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Unanswered Questions

456 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
22 votes
0 answers

Can this tag be [repair]ed or should we throw it away...?

I came across the tag repair today: 112 questions tagged Excerpt: Questions about repairing Ubuntu can be tagged here (after a fatal error, looping kernel panics, etc.) Wiki: none Followers: 0 ...
22 votes
0 answers

If you want to edit an unsalvageable NAA post, please don't use the edit button in the LQP review queue to do so

This is somewhat related to this useful question: Should we edit the answer we flag as NAA? The answer said, in part: If you're a 2k user, knock yourself out - after all, it's just your own time ...
22 votes
0 answers

Give [recovery] the [installation] treatment

Let's talk for a minute about the recovery tag, again. There are many different kinds of recovery, including (but not limited to): data-recovery, for recovering lost data, password-recovery, for ...
22 votes
0 answers

2013 Moderator Election - Town Hall Chat

In connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Town Hall Chat session with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the ...
21 votes
0 answers

Non-EOL Notice: Quantal (12.10) remains supported through April 2014

Since 12.10 is non-LTS and 13.04 is non-LTS and 13.04 will be end-of-life in a week, it might seem like 12.10 must have been end-of-life a long time ago. But that is not the case. 12.10 is supported ...
19 votes
0 answers

Review audits heads up: upvote doesn't count for real

I just got a good question in a review audit, upvoted it, got congratulated - all well so far. But my upvote didn't count - so I had to perform that extra step and upvote the question for real. This ...
19 votes
0 answers

Mod Meeting 2014-01-04: "On Meetings"

In the past few minutes we finished our first ever official moderator meeting. At the end of last year we decided to start holding meetings to discuss site business. Some topics have been getting away ...
18 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) is now released, and posts about it are (generally) No Longer Offtopic

(I'm a day late, I got busy with work stuff and at-home stuff) As of about 17:39:04 UTC on October 22, 2020, Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla 20.10 has been officially released. The corresponding release ...
18 votes
0 answers

Election: minimum reputation/moderation requirements

Two years ago there were one or two nominations from users with low reputation and hardly any moderation track record. At the time this brought up a discussion on raising the minimum requirements for ...
18 votes
0 answers

Spammers are being nastier withing the second!

To the reviewers that check First Time posts, please, be very alert about this new kind of attack: Spammers are now posting seemly valid answers/questions ripping of other posts/answers inside/...
18 votes
0 answers

I was on the SE podcast talking about Ask Ubuntu, check it out!

last week the StackExchange guys asked me to get on the podcast to talk about Ubuntu! Skip to 30:53 if you ...
18 votes
0 answers

Who ever reads my custom message when rejecting an edit?

Sometimes we reject an edit for reasons not covered by the list given. Then I always give my reasons in the custom field. However ever since we need two approvals for an edit it happens that other ...
18 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu session at the Ubuntu Developer Summit

On Friday will be a session where Mr Robert from SE will talk about Ask Ubuntu called How to integrate with Ask Ubuntu , you can connect and chat directly and your questions will be answered, and ...
17 votes
0 answers

2021: a year in moderation

As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange ...
17 votes
0 answers

How often is [frequency] useful?

We have 51 questions tagged frequency. This seems like an extremely general, cross-cutting concept that isn't useful as a tag. However, most questions tagged frequency are questions about CPU ...

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