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Unanswered Questions

600 questions with no answers
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0 answers

Do we need a Dansguardian tag?

I was killing off the filter tag. And found this question but don't know what tag should I use. I found 44 something posts with Dansguardian keyword. So, we have people capable of answering ...
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Flags, reviews and hats

Somehow I saw a sudden burst of flags in the 10k tools for answers that are links to Launchpad flagged as NAA (I presume they are looking for "me too"s). Lets set things straight: If there's an ...
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0 answers

"Version specific synonyms can only be created by moderators"?

I was trying to create a synonym of 64-bit to amasse all the questions that are related about the cpu architecture and the interaction with the installation and execution of programs in Ubuntu, but ...
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Do we need a "Will Ubuntu work for X model PC?" question?

This is related to: Do we need thousand of "dumb questions"? or can we just duplicate them to more general answer? I know newbies will be always newbies, and there isn't enough users to ...
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How do I connect all my accounts to my StackExchange account?

I have a main Stack Exchange account. Firstly, I want to delete the other Ask accounts I've made on other services, (like Google, for example) if possible. Then I want to merge all my accounts, for ...
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0 answers

More odd tags... continues

certification - this had some value some time ago... What is the current state of the Ubuntu Professional certification? and now people uses it instead of certificates tutorial - in my eyes they seems ...
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Is there a page which teaches a user how to edit his question?

I need a cool-down after this question. I wish there was a page which teaches a new user how to add information to his question. I couldn't find anything in the about or help page. This would allow ...
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Deletion request: Question 287309

I figured out the problem with my question, and it was something really obvious - not important enough to keep the question around for. Unfortunately, the JavaScript that lets me delete a question is ...
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Is there any way I can see my own previous questions?

I found an answer to previous question which was emailed to me on 5.03.2013. That e-mail suggested that I try a couple of things, and it says 'Please let us know. Stack Exchange Team'. I am trying ...
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0 answers

I can't login, although I'm registered on

I've got a Launchpad and a goggle+ - account, but I can't login to askubuntu, although I'm registered (my username is lowereastside) cause always comes the question for „openID“. Am I too stupid to ...
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0 answers

Cannot accept answers

I have had a few correct answers and been unable to answer them as the tick box is essentially and unclickable link. Upvoting works. Is this a common bug or am I missing something? It's not an ...
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Is there a place for a command-line argument wiki format?

What I'm talking about is a wiki syntax dedicated to explaining command lines. We can all try out best with ASCII art, bullet lists, etc, but what would be perfect would be a format that produces a ...
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Tag synonym request: [gnome3] -> [gnome3.4]

Is there a real changes gnome3 and gnome3.4 for to be tag synonyms?
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0 answers

Add tag synonyms for [tag:community]

There are a bunch of ways to say the concept behind community. I was tagging a question and typed what I thought were plausible ways to express it (project, management, ubuntu-project, governance, ...
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0 answers

Different views when viewing newest unanswered questions

I'm running Ubuntu as host and as guest, using VMWare. I can see some questions in the host, but not in the guest, and sometimes vice-versa. Shouldn't the views be the same regardless?

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