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Unanswered Questions

626 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 Q/A about recovery tools and how to recover data

There are allot of Q's about the losses of data, and how to recover them. Installed Ubuntu and accidently gave all the hard disk space to Ubuntu HDD recovery tool Tool for File Recover | Deleted ...
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Should we begin to make users more aware of differences between LTS versions and interim releases?

The new shortened support duration and it's concomitant assumption about the purpose of the different versions is explained as: Our working assumption is that the latest interim release is used by ...
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New account validation

I created a new account an closed the validation page by mistake before I could put in the validation code i was e mailed. How do I get that page back up to validate my account? I have tried to go ...
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Where's my old Ask Ubuntu Account?

Ask Ubuntu seems to support Login via Facebook, Google, etc. Some months ago it was only possible to login with an Ask Ubuntu-Account. How can I access this?
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I cannot change my hat on any of the SE sites!

Since 22nd December I cannot change or remove my hats. I get an error (screenshot below): An error occurred while changing the hat - please try again. I have tried several operating systems and ...
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Do we need big lists?

So, the Don't ask section specifically says: Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much. furthermore: every ...
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Do we need a Dansguardian tag?

I was killing off the filter tag. And found this question but don't know what tag should I use. I found 44 something posts with Dansguardian keyword. So, we have people capable of answering ...
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Flags, reviews and hats

Somehow I saw a sudden burst of flags in the 10k tools for answers that are links to Launchpad flagged as NAA (I presume they are looking for "me too"s). Lets set things straight: If there's an ...
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"Version specific synonyms can only be created by moderators"?

I was trying to create a synonym of 64-bit to amasse all the questions that are related about the cpu architecture and the interaction with the installation and execution of programs in Ubuntu, but ...
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Do we need a "Will Ubuntu work for X model PC?" question?

This is related to: Do we need thousand of "dumb questions"? or can we just duplicate them to more general answer? I know newbies will be always newbies, and there isn't enough users to ...
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How do I connect all my accounts to my StackExchange account?

I have a main Stack Exchange account. Firstly, I want to delete the other Ask accounts I've made on other services, (like Google, for example) if possible. Then I want to merge all my accounts, for ...
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More odd tags... continues

certification - this had some value some time ago... What is the current state of the Ubuntu Professional certification? and now people uses it instead of certificates tutorial - in my eyes they seems ...
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Is there a page which teaches a user how to edit his question?

I need a cool-down after this question. I wish there was a page which teaches a new user how to add information to his question. I couldn't find anything in the about or help page. This would allow ...
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Deletion request: Question 287309

I figured out the problem with my question, and it was something really obvious - not important enough to keep the question around for. Unfortunately, the JavaScript that lets me delete a question is ...
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0 answers

Is there any way I can see my own previous questions?

I found an answer to previous question which was emailed to me on 5.03.2013. That e-mail suggested that I try a couple of things, and it says 'Please let us know. Stack Exchange Team'. I am trying ...

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