I have clicked edit link on comment twice. After first click I have textarea for editing it (it is normal and expected behavior). But on second and third click on edit I get garbage: ...
6 votes
0 answers

Why does the site tease me about a comment I can't view?

A deleted answer marked as spam shows a "show 1 more comment" link, but clicking the link does not show the comment. Reloading the page does not make the problem go away. The deletion itself is ...
6 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu meta page title says just "Ubuntu Meta" and another title issue

If one looks at the title of any page on AU Meta, then will see that the title is: [Page title] - Ubuntu Meta - Stack Exchange when IMO it should say "Ask Ubuntu Meta". Even worse, on the ask page,...
5 votes
0 answers

Would it be useful to allow Meta duplicates after a certain amount of time?

Regarding the main Ask Ubuntu site, there are two Meta questions here that I found that mention "time" and "duplicates": Primarily: Would it be useful to allow duplicates after x ...
5 votes
0 answers

Mention multiple users

I know that in comment the number of mentions (@user) is limited to one (in addition to the OP). But in some cases, as in How do I prevent one user in particular from accessing my home directory?, I ...
5 votes
0 answers

Add launchpad quick link

For the comments we have lots of links, such as [se] and []. Here is a list of requested redirects, from me and the comments: [launchpad] goes to and shows as ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should the overlay or tooltip text for voting arrows be changed?

Right now, the text that pops up when you hover the pointer over the voting arrows is identical to the main site, like this: Problem is, the text that pops up when you hover over the vote ...

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