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Unanswered Questions

626 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
2 votes
0 answers

When commenting on a "moderator" flag, how can I finish just with the keyboard?

When I flag a post "for moderator attention/other" I want to just type my comment and then commit the flag using only the keyboard. As I see it now I have to use the mouse to click on "flag question" ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why does a search for "extra dependency" give no results?

There is Why does apt think it needs this extra dependency?, but when I search for "extra dependency" (with quotes) the search returns "0 Results".
3 votes
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [persistent] to [persistence]

Remap persistent to persistence Both deal with persistence issues on Live USB. While persistent has more posts I propose to make persistence (or persistance??) the main tag anyhow. Suggestion for a ...
8 votes
0 answers

Some data lost after Stack Exchange server migration Feb. 9

As some of you have noticed, the SE admins were migrating the services to the NY data centre again yesterday. Unfortunately, some data seems to have been lost in the minutes before the site became ...
5 votes
0 answers

What is the site self-evaluation?

Today I encountered the site self-evaluation evenmt. When I clicked on it the review site opened and I had to evaluate several questions. However this thing lacked some explanation. So what is the ...
22 votes
0 answers

2013 Moderator Election - Town Hall Chat

In connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Town Hall Chat session with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the ...
14 votes
0 answers

2013 Community Moderator Election

The 2013 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
7 votes
0 answers

A call to uphold accessibility by not shortening links to "here"

As far as I see there has been some discussion about the shortening of links. While keeping the complete URL visible in the post can clearly be distracting (especially when used inline), I want to ...
7 votes
0 answers

Why can't I VTC this as duplicate? It has an upvoted+accepted answer

Look at this question. I bumped into it using the Review Queue for Close Votes. I agree with the proposed duplicate, but I am unable to vote-to-close it: The error This question does not have an ...
7 votes
0 answers

Can I see which comments I flagged?

In my profile, under Flags I see the posts I flagged. Now I want to see which comments I flagged and don't find them. Am I too blind to see the obvious?
18 votes
0 answers

Who ever reads my custom message when rejecting an edit?

Sometimes we reject an edit for reasons not covered by the list given. Then I always give my reasons in the custom field. However ever since we need two approvals for an edit it happens that other ...
12 votes
0 answers

The pages are getting a redo, need your help to represent Ask Ubuntu

If you look at the current community pages: Ask Ubuntu is mentioned in the support page in the following motivational manner: Ask Ubuntu ...
6 votes
0 answers

Are Ubuntu One and AskUbuntu linked in anyway?

I'm logged into Ubuntu one. Is it possible to link my other accounts using my Ubuntu one login? I have several email and forum accounts and I wish to link all of them instead of having to login to ...
1 vote
0 answers

AskUbuntu does not recognize my account email

I have been communicating with AskUbuntu for a few weeks on Windows while I brought my Ubuntu internet connection up to speed. Now that I am up and running on Ubuntu, I would like to use my same ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should the overlay or tooltip text for voting arrows be changed?

Right now, the text that pops up when you hover the pointer over the voting arrows is identical to the main site, like this: Problem is, the text that pops up when you hover over the vote ...

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